Did they lie about Low Profile changes?

In the Developer Update posted on August 23rd they said this under "Post PTB changes" for Low Profile:

Low Profile: Low Profile hides your scratch marks and pools of blood when you become the last Survivor for 70/80/90 seconds. Unfortunately, this meant the perk would only activate once per match, and only if you happened to be the last Survivor standing. For the release, we have changed this to include any time you are the only Survivor who is not dying, hooked, or dead as well, allowing it to activate throughout the match. Additionally, Low Profile will also mask your grunt of pain in addition to its existing effects.

I agreed. Without this change it would be another unhelpful to the team, selfish planning for failure perk like Left Behind. But the spotlight trailer implies it works as it did before, as well as the description of the perk in the patch notes on steam, which I'll list here:

New Perk: Low Profile

  • When you become the last Survivor standing, this perk activates. Hide your scratch marks, pools of blood, and grunts of pain for 70/80/90 seconds.

Is the word "standing" the key thing here? That is not clear. I don't yet own the DLC so I haven't used it yet. If it works the way they said they'd change it to work cool but the perk description needs to be as clear as the description of the change via the wording "any time you are the only Survivor who is not dying, hooked, or dead" instead of "last standing" which to me sounds like the other 3 survivors are dead, completely out of the game. "Last standing" as a saying isn't usually used that literally.

If anyone has used the current live game version of the perk and can confirm either way, please let me know in the replies.
