Nurse is Op, I can Prove It
Her power is so op. Click m2 and targeted survivor's game will crashed and they will DC.
Alright, it is so obvious. It is sarcasm. But seriously, i really so bored to play against Nurse. Not because Nurse mains, reason is my solo teammates. Both of them dc'ed immediately when they heared Nurse's scream.
David and i tried but ofcourse it is impossible to finish task. 5 gens, killer is Nurse and 2 v 1 lmao.
I don't know how to address this issue without hurting people who seriously crashing but it started to be annoying. Because this is my average Nurse game on solo. And she is damn so popular.
The problem here is they’re playing Nurse over Spirit.
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Can't say I blame them.
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I had only two DC against me tonight : one with Bubba and one with Mastermind.
My Nurse games : no DC.
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I blame them. You know Nurse is exists and you know there is chance to get her. So if you are going to dc against her, then do not play the game. You have no rights to ruin game for others.
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Then talk about balance on forums, you are free to share your opinions here.
But you can not dc because you don't like them. You are ruining game for everyone in this match when you dc.
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You know, if you can't play her, don't blame her for that 😝
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One would think 6 years of constant complaints and people giving up against her would do something. She's a Bastion for bad killers though. If you get outplayed run to mother Nurse to get you 4k every game. She's never going to be balanced.
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I actually do exceptionally well against her. Which means lasting like 50-60 seconds against good ones, which compared to the 5 seconds most people last, it isn't too bad.
Still, she is an abomination that should not exist.
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Exactly, it's very interesting what you say 😃
If you manage to hold a good nurse for 1 minute, and you still lose your game ... what's the problem? 🤨
Maybe the problem is that you played with survivors who are not as good as you against the good nurses ... right?
So the problem is with them, not with her 🤔
But can we really talk about a "problem"? They are not as good as you so ... it's not your fault, nor the nurse's ... it's up to them to be better.
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The problem is easy. Let me explain it to you, so you can dismiss it because as a Nurse main you are used to 4ks every game with virtually no effort:
Nurse plays against herself. The survivor's input barely has any effect. If she can blink correctly, and adjust her blinks properly (it isn't difficult to do after a while) she's so fast and has so many chances with no downsides, she will down you no matter what. You can do everything right, or can do everything wrong. Nurse doesn't care. The only thing you can do is break LOS and try to be unpredictable and constantly lose sight of her, but this is only a temporary fix that will buy you merely seconds. She can simply secure the blinks by playing safer and through sheer experience and because how maps only have so many LOS breakers. This is something good survivor veterans can pull off to momentarily delay it, but ultimately she still is playing against herself. Only very specific maps like The Game give survivors enough of an advantage to do anything against her, and 99% of survivors will get destroyed by a mediocre Nurse effortlessly.
Blight is also busted, but at least he still has to deal with collision and requires far more skill to play.
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Nurse should be left alone.
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And yet, according to your own words, it takes the good nurses 1 minute to put you down.
"I actually do exceptionally well against her. Which means lasting like 50-60 seconds against good ones, which compared to the 5 seconds most people last, it isn't too bad."
So, we come back to the same point: if you are able to hold a killer for 1 minute, it means that he is not OP at all, otherwise, even teams composed of the best survivors in the world could not do anything (which is not the case).
Let's remember that currently, her range addons don't accelerate her tp anymore. So, the survivors have time to see her coming, to park, to go to the parking meter, to take a ticket, to put it under the windshield wiper, and then to run into them 🤣
And so they have time to react accordingly 😀
It's not the nurse's fault if she runs into a player who doesn't know how to play against her.
And it's not her fault if you, as a survivor, run into survivors who can't play against her, and because of that you die.
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I don't DC myself, but I don't blame people who do against her either.
A nurse who uses her best addons/perks ruins the game for the survivors she goes against just as much as people who DC ruin the game for their teammates.
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I used to think that, but in 2022 where this game’s mechanics are outdated and players have perfected use of her power- she’s a bit much. She’s oppressive. She can consistently 4K at 4 or 5 gens, with various builds. That’s not healthy for the game, and that’s why we see so many DC’s when people go against her (not saying they’re justified, because they’re not IMO). She just needs hits after a blink to register as special attack, and her two best add ons to be dialed back a little. She’ll still keep her crown as best killer, she just won’t be so dominant and inescapable.
