Should these killers be made more unique?

K139K05 Member Posts: 217

With more unique I mean that they should get a unique terror radius/menu music. If you have an idea how these killers soundtracks might sound like if there were added into the game, consider commenting.

Should these killers be made more unique? 27 votes

The Plague
AdelooTaigaSillierHorizon5ChikyduyguValaryynK139K053dgielShame_Wizard 9 votes
The Pig
ElcopolloPotMode220AurelleBothSidesEnjoyertliff 5 votes
The Cannibal
Cybil 1 vote
The Nightmare
tenoresaxFobboEckoByeByeQFinestFantasyVIqnyun 6 votes
The Trapper
blue4zion 1 vote
The Nurse
SuzuKRGuiltii 2 votes
The Wraith
The Huntress
Kotelettphantom 1 vote
The Hag
Takeda_NobutadaGamer_Goth970 2 votes


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    The Nurse

    Nurse theme please and ily BHVR

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    The Plague

    And what do you think it should sound like? Some people think it should sound like a vinyl record tracks (these "discs" that were used in gramophones), but what do you think?

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    The Plague

    For plague I would use drums and organs, giving a church or ritual-like feeling. Perhaps the organ wouldn't fit in her timeline, but something church or ritual-like would definitely fit her.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    The Nurse

    Nurse’s outfit and hints in her lore suggest she’s from around the early 1900s, as that uniform went out of fashion afterwards for the most part. So stuff like scratchy/grainy record player/gramophone sounds + things like maybe hospital emergency/alarm sounds and the sounds of old giant bells that were used to tell time could all be super neat aspects IMO.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Wesker-Nemesis these 2 need to be more unique

    After all we're talking about resident evil a game that when you think of horror it's the only thing you can picture

    nemesis is really bad atm Wesker's hitbox is still small sometimes i just literally run through the survivors and nothing happens

    Nemesis's power is really bad you can't count on zombies at all people can counter your tentacle with crouching so this makes him even worse than Trapper or Legion

    At least legion can injure people

  • Gamer_Goth970
    Gamer_Goth970 Member Posts: 3

    Honestly I would like to see more originality with all of the killers, hillbilly and Bubba are practically identical and I get why they removed Bubba's hidden mask achievements, however with the difference between Bubba being able to do 3 swings during a Sprint vs Hillbilly's 1 for example, hillbilly should either be modified to have full control over his turning radius during a Sprint and collisions should honestly work more like the blight in my opinion where it should give you the option to Ricochet off something and continue going.

    As far as other generic killers I find that a lot of The Killers with the exception of maybe the trapper that are labeled easy are honestly much harder to play and killers that are flagged moderate or very hard have actually been quite easy. I think some of these should maybe be reworked to reflect that or reworked to reflect their difficulty tag, especially killers that tend not to get used at all just because they have really poor mechanics such as Twins, Clown, Spirit, Wraith, etc.

    Also, I'd rather see Trickster get automatic health condition loss with daggers that are direct hits and huntress get an automatic expose / down with her axes. Thematically that makes a lot more sense, because if you get hit by a flying ax you're not just going to walk it off whereas if you get hit with a throwing knife yeah it's going to hurt like heck but you're probably still able to walk away from it depending on where it hits you.

    For other killers such as the dredge and various builds that either center around lockers or vaulting and so on personally I would like to see a perk rework where the perks are shuffled around between the killers, and the survivors so that you don't have to level up 15 different characters just to get one or two good ones, and of course you'd still have the option to prestige and unlock all of them but I would also still like to see that old level 30 35 and 40 mechanic just to unlock specific perks within a blood web too.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    The Trapper

    Trapper dog when

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,164
    The Cannibal

    Dude doesn't have a home stage, lullaby, or even a survivor to torment. All he gets are chinese knockoffs. May as well give my man SOMETHING from his IP. I imagine the terror radius would fit the vibe for camping while the chase music would be more intense than most killers.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 647
    The Plague

    Vommy Mommy 🥺🤮❤️ should have a different terror radius, much shorter. I would even go a mile further and say that the corrupted pools should have a really short terror radius too.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763
    The Pig

    "Hello Zepp" is one of the most iconic themes in horror movie history, no matter what you think about Saw franchise.

    It's almost a crime that it hasn't still been implemented into Dead by Daylight. Especially given that Mikey, who released year and a half prior, had his theme implemented alright, so it's not even like they didn't know how to do unique lobby sounds and chase music when Pig released.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 113
    The Nightmare

    Freddy already has a lullaby, so why not a chase music. If the man cant get cosmetics, might as well give him some tunes

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 113
    The Nightmare

    Valid response, but the poll is about TR and chase music. But I do get the misunderstanding because my initial poll click was also based on the gameplay itself.

    You got interesting ideas and being unbiased I love your Trickster idea... I swear Im unbiased