The Matchmaking Incentives Are Not Working The Way BHVR Said They Do



  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    I don't know what you're talking about, I'm drowning in BPs. Good enough incentive to me.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    the fact that they spent two years thinking about a new matchmaking system,made a dumbed down system compared to their old one speaks enough.

    they spent more time actively making things that are worse in gauging skill.

  • allMadhere
    allMadhere Member Posts: 101

    @kizuati oh absolutely - I remember being very pleased and interested to see what they did with the emblem system, I was like "oh wow, so they've literally broken down each task into different categories, and laid out precisely and clearly what is considered a skillful action vs. what you should avoid doing, very nice" only for them to go "well never mind all of that, we're not going to use it anymore, and we're going to hide the new system from you so we cannot be evaluated or criticized."

    -sad Entity noises-

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Hi. I am significantly better at Survivor than most of the people I SWF with. I was having +100% killer bonus earlier tonight. Nothing for Survivor. My wife using the exact same modem as I am, had a +100% survivor bonus. It absolutely does take your MMR into account.

    Now if you want to argue that the MMR system itself is broken, I doubt you'll get too many people to disagree with you, but the incentives definitely are based on your personal SBMMR.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    BHVR can we please get a comment on all points made here at some point?

  • Yesterday evening I went up against a ttv so I checked out his vod after the match to see his POV. I saw he got 100% killer but at the same time I got 100% survivor. Not sure what sort of explanation could lead to both roles getting 100%

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,717

    I think there is a lot simpler explanation:

    1: I've never heard of anyone seeing bonuses on both survivor and killer, so they just go to what the most needed pref is.

    2: For killers, yeah they probably either average or look at what you have recently been playing. Does that mean you could see a boost and then play a killer in an MMR and still have a wait? Yeah, but I'm not sure how they'd do anything different.

    3: Given your situation, high MMR for killer, low for survivors: the most obvious explanation is that low MMR is always in desperate need of survivors and that's going to override the killer no matter the situation.


    As for a couple of other points

    As for getting a reply, I don't think the person who does the MMR is on the forums. I've seen posts from BHVR staff about having to talk to the guy who does it to get an answer.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    "Killer-specific MMR" is the biggest crock around.

    If your killer MMR is too low, it will just take a minute for the "bracket expansion system" to decide that they don't actually care about MMR afterall and match you with somebody way outside your range anyway.

    And worst of all: your MMR for brand new killers you've never played before? Essentially starts at your highest level.

    Never mind that killer-specific MMR was sold as "you don't have to get blasted apart trying to learn the power of a new killer, which should encourage people to try out characters they've never played before." That was just a flat-out lie. Want to try out a brand new killer? Congrats survivor team: you get a potato to clown on for 4-6 minutes.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    My killers have wildly varying MMRs between those who are meme builds only and win-streak builds only though. That's the thing that's most weird for me