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The reload addons are fine as they are, and her range addons have just been nerfed (now a nurse who uses the range addons is only impacted by the advantage it gives her above 20m tp) 😊
It is much more balanced than before yesterday's maj😄
PS: and if not, all of you who scream every day about the ugly OP nurse ... we're still waiting to see the recordings of your games against her 😆
And be careful, don't show us ONE game where you were killed by the nurse, if you want to prove that she is indeed OP, you'll have to show us dozens of games, against different nurses (not the same one, otherwise, of course, ha ha, anyway), with different survivors, on different maps ☺️
And preferably, make the effort to compose a team of excellent survivors 🙂
No, because if I play with survivors who are as good as potatoes, I can say that the bad nurse is too good too 😂
You who spend so much effort to come and create / feed topics on this forum ... show us that it's not all talk, and spend so much energy to provide evidence 😉
I'm waiting for your videos.
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I don't really blame them. Last time I saw a nurse not using stacked slowdowns, exposed perks and strong add-ons was months ago.
I know there are some out there (me?), but we all know that most players are cheap and want easy victories when they play her, or are simply just so bad they need busted builds just to stand half a chance.
Until she's rightly nerfed and won't be as easy to use anymore, I won't blame anyone from leaving the game early. Although I don't see the point of dcing, just yet yourself out on the hook... It's time consuming to dc
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Yeah it sounds like a survivor problem, not a nurse problem. Sorry about salty survivors.
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I don't think your native language is English but I just wanted to say that you do a really good job at it anyway! And stop bullying those poor, innocent survivors with that mean old Nurse ;) lol.
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The sad part is they can't get better at dealing with Nurse if they DC all the time.
I have about a 60% escape rate against Nurse (that's escaping the chase not match), and I got there by
1. Trial and Error- I kept facing Nurses figuring out what works and what to avoid.
2. Playing as Nurse- I started playing her to see how her power reacts to the environment and how it works in general
Like getting better with Nurse players have to practice with her to grow thier skills, so does the skills to escape her comes with practice.
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I mean, spirit please
The only thing good with this killer is that her voice is from notQueen
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I don’t understand the copy and paste/italics at the end- I just want her oppressiveness gone. Blight is the second strongest killer and gets ish done. He just doesn’t make you feel like you don’t have a chance in hell 3 out of 4 encounters, like Nurse does. I don’t complain when I lose to him for the 5th time in a day, because at least me and my team got to do something. A heal here, a gen there, maybe even a totem or a chest. At least we got to play. Nurses can and a lot of times shut all that down. Doesn’t make for fun times when everyone gets wrecked within the first 4 mins and 5 gens are still up.
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You're unbreakable love and support for your main is the reason I still believe in humanity. :D
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Which part i did mistake? I am asking that because then i can improve my English. And i hope it was not so bad. You are right about my native language.
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Thank you 🥰
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Some of the sentences are missing words but it's no big deal! I can't even speak another language xD it's far better than most. Just wanted to compliment you! You're doing an awesome job!
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I totally agree that a game that is over in just a few minutes is no fun 😣
But I ask the question sincerely: if a nurse completely demolishes a team of 4 ... why should the reason for this necessarily and always come from her? 🤔
I mean: obviously, the player behind her is probably competent ... but don't the survivors also have their share of responsibility for the final score? 🤔
Won't a squad of four survivors who are very skilled at dealing with the nurse be able to put the best nurses in the game to shame?
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Won't a squad of four survivors who are very skilled at dealing with the nurse be able to put the best nurses in the game to shame?
Assuming that the video is not fake and that he wasn´t cheating - which is most certainly as these days as dbd players have no shame often:
- Chances are the Survivors were not good or new, or it was a smurf account.
- It makes zero sense you can beat all survivors all in a small area under 5 minutes when caching one typically renders one gen fixed if not two.
- The matches exposed were likely rigged (Kill Your Friends) or people doing rituals or smurfing. You might be lucky once, I finished one game with Bubba in less than a minute so to speak (chainsaw of the whole team at once in a 360 spin). But that means nothing, if you cannot do it consistently.
