I need off meta recommendations

I have somehow managed to tank my MMR in both roles and am now unable to manage/have fun in my matches with the meta perks I used to run. I've tried plundering and perk rouletting and that was a blast for a short while, but now I kinda wanna spice things up again.

What do you use to have fun in your games? Are there any perks you run for the sake of fun rather than to win? Please enlighten me.


  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    On survivor I sometimes like to run a locker build with deception/quick and quiet and head on + a random other perk, usually parental guidance or iron will. It's not a great build if your goal is escaping but when it works it's pretty fun

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506
    edited September 2022

    I am using following perks to have fun as survivor:

    Flashbang, Head On with Quick and Quiet, Overcome-Lucky Break-Bite the Bullet combo, Plunderer's, Diversion, Deception, Power Struggle Build (only works in swf)

    On Killer: Coup de Grace, Dark Devotion, PWYF, Trail of Torment

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    On survivor I recommend running Object of Obession, it's a really interesting perk that's my favorite in the game, it adds this intel battle between you and the killer that no other perk does, I love it, sometimes it sells you out, sometimes it saves you from a hit, it favors nobody and it's why I love it so much

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Can literally never go wrong with running Head On/Flashbang/Quick and Quiet

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    For real, I was sure that this was a troll post, but it turned out that it was from a legit super Chad survivor.

  • Cnich65
    Cnich65 Member Posts: 19

    Well until they nerfed blast mine I was trying it with For The People, Sprint Burst and vigil. Basically be the teams gen jockey, when the killer comes near I tag the gen and sprint away forcing them to commit to long chase or be punished for kicking gen.

    Then I can auto heal others with FtP off hook to counter tunnelling or get a decent looper back into the game quickly (also extra points for being obsession). Vigil is just to give me 28sec SB and 42 seconds broken. It's helped the build more than expected.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    Head On builds are very fun

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    On surivors distortion,Diversion, iron will and a perk of your

    choice like flash bang

    On killer idk I was thinking about it I can't think of any non meta build other than scratch mirror Myers

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I have used to be slugged quite often, so I have added Boon: Exponential to the list of perks that I do use. I have been running CoH, Lightweight (swapped for Tenacity), Kindred, and the fourth perk is questionable - I have been running Iron Will, Lithe, or Prove Thyself.

    When it comes to the killer, I have been using Brutal Strength for years along with Save The Best For Last. I do feel like breaking pallets and damaging generators takes too much time, so I do use them to be able to chase them off of the generator and damage it without losing a lot of time before comitting to the chase. The third perk is always Rancor, so in case of EGC saves, there'll always be only two more rescuers at max, and also because it provides me with quite handy informations about their last position even while phasing. The last perk is Shattered Hope or Franklin's Demise, dependable on how many items SWF premades do bring with them to the Fog; It's usually three or four items, so I'd even say that Franklin's Demise is META in my case.

    I could've focused on generators' regression, but I do prefer to decrease the time it takes me to hook them Vs. progress regressions.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    On survivor, I'd go for full 'chase me' perks, designed to allow me to be aggressive and in the killer's face. MoM, DH, Sabo, Flashbang would be fun.

    On killer, I love fooling around with Dark Devotion, or 'impossible skill check' builds - MS, HL etc.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I always run loadouts for fun synergies and stuff, not because they’re popularly considered the best or whatever.

    Bad Medicine

    • Coulrophobia (slower heals and faster heal skill dials in terror radius)
    • Unnerving Presence (smaller skill checks in terror radius)
    • Distressing (lager terror radius)
    • either Septic Touch, Sloppy Butcher, Huntress Lullaby, or A Nurse’s Calling

    Basically it makes healing a pain in the butt for typical survivor players. It has extra synergy on Doctor and Wesker and Legion because of their relationships to their terror radius, and works less well on killers that are often Undetectable.


    • Agitation (move 108% survivor speed while carrying)
    • Mad Grit (free attacks while carrying)
    • Awakened Awareness (see auras while carrying)
    • either Iron Grasp, Starstruck, or Forced Penance

    Normally carrying survivors is about 10 seconds of lost time, but with this you actually can get downs and get into good post carry positions really well. And survivors don’t know you have it until it’s too late and they try and bodyblock you while you are carrying someone which typically leads to some early quick hits and downs. Probably my favorite killer for this is Meyers using Scratched Mirror since he remains Undetectable while carrying and with that Agitation is actually faster than his normal 105% speed, letting him walk from around corners with a survivor on his shoulder to ambush people. Hilarious! 😄


    • Brutal Strength (faster pallet, wall, and gen breaks)
    • Bamboozle (faster vaults and blocks vaults)
    • Fire Up (faster breaks, vaults and carries)
    • either Enduring, Superior Anatomy, or Save the Best for Last

    This is just pure chasing. You go straight at a survivor and if there’s a pallet you just force the drop and break it. After a pallet break switch targets to chase someone else off a gen in the early game, or in the midgame once Fire Up is working simply break it and keep going since the survivor gets so little distance. If you can juggle the survivors well early on this build is kind of brutal later because you will have built up dead zones and will vault almost as fast as survivors at windows. It’s even funnier on Meyers with Infinite Evil because he already has extra vault speed at Evil 3, but really it works on any melee killer.

