Why can the artist camp every Gen on the map? Her crows shouldn’t be able to go that far….

I hate her so much like why is she designed like that…. Who’s the killer main that created that speak up bestie :0
Gen camping
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Artist is fine
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Yes, lets nerf fair but strong killer so more people run Nurse and Blights and then cry why they are no other killers in their lobby.
Artist is fine and you should learn how to play againts her better. Period.
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Honestly, i just want her terror radius fixed. You have no idea how many times I've run headfirst into an Artist because their terror radius sounds the exact ######### same whether you're on the edge of it, or standing right next to her.
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Skill issue
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New concept : gen camping.
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She's fine now that DMS got nerfed
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7 gens.
3 Crows by default.
”Camp Gens.”
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Thank you for your kind word
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Artist is fine but she is very rare... The last Artist i saw was knocking me on hook :( She was not fan of Mikaelas i guess...
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Survivors should not be able to repair generators without an electrical mechanical degree.
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That's just how she is there's many other killers that can defend gens really well some better then Artist. She's really not that sure she can fire crows at the gens but, it's not that big of a hindrance since it doesn't hurt you the first time so you could stay on it for a bit and then if you feel she's gonna fire another crow then get of the gen and shoo shoo the crows off.
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Now since Nurse got nerfed ppl starts to complain about Artist ? Can we just have some strong Killer?
Artist is fine her Crows give her some Map Pressure becausesie doesnt have any Mobility 🤷♀️
I love Artist she is my 2nd favourite Killer when Dredge wouldnt be in the Game she would be my Main
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Nurse nerfed? Where?
Don't tell me you are talking about that range add-ons lmao. They fixed, there was bug with them. Nurse did not nerfed, they fixed her add-ons.
And nobody is complaining about Artist either. There is only one person complaining about her and now it is PEOPLE. Crazy.
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Artist is fine. She's a strong, but balanced killer.
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Dms was nerfed so I think it's fine with her too.
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Imagine a world where Artist is op 🤣
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It's really only oppressive in 3 gen situations and if she decides to camp, but that can really be said about any killer honestly.
Hill tile gens are great against her and so are maps with multiple levels because if you can retreat to some distance above or below her crows when you expect them they can't get you. Although the fact that even if she misses and it passes within a certain distance of you she still gets killer instinct on you is kind bs imo
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I stopped playing around her release, so I honestly just suck against her in general cause I never played her and rarely play against her. But I didn't know if she misses she still gets a Killer instinct alert. That seems a bit dumb and explains why she always seems to know which gens have people even if she missed her spam gen check crows.
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Doesnt she do a map wide notif that she launches crows... if the artist did that basically any chance they could it should be extremely easy to read
Post edited by Brimp on0 -
Yeah it is. I think it's like 3-5 meters. So if she misses you but you were still within a few meters of the bird as it passed by she gets a killer instinct notification.
You can disable her birds with a flashlight but it takes practice to get the hitbox on them and they take too long to disable with a flashlight to make it a viable strategy in the middle of a chase.
The best strategy against her in chase literally just keep running. If you can bait her to start setting up birds in a chase it gives you time to run away. But since they buffed bloodlust on killers its less effective to counter her that way.
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You can literally hear when a crow gets launched and you can see the crow coming and have time to react to it. Quit whining about a balanced killer.
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My experience playing the Artist is the further away from a gen I am, the less likely what I thought was a launch centered on said gen is actually centered. Besides that, knowing you’re there doesn’t do much if you shoo away the crows and move before I get there.
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Tbh i've only ever been hit by a double up snipe from artist twice, and both times all i could say was wp. I know the setup involved in that with having to stagger two birbs to hit far enough apart, and i know that most people get tagged by one and just get rid of the swarm before she can land a second, especially far away. Both times it was purely because i didn't respect the second one and thought she was just trying to find people at gens, which is the only thing its actually good at when firing them off like that (aside from DMS synergy at least.) Without that insight i probably would have thought it a lot more annoying than it was, let alone all the other quirks like elevation changes.
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survivor main: Please make Artist birds have range limit equal to terror radius!
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me, Artist player whos survivors keep dodging my long range crows.
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Coming soon: lobby camping.
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Oh wow, you are so scared by being attack with birds. All the crows do in that far of a distance, is just notifying the killer that you are sitting on the gen. If you decide to stay on the gen when she send another crow your way, you have no one to blame but yourself, to not think it is perfectly fine that she can hit you again in the same spot.
Smart Survivors can hear the crows coming when it summon and think twice about dodging the hit from that far away. So, no; she is perfect fine...
