Should Solidarity be looked at?

K139K05 Member Posts: 217

Currently it's very situational and fairly balanced, although it might need a change. Or are you completely fine with the current state of it?

Should Solidarity be looked at? 28 votes

Solidarity needs a complete rework
White_OwlOnryosTapeRentalsbrokedownpalaceAven_FallenMrsGhostfaceSebaOutbreakWesubm33WampiritadarkcloudlinkNoOneKnowsNovaItzZane_VenusaGuiltiiplayhardPlsfix369ValaryynKotelettphantom 18 votes
Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)
AdelooDhurl421AurellejesterkindBothSidesEnjoyerxni6_K139K05 7 votes
Solidarity is fine as it is
SuzuKRAlex_3dgiel 3 votes


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059
    Solidarity needs a complete rework

    Since the Hemorrhage-Buff, Solidarity should really be reworked. Because the Perk became pointless.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)

    Perhaps I should create a second pole for Resurgence. Do you have an idea how we could change it so it no longer becomes (almost) pointless if the killer has hemorrhage?

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)

    Solidarity needs a buff. It doesn't really work against the new Hemorrhage and is very situational, so it needs something.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)

    Give the other survivor around the icon so they know you have it and they let theselves be healed first.

    Then give it a 10% healing speed bonus like Empathic connection + make it not be affected by Hemorrhage (would make sense since you don't get the healing progress over time but suddenly after you ended healing)

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Solidarity needs a complete rework

    Hemorrage completely killed the perk, so yeah, it definetly needs some love

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505
    Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)

    solidarity is actually a surprisingly good perk when you use it with certain gimmicks

    like running it with resurgence and healing your unhooker, you have 2 healthy people in 16 seconds (shorter with heal speed perks)

    i remember it working with autodidact (the first 2 stacks taking progress lets you do more heal progress, and heal yourself more)

    it also used to counter sloppy (not anymore tho)

    so maybe if they made healing progress from both resurgence and solidarity not get deleted by hemorrhage, thatd be a pretty good buff to it

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610
    Solidarity needs a slight buff (perhaps a BP bonus for heals)

    I'm of the opinion that a hard cap for heal speeds in either direction should be implemented, and with that in mind, giving Solidarity its own heal-speed bonus would be perfectly viable as it wouldn't stack as aggressively with other sources.

    Other than that, though, directly buffing how much of a heal you get back would work. It's not a bad perk at all, even with new Haemorrhage in the game, it's just overshadowed.