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AFK Bots?? Out of Map Bots?? AFK Birds Glitch??

(Killer Grade Iridescent 1 (Plague)) I've had two plague games in a row where I had a survivor with the survivor chara name and a number at the end (e.g. Nea Karlsson 02, Elodie Rakoto 05) and I could never fine them and they just DC at some point, also they never set off the AFK birds.

The 1st game I played the whole game with (Nea Karlsson 02) and at some point in the late game the "AFK Bot" disconnected without me even ever seeing the player the whole game. Then after killing the remaining 3 players, they said they was doing a 3v1 the whole game at end chat.

The 2nd game I played tell like half way through tell I notice that (Elodie Rakoto 05) was never sick from my plague, then I started being friendly to the other two players to help me look for this hiding rat bot, so me and the survivors went around the whole map into ever locker ever corner and never found the hiding player and one of the survivors had bond and never saw (Elodie Rakoto 05), then at some point in the game they just disconnected.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this kinda like afk bot that dc at some point in their games? because ive had experience it 2 times in a row.
