Getting disconnected from the Host mid-game.

Lately during my Killer games I sometimes seem to get randomly disconnected from the host for no reason.

FPS are stable, no ping issues or pre lags whatsoever. Most of the time it happened right after a hitting a survivor into the dying state.

Aka: I hit a survivor, the fall to the ground and I immediately jump into a loading screen and land in the match summary telling me I've been disconnected by the host, the biggest problem about it, it counts as a disconnect = i gain a matchmaking ban for "disconnecting" without me actually disconnecting, simply by the game kicking me out of the game.

IF it would be a net issue I shouldn't end up in the match summary and the lobby right after (correct me here if I am wrong)

Anyone else experiencing this issue or got any ideas on how to fix this?

PS: It's only occuring during killer games not during any survivor matches.


  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Not sure what causes this issue as well. I've had it happen to me a couple times as killer and a few times as survivor as well. Not sure if it was something like extreme desync that causes you to get disconnected from the game or what, it is weird because you can see all the match info and such.

    It has happened almost randomly for me as well, so I can't tell a pattern.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Yeah this happens to me once or twice a day, I've always just assumed it was on my end.

  • Sanmirki
    Sanmirki Member Posts: 3

    I would be fine with it happening tbh, if I wouldn't get punished by the game for it :')

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734
    edited August 2022

    Patch notes mentioned a bug (EDIT: it was a bug only in the PTB) that seems sort of like what you are describing is happening, the conditions were opening a chest with ace in the hole, so there could be some weird condition that causes the same, I would just say try and keep a good record of what you are doing when it happens and maybe you can connect the dots.

  • Sanmirki
    Sanmirki Member Posts: 3

    Perhaps only time will tell, kinda forgot it was patch day today aswell!

    Also I was intending on doing so from now if it happens, just ######### up my Shadowplay so I couldn't get footage yet to review :D

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2022

    The dumb part about it is you get a DC penalty for this error, even when your connection is working fine

    Makes no sense