in the past 30 hours I have had only 10% of my games where someone wasnt camped or tunneled to death

I have played 30 hours since coming back to dbd, yet I feel like I am playing with the worst type of killers and yet they are winning all over the place with 3ks, 4ks, SOMETIMES 2ks? shouldnt we punish killers with no kills for getting few to no hooks in a game? but there is no way to get all 4 survivors out because endgame forces a killer to do nothing but facecamp people, dying at the end of the game on my first hook because I was unlucky to be on a hook at the endgame is infuriating, no wonder the survivor queues are instant now that ive come back.
soloQ has always been bad, and BHVR is just like "we will just make teamplay better and personal perks worse, cause surely people play this game very cooperatively right?" no.
It does feel pretty bad. Everyone hated mmr, but as a solo queue, I loved it to avoid these situations. With how loose mmr is, survivor is quite difficult to enjoy and killer is depressingly easy. So many of them just give up or DC and I do not even get a good match. Le sigh.
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You need to play 20 games to get 1 good match. People die at 4 gens left. Sometimes with 3 gens left if you get lucky. This is about the vast majority of matches. You might have 3.000 hours and get matched with people with 300. Randoms don't know what to do and they can't deal with tunnelling and camping.
People who are winning are usually SWF.
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Wow what a shocker adding in anti-tunnel and camp measures didn't work because the other playstyle weren't ever incentivised and so they remain the best option.
Come on now BHVR it's not like we were telling you this would happen
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I only tunnel if I see you next. I only camp to secure a kill - like if you are ten seconds from death, or it is the end game collapse, or I'll hang out a few extra seconds to make sure you second stage before going back on the hunt.
I think a lot of people take these examples as "hardcore camping and tunnelling". It has been months, literally MONTHS since the last time I got hooked and the killer and I had a staredown until I was completely dead.
I straight up do not believe these people that say "I get camped to death on first hook EVERY GAME!"
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So far when reading the tunnel-camp-kill strat was everywhere I was hesistant to agree. It was noticeable and annoying and should be addressed properly, yes, but it wasn't too much or to the point where it made me call it a day and/or think about taking a break for a while. But now it does. There are two options survivors have atm: genrush so much all gens get completed during the two hook stages of someone even if they went down after thirty seconds. Or become so good at looping that you can do so for at least 100seconds. better yet: both. Which in turn gives any killer a miserable time.
I'd say there is nothing casual about this game anymore. Which is sad. Because I enjoy neither genrushing nor having a killer on my butt the entire match until I get timed out on hook for the remainder if the match and much rather not care too much about perks or items and do a little bit of everything.