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Please don't describe a killer that can harass nearly every gen on the map from anywhere, attack from four different directions at once, attack through walls, and immediately shut down every loop, as "fair but strong".
I can't imagine what would possess them to design a killer where every interaction that survivors could possibly have with them is "I guess I'll just crank out gens in between getting harassed by birds every five seconds; until I hear their terror radius, then it's time to start holding W and predropping pallets until I inevitably die, because she's impossible to loop."
Artist doesn't need to be nerfed. She needs to be deleted and redesigned from scratch. What a god awful way to design a killer.
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You like Spirit so it makes sense you're going to bat for another deeply unfun killer.
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She can injure you from across the map, if she manages to land her crow attacks on you twice before you manage to repel the crows which you have more than enough time to do if she fired more than 1 crow.
Also she only has 3 crows, so she can't attack from 4 directions at once.
As for shutting down loops, you can just run away to the next tile. She's slowed down quite a bit placing crows on top of having sound effects for doing so. It's not that difficult to just run away and not play a tile she's trapped unless she zoned you into that position.
If you want to complain about a killer, at least understand what their kit is actually capable of.
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The amount of hyperbole in this post tells me you are not very experienced at using her, because you'd realize how silly things like "attack from four different directions at once" sounds. If nothing else, you might find yourself less frustrated going against her when you learn how many nuances her power actually has. here's a free one: You know those little hills that usually have a hook on them, and are a saving grace for balanced landing enjoyers? They murder her power :D
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List of op killers:
pyramid head
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You know she can't see crows after a second when you start to repel them, you know that right?
And you can honestly dodge the crow depending on how far you are away
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-Being injured at long range isn't the issue here. The issue is the constant bird harassment grinding everything to a screeching halt until she waddles her way over to you. You can't stay on a gen or exit gate with birds on you. You have to get up and either repel them or dodge them every five seconds. At best this is horribly annoying, and at worst it makes it escaping via exit gate as the last survivor, or clutching out the last gen before she gets to you, outright impossible. Getting an Artist that's just humping a three gen is so fun.
-You know she can still M1 you, right? Three crows + the Artist herself = four methods of attacking at once. She also inexplicably moves at 115% and barely slows down while placing or launching birds.
-I literally addressed this in the post you're quoting. What do you think "then it's time to start holding W and predropping pallets until I inevitably die, because she's impossible to loop" means?
Please actually read.
Back when Artist first released, I got a match with one that just camped a Pain Res hook the entire match, constantly pewping crows towards any gens people were working on. The match took forever to get through, despite virtually nothing happening, and the Artist never leaving the hook. Then at the end they harassed both exit gates at once and cleaned up with NOED. This has cemented Artist as one of the absolute worse killer designs they've ever made.
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IMO this is the more interesting aspect of her power - sniping people across the map. Way more interesting than shutting down Loops.
The only issue I have is the Killer Instinct of the Crows, this is too much IMO. In general, I dislike that every Killer seems to get some form of Killer Instinct...
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Honestly hate facing her but overpowered? Nah. That's a hard sell. Thankfully she's quite rare.
I'll agree on the terror radius issue though.
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And you haven’t seen all of those complaints I’ve made about Nurse huh?
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-Being injured from across the map isn't the issue. The threat of being injured, is. It grinds everything to a screeching halt because you have to constantly stop whatever you're doing to either dodge or repel crows, giving her enough time to waddle over to you. At best this is horribly annoying, and at worst it makes things like clutching out the last gen, or opening the exit gate, virtually impossible.
-You know she can still M1 you, right? That's three crows + the Artist herself = four methods of attacking you at once. She also inexplicably moves at 115% despite being a ranged killer and barely slows down any meaningful amount while placing or shooting birds.
-What do you think " then it's time to start holding W and predropping pallets until I inevitably die, because she's impossible to loop" means?
If you're going to try to argue against my complaints, at least actually read. It really helps, especially when I've literally already addressed some of your counterarguments.
What really cemented Artist as one of the most miserable killer designs they've ever come up with, was a match I got shortly after she released. I got an Artist that just camped a Pain Res hook the entire match. The constant crow harassment slowed gen progress down enough that people had to go trade with who was on hook, which of course meant more Pain Res. The match took forever to get through, despite the Artist never leaving the hook, and nothing of substance happening in the match overall. Then at the end she used crows to protect both exit gates at once and then cleaned up with NOED.
It's a killer that's immensely rewarding for the most boring playstyles possible.
I'm not sure what part is hyperbole when I'm literally only describing what she can do. She can literally place three crows and also still M1 you. That's having four vectors of attack at once.
"The many nuances her power actually has*"
*It doesn't get along with slopes so just hope you happen to be near one.
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This has to be a joke..