- And there is no one, and I mean, NO ONE. Who can do that (killing all survivors in less than 5 min) in this game, sure you can slug them and be lucky no one has fli-flop, unbreakable,etc. SWF and discord, at the same level, beat any Killer and there is NOTHING a Killer can do.
- 4 survivors spread and playing with PT,etc. No way you can simply go there like a terminator with Nurse or any other Killer. Yet still, the majority of players can barely land a single hit with Nurse these days.
Post edited by TheLastHook on1 -
SWF has been OP since it was proven by the Marth experiment. Do you know what one of the devs said at the time?
"So what ; we weren't trying to make a balanced game".
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Thank you so much <3
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Ay, no need to thank me. You did all the hard work. Keep it up! You're doing great.
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Would you be so kind to share some gameplay? There surely must be something to learn. I’ve watched tons of videos before from good streamers and really try to do learn but yet I have escaped 2 games against Nurse in 3 weeks. And that is about 30-40 games. For me it feels impossible.
I feel I learnt a lot from Uncharted’s video, but it is hard to bring knowledge to what you do in game.
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As I said I don't escape games just the chases against Nurse mainly because of my team just giving up when they hear the first scream.
I don't normally record my games unless I sense there's a obvious cheater but I'll record some games next weekend (since this weekend I'm getting a tooth removed and I'll be out of commission lol).
Just as I said it takes time to get the skills to deal with Nurse and since there's a variety of skill levels of the players it can be hard to master but not impossible.
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Cool, link some games if you have a good one :)
Good luck removing your tooth!
Post edited by JoByDaylight on0 -
“if a nurse completely demolishes a team of 4 ... why should the reason for this necessarily and always come from her?”
If you typed that with any other killer I’d agree. The difference here is that you don’t need to be competent with nurse. Any mediocre player can stack strong builds on her and win most of the games, that’s not how balance works. It makes no sense that to beat an average player you need a fully stacked 4man squad with precise coms while the rest of the players just gets stomped
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So if you like 95% of the game but dislike that rotten and broken 5% of the game, you should not play the game at all? Hmm, sound and coherent logic, no doubt. I guess whenever there is a bug you don't like, you also stop playing the game altogether until it is fixed?
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Even if I agree that the nurse is one of the most powerful killers in the game, she still requires experience and knowledge of how she works; some of the tricks of the gameplay only come with time, and against a minimally organized team, a beginner or average nurse will have a hard time 🤔
But what you say, the comparison with the other killers, is interesting: in fact, I think the nurse is the killer that requires the MOST concentration, involvement and finesse of play from the survivors.
In fact, somewhere yes, a survivor team that plays with the same level of "quality", if I may say, as against another killer, will have a harder time against the nurse, yes, absolutely.
Precisely because against a nurse, the survivors will have to play a more precise, faster, and more efficient game. But nothing impossible, though.
"rotten and broken"
Don't exaggerate: the nurse is complicated to play against, more complicated than other killers, but to say that she represents a "rotten and broken" aspect of the game is not only false, but it's also disrespectful to the players who like to play her ... and somehow to the players who ... like to play against her ... 🤔
That you don't like to play against her, you have the right, of course ... that you can't play against her ... you have the right too, no worries ... but from there to make a world generalization ...🤔
Don't exaggerate, guys.
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You are suggesting that for something to be overpowered it must be impossible to beat.
That is not what "overpowered" means. It means an unfair advantage is provided to the player playing that character, which is what happens when someone chooses to play nurse.
Moris used to function the same way. And keys. They were both overpowered because they allowed the player using them to become much more powerful than a fair match should allow.
Was it possible to beat a key? Sure, slug everyone. Was it possible to beat old moris? Sure, never get hooked (lol...old moris were so OP, can't believe it took so long to fix them - like Nurse). Is it possible to beat nurse? As solo queue? Sure, if each individual outplays the nurse to a ridiculous degree, which won't happen if that nurse is also a really good player.
The things listed above are perfect examples of "overpowered." It isn't really in question. It is shocking to me that so many people defend such a broken character.