Your Survivor-specific build

Greetings, fellow of the fog.

Waiting for the Project W chapter to be live, I was wondering what kind of build I'd make for each RE-related survivor and how they'd fit in both the lore and the game.

Then it got me thinking: why not ask you folks what your build are? And instead of being restricted to Resident Evil survivors, why not include all of them?

So here I ask: what are you build that are not really meta, but fits the character you play as to a T?


  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    If I take the quote at the top of her wiki page as fact, she's a "ray of sunshine to those around her" ( . So I guess what would fit her would be perks that makes the others benefits from her presence, like Prove Thyself, or Vigil. I hope it helps you, sort of.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I play Bill. The build I use is BT, Desperate Measures, Hope, and No One Left Behind. It's a good end game build for unhooks and playing altruistically, pretty fitting for Bill.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249
    edited August 2022

    My favorite solo build is Bond, Kindred, Open Handed, exhaustion of choice. The best counters for any killer is information and stealth. Which brings me to another build, Calm Spirit, Distortion, Iron Will, Kindred. The unnecessary change to Iron Will has caused me to use this far less than I did. It was extremely useful 2 years ago because the in thing for killers was infectious fright and bbq.

    I also use Breakdown, Decisive Strike, Flip Flop/Unbreakable/Tenacity, Kindred. With the recent changes I've left DS out and used Flip Flop and Unbreakable together. If the killer is camping or it's an unsafe rescue, I might stay there or run to a corner.

    My "I've been camped/tunneled/slugged/all of the above 5 games in a row" build is Breakout, Empathy, Flip Flop, Mettle of Man. I may only get one hit with Starstruck but I'll also have time to build up the meter. It actually works really well but I try not to use this too much because I don't spend much, if any time, on generators. I'll use this until the end of time when the bots are released though.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    It really does. It gives me L4D vibe even. Great build.

    I'd lie if I was able to say how your builds play bare the first one, I'll admit shamefully that I am more versed in Killer perks than survivors. However, your explanation really help. I'll take a due note of them, I do hope you do not mind?

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    @Starkalam No I don't mind at all :) If it helps, I always play solo. That's why Kindred is in every build. The information is too valuable, especially if I haven't come across the killer yet. Fun fact, it does counter Insidious because you can see the killer stand still and watch their aura fade.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t play survivor that often, but when I do it’s always Plunderer Ace because looting chests is fun. 😄

    • Plunderer’s Instinct - See auras of chests and get better items
    • Ace in the Hole - Get rarer add-ons automatically from looted items
    • Appraisal - can Rummage an already looted chest to get a second item
    • Open-Handed - Increases all aura ranges for all survivors by 16 meters, including Plunderer’s Instinct

    So with this I go in starting with a basic toolbox, head straight to a gen that’s near a chest, use up the toolbox right away, open the chest and get a new item, and then try and use that item up, get a new item and so on. It’s a lot of fun except that flashlights and keys are not that great as items, but when I get two or three toolboxes or medkits in a row it’s kind of cool using them over and over. 🙂 (Even maps aren’t too bad as a pickup, the auras they give are handy.) The one hitch is that I simply don’t know what all the various item add-ons actually do so I have no idea most of the time what the random ones from the chests do when I get them.