Opinion on Wesker?

I tried it on the PTB and found it to be quite good. He is a chase-only killer since he has 0 map control, but he was pretty good at chasing. It was. With the hitbox nerf being so big, he just doesn't seem like a good chase killer to me anymore. If only he was good on most loops, I would consider that I simply have to aim better with the M2, but he is also bad on most loops.

If I compare it to Nemesis, it just seems inferior to me. Nemesis has map control (albeit RNG) since zombies can be quite annoying at times, and he's also pretty decent at chasing. Wesker has 0 map control, he seems to me currently the same or even worse than Nemesis in chase, his power charges much slower than Nemesis's and on top of that he has charges (Nemesis can launch his attack almost instantly and can launch it all the time because it has no charges).

TL;DR: Honestly, it seems to me a low Tier B killer and even bordering on Tier C.

What is your opinion of him?


  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    I think killers are too used to giant hitboxes and the "cracked" huntress mains are realizing maybe they are not as skilled as they thought. Killers like Demo you shred people clean around corners lmao. Can you imagine how busted easy this character would be if he had a demo hitbox?

  • N0rmanIn
    N0rmanIn Member Posts: 7

    I understand that hitboxes are important and you can't put a very high value, but halving Wesker's hitbox compared to PTB seems too much to me.

    The hitbox used to be 40cm in the PTB and is now 20cm. I just think they should increase the hitbox to 30cm and slightly increase the speed at which the M2 charges.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    on ptb survivor felt awkward bc his hitboxes were too big, on live they overnerfed his hitboxes (from 40cm to 20cm), the correct choice is buffing them to 30cm, so whisker doesnt go through survivors, but his hits also dont look bad to survivors

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He still has a lot of potential, but with the smaller hit box, you do have to be more precise, and survivors have a greater chance at dodging his dashes. It's much harder and simply more unlikely to get full potential out of him.

    Considering the other buffs Wesker received however, survivors should have a fair chance at dodging his dashes. Just right now I can understand when people say it's a bit too small, with the odds for survivor being able to dodge his dash being a bit too high.

    But his hit box also just seems a bit buggy and inconsistent, which might be the actual problem people are currently having.

    I do think he is still pretty decent at the moment. It sucks if you don't get a hit against a survivor you should get, but besides that, his power is pretty strong. His dashes can still be pretty damn good in chases. Emphasize being on "can".

    Also, he does have a bit of map pressure. His dashes definitely allow him to get from one point to another more quickly. It's not much compared to Blight for example, but it's definitely still somewhat effective.

    And then Wesker also has some game delay, with his infection. His infection is actually a real threat, so survivors want to get rid of it with those sprays. That buys Wesker a bit of extra time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean, Wesker going through survivors shouldn't be a thing with 20 cm hitboxes either, or? That has to be some bug.

    I could see 25 cm work fine, but 30 cm might be fine as well.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    it happens a lot actually. the video shows it perfectly. not sure if its a bug or just the collision, or both

    id say a good 15/20% of bounds are like that (might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it definitely feels like its like that)

  • N0rmanIn
    N0rmanIn Member Posts: 7

    I've seen this image in another post on this forum (specifically here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/344165/weskers-collision-boxes-before-after-ptb), and looking at the current hitbox, the truth is that it doesn't surprise me that you can pass through survivors.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think once they increase his survivor collision to 30 or 35 cm he'll be just about right. There's also some minor issues with survivors not taking damage sometimes when they're thrown, and also some odd times when Wesker will slam someone into a fence or whatever and it will just slide for about 5 seconds before finally doing the damage. But really I think it's that survivor collision that's the main problem at the moment, if that's corrected he'll be solid.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    How does that hit box explain that you sometimes phase right through survivors? Clearly in that case the survivor must be within the 20 cm hit box area. I mean, on the ptb just a very small part of the survivor had to be within the hitbox area for them to be grabbed.

    So I do think there is more to the issue than his hit box just being too small.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I’ve noticed that his survivor hit box doesn’t seem to be centered, it’s more off to the right and most of my pass thru of survivors is when they are on my left

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 462

    They need to increase survivor collision, it's too tiny now. Also why does he have 40m terror radius?

  • N0rmanIn
    N0rmanIn Member Posts: 7

    Looking at the second 0:10 of the video that @xni6_ posted, you can see that Wesker doesn't go through the survivor with his whole body, only with his left side. With lag (by the killer, the survivor or just the server) it may be even more exaggerated.

    The current problem with the hitbox is that, even without lag, with your arms you can go through survivors because of having reduced the hitbox SO MUCH, that's why increasing it to 30cm would be perfect. It's not a bug, 20cm is simply too little.