Anyone playin survivor going against so many Weskers?

Its been like 8 days since it came out the new killer and since till now its just him no other killer ,this is becomeing pathetic ,they should rename the game wesker vs survivors .
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A brand new killer comes out and everyone is shocked that people want to play as them...
Give it another week or two and it'll start to wind down.
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I totaly understand 1 week but everysingle game its booring .
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Resident Evil's DLC Effect. Try to disable your Crossplay and set it on Off, maybe you will met some different killers after that.
But actually, I sincerily think that you have a high/very high chance to face off Wesker (imo 15 trials on 20 approximatively) because "Hey, he is 'fun' to play", and now his hitbox is improved during his dash to grab (bigger hitbox than previously during his M2).
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Ye without crossplay ,waiting time is bad
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Not a bug...
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You could play killer and break the cycle.
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Can't get good games in the last few days. Players either DC or off themselves on first hook and if you do get them down go afk or throw. Everybody but the Weskers are tired of Wesker.
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Everyone and their mom is tired of Wesker. I've had so many teammates DC or suicide on first hook right after they heard this terror radius that's giving me nausea after facing wesker in 49 out of 50 games.
And now I DC or suicide on hook too because I ain't playing 3v1-s every single match.
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Yep. But Wesker is still kind of new, so I expect him to be played more until the hype dies down.
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I've been getting excellent stakeout value.
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Been keeping track actually, played 25 matches yesterday and had 13 Weskers. Didn't see another killer more than twice
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I mean he was barely playable with his old hitbox & and he still has tons of bugs so people are probably picking him up again.
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Same. it's Wesker Wesker Wesker Wesker and Wesker. It really makes me not want to play lol
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I need to play wesker too then
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Pathetic? If people wanna play their fav killer it's pathetic?
I could say the same about going against rebecca and Ada but i won't say it's pathetic it's people's preference
I suggest changing your opinion asap
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I don't go against many Weskers, but all of those I see have Starstruck, and it gets old really quick.
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It's almost as if he was brandnew and from a very popular franchise.
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Remember when Legion got buffed back in April?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
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for example you play against 2 weskers, then the system will exclude any match against wesker, diversity is what I'm talking about
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Depends where you are in the mmr. Most weskers starting at the bottom. If you are at the top they take a while to trickle up there or they get bored after a few games. The bottom mmr where the weskers are starting is 90% wesker killers. I'm confused when I get anyone but wesker. Out of 20+ games in a day I can count on one hand the number of non weskers.
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If you don't want to play against Wesker, don't queue up as survivor.
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Ahh yes, destroy queue times every time a new chapter/balance change drops.
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Well I just bought wesker today so I guess Im adding ot it now
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Only recently started using starstruck cause I don’t like gen slowdown, and when I don’t use starstruck, get the t baggers, and people that won’t leave once the gates open. Eventually I’ll settle into something I like more.
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I think its more about how easy he is to win with, his massive TR which makes TR perks like starstruck super strong, and his ability to move across the map fast. Let's be real here. If he were conceived to be a weak/middling killer no one would be playing him this much. Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Onyro were all brand new killers at one time from popular franchises and did not appear in 1 out of 2 games. (FYI not calling him OP just that once you learn his power killers are dominating most matches due to people not knowing the best way to dodge and counter him yet.)
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Wesker by Daylight or Dead by Wesker, either works, lol. But I feel you. I went againt a Nurse, Blight, Pinhead and then the rest were just Wesker. I am sure things will get back to normal eventually. But in my opinion, going against a lot of Wesker will teach you how to counter him and such.
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Can't really rope wesker with that lot. Onryo has nothing going for her and is literally just a crippled mix of wraith and Freddy,not even her fans play her. Pinhead is strong,he's just a pain to play consistently well with. Pyramid head is much more the same as Pinhead,he can be strong but is just a huge pain to play. Wesker isn't as frustrating to play (at least compared to the aforementioned) and has a simple but effective power that isn't a gimmick but a legit lethal power. Plus I still see legion and plagues,who are considered low end killers,so obviously it's more about what someone finds fun for themselves as opposed to others.
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The only similiarity I am drawing is that they were new and from popular franchises which is what you wrote as the excuse to why Wesker is appearing so much. I then offered my opinion on why Wesker is played a lot which boils down to 1.)easy to play/master 2.) dominating games=wins=fun. Can't blame people for using what works for them. Everyone does. It just resulted in unintentional oversaturation to the point that no one wants to play against him.
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ur logic is from another level
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I only went against one Wesker today. Got a lot of Ghostfaces, instead, so maybe things are going back to normal.
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I haven't been getting him as frequently as other people, but i personally enjoy the attention that new killers get. Everyone is learning so the games aren't as sweaty.
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First few days it was Wesker every game, but that's a given with new releases. I see him alot less now, maybe 1 in 4 games? if that.
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1 in 4 is enormous still. Most new killers drop to like 1 in 10 after a week.
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So what do you want now?
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It is a res evil chapter, can imagine a lot more popularity. I wasn't playing when the first dropped, was it similar?
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Me neither. He’s starting to drop off some. So are the RE survivor cosmetics.
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Same here. You wouldn't believe how many Claudettes, Megs, Fengs and David's I'm getting. It's getting old fast and makes me not want to play lol.
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New killer + just got a huge buff. Of course there gonna be a lot of people checking him out
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Kind of underwhelming. I rarely get to make a S.T.A.R.S team, let alone face one. Those are my favourite to play as/against.