The bq incentives must be bugged again..

I swear that survivor bp boost was never down of 100% also i find killer queques in less than 5 secs like survivor
I found killer queues in my area last night to be longer than survivor queues and the bonus was for survivors. I'm not sure how they're going about it but there was definitely no need for survivors, only killers.
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I've seen them as 25%, 50%, 75%, and even 50% on killer.
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I don't know if the queue incentive is per MMR or just region wide. If it is like I suspect, just region wide, than you could still have instant queues at certain MMRs.
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If killer queues were longer, that means there were not enough survivors for all killers queueing, which is why the incentive went to survivors.
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I've seen the incentives at 25%, 50% and 100% for survivor throughout yesterday's evening, varying between games. I also received the bonuses without trouble.
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So it means certain mmr need survivors so surely bad mmr needs survs.No thanks I dont wanna carry people
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I saw BP incentive for killer once last night before queueing up. So they changing.
I imagine with the new killer coming out, more people are trying to play the new killer than new survivors.
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I believe it does vary slightly according to mmr.
When I started playing yesterday, my friend and I had different bonuses : 25% for me, 0% for him. We live in the same city but I have played a lot more than him these past few weeks, so our mmrs must have been a little bit different.
Him joining my group means he got the same incentives as I did, even though the game didn't have any incentives for him initially.
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So does it work differently for killer than? Because every single person's killer has a different MMR.
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I don't know how it works for the killer side, you're right. :/
Killer side might be just region like you suspected ? Or maybe an average of your mmrs ? I have no idea, sorry ! I'll see over the next few days if my friend and I have different killer values (if the incentives go back to killer).
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Though even then I think killer players have an "overall" mmr. Even if you pick up a new killer you won't necessarily be at 0 ifc you play a lot of killer.
That's my understanding anyway. Not sure if I'm right
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I once saw killer queue at 100%!
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Bro idk which mmr im if there is on need of people always.
I would prefer 100% killer que but not gonna complain.
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Oh believe me my guy, I'd love it if there was +100% for killer. It would be such a bliss to grind.
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I had a 100% killer bonus last night. For a few games only, but still.
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I agree with you. Since 2PM yesterday when they went live, ive only had 100% survivor bonuses.
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Most people are going to see 100% survivor for awhile after the release of a new chapter because everyone wants to try the new killer. This doesn't mean the incentive system is broken.
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100% for a constant 24 hours sounds like something is wrong as it should be fluctuating if it was working properly.
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But it has been fluctuating...
And even if it didn't, who cares, really? Enjoy your instant queues as killer during one of the biggest chapter releases. Lol.
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Mine has been 100% on survivor, not killer. and they have not been "instant". Even with 100% bonus on survivor, ive had to wait up to 2 minutes for few matches.
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Two minutes is still really good compared to prepatch, when we did not have Wesker. Like, without it, you would be waiting Hella Hella.
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Thats 2 minutes for a survivor match with 100% bonus, not killer. Thats why i think they are broken.
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For some it has, and it depends on both MMR and region as well. At high MMR I would expect 100% survivor bonus most of the time.
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Its ok for me. I think this bonus depend where is your server and what is your MMR level. Bonus is working fine here.
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Oh, my bad. Yeah, that sounds insane. Very strange indeed. You might be right, I suppose there are a lot of factors. That being said, if it is indicating for your time, region, and mmr that you are needed for 100%, a 2 minute queue seems highly unreasonable if it was consistent and not a one off.
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Mine was 100% survivor for most of the day, then in the evening it was 50% killer. Queue times reflected that as well.
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I have 100% bonus on survivor but didn't get double bp while played match...
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I do suspect that it's region based.
The catch for me is, you can't really tell to what kind of a server you've connected, as the status for ping has been removed. Sure, you can type-in a few messages and try to guess the delay, but that's never going to be accurate.
Poor players, who do end up connecting from Asia all the way to North America, and vice-versa, for example..
I do gotta say, however, it's working pretty well! It's nice to play two survivor matches and end up making around ~250k of bloodpoints, thanks to all the burnt offerings. Without them, it'd have been around ~100k, which isn't bad aswell.
It's true that we're used to measure the gained bloodpoints by the previous bloodwebs, but each bloodpoint is worth a lot more with the decreased prices of stuff in bloodweb, right? So, there shouldn't really be a need to play the side with more players, alhough it's more healthy for the game overall.
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I think it is based on whatever is needed. There is no specific rule for region or time of day, because there is no rule when people are online and which role they play. This is only probability. I think the only thing that makes sense is MMR and that seems to be true because I got a 100% survivor boost while my brother had a 50% killer boost at the same time. He is killer main, Im survivor main, so we most likely have different MMR in each role.
If there are many mid MMR killers and many high MMR survivors currently, then mid MMR survivor will get incentives and high MMR killers will get incentives. Not sure what happens if you, in this scenario, are a mid MMR survivor and high MMR killer. Pretty sure you wont get both, but the one that is more necessary. But no idea
And to add to OP's situation: I also had 100% survivor boost for the whole day, the boost of my brother is varying and sometimes jumping from killer to survivor within 10 minute cycles
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It is region- and MMR-based.
Obviously Region-Based because you will only be matched with people in your region. If some NA-Server is missing Killers and has a Killer incentive and my EU-Server is missing Survivors, I will have a Survivor-Incentive. Why should I have a Killer Incentive for a Server I am not even playing on?
And MMR-based as well, if you have a different Rating, you might have another incentive. e.g. Killers are needed at low MMR, so you will have a Killer incentive, but if your friend plays and there is a need of Survivors at high MMR, they might have a Survivor incentive.
E.g. yesterday my friend I was playing with had 100% Survivor incentive, I only had 25%. At some point I had 100% on Survivor and he had 50% on Killer.
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It seemed to fluctuate a lot when I played last night. I saw 100% on survivor, then next game 25% survivor, next game 100% on killer, and then straight back to 50% on survivor again. Seemed very weird
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Incentives must be bugged, i'm not getting +100% killer BP with insta killer queues right after the newest killer dropped.
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I've had nothing but +100% survivor BP Bonus since yesterday with no fluctuation.
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Just to chime in. During the day I had some 2min queues for killer and a +100% BP bonus for survivors.
In the evening I had instant queues for killer and 50-70s queues for soloQ survivor with a +100% BP bonus for survivors.
Its the same as the first time they introduced it, but you know what? Keep it that way ^^ This will placate the somewhat miffed survivors a bit and keep my killer queues short again :)
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For people who are willing, they'll get a nice wodge of BP for their trouble.
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wait yall think its bugged cause its for survivors? XD its for survivors its not bugged the games a 4 to 1 ratio if half the players are playing killer its too much