Top 3 Tunneller and Camper Killers from Your Exp?

Question is on the title. For me;
Top 3 Campers:
3 - Trapper
2 - Huntress
1 - Bubba ( He is still king of camping )
Top 3 Tunnellers:
3 - Doctor
2 - Nemmy
1 - Wraith ( I swear i never saw untunneller Wraith )
Is true I am a doctor main
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Top 3 campers
Pyramid Head/Wraith tie for 3rd
Top 3 tunnelers
Dredge/Artist tie for 3rd
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Doctor is the best camper! Bubba..survivors do gens and get out. Doctor they try to save while Doctor circulates around hook and shock survivors failing to save and then they DC or at least won't get them 2-3 escapes as they do against Bubba.
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In my experience ? Mh...
Top 3 campers
1 - Bubba
2 - Ghostface
3 - Nemesis
Top 3 tunnelers
1 - Nemesis
2 - Huntress
3 - Hillbilly
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Wraith players tunneling is practically a guarantee. If a weak survivor gets downed first then he has no chance. Huntresses and Tricksters LOVE to proxy camp every hook followed by tunneling the unhooked.
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The only killers that I've seen actually camping are chainsaw killers.
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1:Huntress. 90% of huntresses camp at 5 gens in my games.
2:Myers with Speed stalk add-ons. I dunno wghy, but every Myers that doubles up on speed stalking camps
3:Hag. Mostly proxy camping though with the use of traps.
Strangely enough, I rarely ever see a camping bubba. They mostly play normal with the exception of the very few doing the basement meme.
1:Wraith. By far the sweatiest tunneller you will ever see. I swear, every Wraith plays like they are training for MLG or something.
2:Huntress. If she can't camp due to survivors knowing how to beat it (or she is just bad at it) she will divert to tunneling...every single time.
3:Blight: Every single one I encounter.....if you get unhooked....RUN. He is already on his way back.
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Sadako bubba and hag
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Top 3 campers:
-Bubba. It was never up for debate.
-Ghostface. They often hide near the hook to grab or mark the rescuer.
-Trickster. They love to proxy and then knifespam.
Top 3 tunnelers:
-Wraith. I couldn't tell you what's cause and what's effect here (Wraith being a newbie killer in every sense of the phrase, Wraith having no tools to deal with loops, Wraith being fast as fecc) but Wraiths will tunnel like it's nobody's business.
-Pyramid Head. They always want to torment, hook, and then go for the mori straight after.
-Pig. Pig players are either memelords or balls to the walls the nastiest players you will ever meet, with almost zero in-between. Part of this is probably for the same reasons Wraith is likely to tunnel, she has so little going for her, and her kit... kind of encourages it? Sometimes they play for the headpop, but sometimes you wonder why they even bothered to put a trap on you if they were just going to chase you until you died on hook anyway.
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I can't remember playing against a non camping Ghostface they always stalk the hook in stealth mode, Hag always camp too
Tunnellers it's pretty much every killers but Pyramid head and Pig are good at it
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- Bubba
- Wraith
- Trickster
- Nemesis
- Huntress
- Everyone else
Sorry, couldn't get it in 3, there are 33
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Oni, Nemesis, and Legion. I know it does not make sense, but that is absolutely what I have experienced. I feel they should pick better killers for their playstyle, but there is just something really off about the people who play Oni and Legion.
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Top 3 Campers:
3 - Wraith - He is always at the hook because he's just that fast.
2 - Huntress - Always throws a hatchet from a jungle gym away.
1 - Cannibal - If they play Bubba, they almost always camp.
Top 3 Tunnelers:
3 - Cannibal - First he camps, then he downs everyone. It's not so much a tunnel, more like a depression.
2 - Blight - He is just fast enough to get back to the unhook trail and he chooses to follow the injured survivor.
1 - Wraith - First he camps, then he tunnels.
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Bubba..... this one is obvious.
Ghostface....they just stealth camp the hook.
Trickster.....stand nearby waiting to knife spam the rescuer.
Pig...... doesn't matter if you have a trap on your head either.
Wraith...... notorious tunnelers.
Nemesis..... love to tunnel.
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Most frequent Campers based off my games
1 - Nemesis
2 - Trickster
3 - Bubba
(Honorable mentions to: Huntress & Doctor)
Most frequent Tunnelers based off my games
1 - Nemesis
2 - Pig
3 - Legion
(Honorable mentions to: PHead & Dredge)
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As a blight main, I will say it’s relatively easy to tunnel just because of map mobility and being able to hit through the bt and catch up quickly.
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1. Bubba
2. Wesker
3. Trickster
1. Nemesis
2. Trickster
3. Sadako
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You must think its scummy deep down since you're so quick to defend it.
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Surprised no one has mentioned Wesker. He's already becoming the King of Tunneling in my experience. Even if he's in the middle of chasing someone, the second you get unhooked he shamelessly runs straight back to the hook to tunnel even with 4 gens still up. Happens in like at least 60% of my matches against him.
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- Huntress
- Wesker
- Bubba
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1. Huntress
2. Twins
3. Ghostface
1. Wraith
2. Ghostface
3. Wesker
Some say bubba but he is usually nicest killer out there and plays fairly apart from some bubba's memeing and facecamping.
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It's not playing the game ideal way and sometimes totally unneccesary.
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Nurse nemesis huntress