Wesker Vaulting Is Useless

Vaulting a pallet with Wesker, specifically a pallet mind you, and I'm sure one of you will think of some window that I'm thinking about, but I digress,
Vaulting pallets is literally useless even with superior anatomy equipped because of the animation Wesker does after vaulting. You literally cannot catch up to anyone after vaulting, and half of the time, a survivor will just run back to the pallet and squeeze by you somehow before vaulting over it again.
Why make a killer who has this ability to vault pallets, but hinder and punish the player for utilizing the mechanic? I don't get it because it's literally useless, I've only gotten value from this about one time on RPD.
It sounds cool to have another killer who can vault pallets, but then you realize it's just completely useless. This is nowhere near as bad as the first RE Chapter but Project W is really underwhelming.
I wish Wesker worked as intended and I wish his vaulting mechanic didn't make you look like an idiot for using it.
It's really good against God pallets.
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Yeah, that cooldown needs reduction. I get why they don't want killers to be able to ignore pallets, but this is undertuned to the point where you're better off never using it. The only time I've managed to get value out of vaulting with his power is on a second-story window where the cooldown was mostly matched by survivor stagger and part of it happened during the fall. Everything else punished me for trying.
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Can't argue there, but even then, survivors can still 'squeeze by' like I said in the original post. It's just weird, like he loses collision. I don't know if that's actually the case, but that's what it feels like.
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The way i see it You really have to be careful when making a mechanic that allows killers to vault pallets. Theoretically speaking it would turn pallets completely useless if the killer could vault it and get a free hit.
This would be like original legion right? And we definitely don't want that again right? Also it would probably make him into an anti loop killer which isn't necessarily fun.
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On windows it's actually pretty good, if it's a two story one anyway, shack window and stuff like that it's kind of useless.
I was sort of excited to hear he could vault stuff, but when I actually played him I was just so disappointed that he does some animation afterwards. I don't see why he even needs that long of an animation when killers like Nurse exist, but I suppose they don't want anyone else in Blight or Nurse tier.
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I get that, but then why add the feature at all? If it's going to be that game breaking, then, why even make it a thing?
Half of the time the mechanic doesn't even work right either. Sometimes I have to use both charges to vault because he slides against the pallet as if it were butter. Just why add something so useless to a killer when they could've added some other mechanic that was actually useful.
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I'm not sure. Probably for money.
I'm really never sure why the devs do what they do
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The cooldown is 1.5 seconds. How many loops do you know that are over 6 meters long?
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the problem with legion is that legion moves faster than the survivor and the way legion hits survivors is with m1 attack in feral frenzy. m1 attack from the killer is not possible to dodge. the survivor cannot outplay it at base-kit. Strong killer do not fall for 360's. as a result, there is no counter to preventing legion from injuring a survivor. in order for survivor to be able to counter his feral frenzy, they would need counter to lunging attacks at base and that is a perk for survivor which is old iframe dead hard. you would need continuous way to use dead hard against every feral frenzy for this to remotely be fair. even then. I'm not sure if pallet vaulting ->m1 is possible to outplay. it might be possible if there was small window for the killer to m1, but it ultimate on good timing to time dead hard and a bit luck on anticipating the killer swing.
With Wesker, he's suppose down survivors with his bound and his bound is straight line skill-shot that does not curve like lunges do. in his case, its matter of balancing his skill-shot.
pallet vaulting is imbalanced if its done with m1, but its easier balance if its skillshot. much harder to balance when its not. I mean nurse's power has pallet vaulting as well by blinking through objects which makes pallet pretty useless, so there is that.