    I See You

    • Lethal Pursuer (see survivors at start and extend all auras with set durations by 2 seconds)
    • BBQ and Chili (see auras at long distance after a hook)
    • I’m All Ears (see auras of survivors after rushed actions, typically midchase)
    • either Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage, Darkness Revealed, Gearhead, Hex: Retribution, or Bitter Murmur

    Auras all the time is the name of the game here. A bunch of killers also have add-ons with aura perks that synergize with Lethal Pursuer as well (e.g. Clown’s add-on that shows auras for a few seconds while Invigorated) so it’s extra fun on them. 👍

    Gotta Block Em All

    • Dead Man’s Switch (block gens when survivors stop repairing them after you hook someone)
    • Deadlock (block most progressed gen every time a gen is completed)
    • Corrupt Intervention (blocks a bunch of gens at start of match)
    • either Merciless Storm, Grim Embrace, or No Way Out

    The Entity ❤️ U! It just keeps blocking everything over and over the whole match whenever the survivors are making progress. Extra fun if you use a killer with an add-on that also has the entity block things like Ghost Face’s add-on that blocks a gen when you Mark someone who is repairing it or Freddy’s add-on that blocks newly opened exits.

    Anti-Popular Perk Perks

    • Discordance (see gens with multiple survivors to counter Prove Thyself)
    • Hex: Third Seal (Blindness, to counter Windows of Opportunity and other auras)
    • Fearmonger (survivors repairing and shortly after stopping are Exhausted and Blind, to counter various popular Exhaustion perks and extra Blindness for above)
    • Terminus (to counter Adrenaline healing to fully at endgame) or Undying (to protect Third Seal)

    This is kind of like my personal anti-survivor meta loadout at the moment. It’s definitely not in the current killer meta, I’m probably the only person running it, but it actually works pretty well and every perk directly counters one of the top five current survivor perks. (I don’t think a lot of people realize how popular Windows is!)

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605
    edited September 2022

    Depends what I feel like doing:

    Meta: Off the Record, Adrenaline, Deadhard, Prove Thyself

    Meta 2: Circle of Healing, Deadhard, Prove thyself, Bt

    Aura reading: Open handed, Kindred, bond, X

    Aura reading 2: Object of Obsession, Distortion, Alert, Kindred/Bond

    Field Medic: Desperate Measures, Bottany Knowledge, Self Care, Empathy + Medkit

    Run #########, run: Self Aware, Sprint Burst, Vigil, Lightweight/bond/prove thyself

    Blendette: Overcome, Lucky Break, Iron Will, quick and quiet + good medkit

    Blendette 2 : Dance with me, Lithe, Quick and quiet, lucky break + good medkit

    Gen Jockey: Hyperfocus, prove thyself, Stake Out, Buiilt to last + Commodious toolbox with charge addons

    I'm delusional and I think I'll make it to end game: Adrenaline + Hope + Noone left Behind + Wakeup

    Anti Nurse in indoor maps: Circle of Healing, Dark Theory, Shadowstep, Exponential

    I'm stunning : Headon, Blast mine, Flashbang, quick and quiet

    I'm an Ochido wannabe even though I suck at chase: Unbreakable, adrenaline, deadhard, DS

    I hate solo Q: Left behind, sole survivor, Wakeup, Spine Chill

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Reassurance (to counter camping), For the People + WGLF(to counter slugging) + Distortion (to make sure you're not the first target)

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Ninja Nurse! Hex: Plaything, Trail of Torment, Dark Devotion and Insidious.

    3 out of those 4 perks NO ONE EVER USES. This build is a lot of FUN*.

    Pair those perks with "Bad man's Last breath" to give you undetectable after a successful blink attack. Blink grab people off gens while undetectable with Trail of Torment. Troll with Insidious when they go for unhooks or try to cleanse totems. Dark Devotion and Plaything will add to the confusion for even more FUN*!

    Can't guarantee consistent results but when it works it works. Enjoy!

    *FUN may not necessarily be fun for survivors.

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    I have a better build with more consistency if its more your style, I call it

    "Absolute Confusion" it gives alot more consistency.


    Dark Devotion, Fugitive Chase, Fear Monger, Plaything or Thirdseal (Monitor and Abuse if your feeling spicy)

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Run full altruism builds, not 100% off-meta but really fun

    Something like: Desperate Measures, No One Left Behind, Borrowed Time and maybe Reassurance if you have it

    Been running this recently and it's fun

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Third seal used to be one of my favorite perks, but I stopped running it because it would get broken before I got any real value. Survivors hate being blind. The rest sounds good though!

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    Its very rng dependent and hoping you can pull people to the opposite side of the map or defend it well

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    Since update I been running Dark Sense, Wire Tap, Iron Will, and Lightweight. Using your Dark Sense, you will detect when the killer gets close, activate wiretap and run away and hide. Iron Will will keep you safe while he looks for you.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
    edited September 2022

    Peeble,deception,red herring,disortion.

    Right now im farming BP but i dont think peeble,red herring, disortion and X perk to be bad.

    Red herring is pretty fun when it works becuz most people doesnt expect that perk at all.