The Devs Need To Stop Slacking On Killers

Shrike7734 Member Posts: 2
edited August 2022 in Polls

For far to long survivors has been getting the silver spoon treatment and I for one am sick of it!!!!!! Sure there are skilled killers out there that have just the right perks, and has unnaturally high patience.........scratch that, never mind, its not patience, they are just playing a cheesy killer for the easy wins because most killers are WORTHLESS!!!! I've been reading all these survivor perks and comparing them to killer perks. Survivor Ultra Rare perks allow survivors to almost indefinitely stay ahead of you the entire time, and even though its not logical to keep chasing them buying the gen rushers more time than they already have to laugh in your face, its twisted because you really want to get that guy that's giving you such a hard time. Sure Killer perks some of them have more than one stat, I understand that, but survivor perks? Survivor perks are CAKED ON, LATHERED in so many different things, it's not right!!!! While survivors ultra rare is multi-layered like a brothel house birthday party, killers like cenobite, has a further casting chain perk and a try to turn better perk, can I get the devs to get off their butt pls? AND FOR THE RECORD DISCORD IS A 3RD PARTY APP, THE DEVS MAY SEE SWF AS HARMLESS, BUT IT'S CHEATING!!! I do not condone cheating, it's completely stupid, but how are you going to take action against 3rd party apps, but fully support SWF? GIVE KILLERS SOMETHING BETTER PLEASE

The Devs Need To Stop Slacking On Killers 6 votes

Give all killers a rework and make them less 1950s boring, give them more than 1 skill and one moddable to slap on there thats worth it
panakuMightytoxic 2 votes
Keep giving survivors all the good stuff, cake on all those abilities and keep supporting discord cause it's a 3rd party app
LordRegalThatOneDemoPlayerxni6_qnyun 4 votes
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