The game really wants you to be playing survivor

Not to say that every killer is playing super sweaty, but lately when I load up the game it always has blood point incentives for survivor. We're talking 100% blood point incentive. With that kind of incentive and BBQ being nerfed, I definitely don't want to be playing killer. But maybe I should because every single match is just tunnel after tunnel after tunnel.
I'm a casual DBD player at best, but SBMM puts me into matches that I clearly don't belong in. Can we please have the bots already, because this #########'s getting old.
I think that everyone is on the verge of taking a break. Then reconvene for the Halloweem event.
19 -
It really does seem that way. I recently purchased killers that I have no desire to play because I don't want to sweat while I practice. When the bots are implemented later this year, I can't tell you just how overjoyed I'll be, because I'll be perfectly content never hopping into a live, sweaty, toxic match ever again.
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I don't blame you.
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Know why? Because there are so many more killers than survivors that they have to try and give an extra cake worth of BP to all survivors to try and incentivize people to play survivor to make up the difference. There's a reason for that. It's because killer has longer queue times because playing survivor right now is about the equivalent of cutting oneself. It's painful. Unpleasant. And as far from fun as one can get.
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Wait will we still get incentives when bots are applied ? Guess so, but I see so many fake bots nowadays xd.
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I don't even think we'll get blood points or anything with bots. It'll be like custom games. I'll be impressed if they can play all the killers or even a quarter of them never mind all the perks.
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Oh yeaaaah. I forgot xp
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Agreed They're indirectly demanding you to be survivor or let's say your mental health forces you to play survivor because we all know even the people who disagree. we all know that there's no balance in this game There's no Fun It's only a Delusional Self Made Competition that wants to ruin your game as a killer main Specially with the recent Updates that Gave the survivors free borrowed time and saving them a perk slot
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The game wants you to play Survivor so that Killers dont have queue times which are just too long.
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The real question is
Do Killers Get anything Else except insults and tea bagging at the end of the game? People still don't know what the killer means Let alone Explaining it
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Yes they do. I don't get teabagging/insults on all my killer games. But then again, I also dont sweat, dont tunnel, dont camp etc.
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I don't think he understands a killer match without all those components you mentioned, sorry.
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I mean the incentive is literally there to get more people to play Survivor so that the game can have faster qeue times, it is working if it is making you want to play Survivor for the bonus, or for the instant qeues which are nice.
I'm a Killer main but I have been happily playing more Survivor lately thanks to the bonuses and cause I don't enjoy waiting for Killer matches.
It's also not ONLY because there are "more" killers playing than Survivors at the moment, but also because the game design requires 4 Survivors per Killer for a match, which means there actually needs to consistently be 4X more Survivors than Killers for fast lobbies...
Because of this, I don't believe that the incentive is going to change any-time soon. There was a period of time when Killers were "unplayable" because of how powerful good Survivors were, back then Killers actually were getting instant Qeue for a while because there was such an ubandance of Survivor players... as of this moment the game is actually a bit more balanced, so if there are even close to equal the amount of Killers as Survivors playing, then Killers are going to have to keep waiting for lobbies while Survivors will keep getting the BP incentive.
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Of course. You need 4 players for a match, on killer-side only 1.
Which means obviously, if 50.000 players are active, you need 40.000 survivors vs. 10.000 killers.
Its no surprise for me.
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A lot of veteran survivors have left the game, they got replaced by old killer mains (like me, greedy for the +100% bonus BP) and new players. That’s why the new generation is more respectful.
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Yeah I definitely wasn't having a good time. It's weird to see so few people playing survivor. My queue times were never instant for survivor in the evenings like they are now, which proves just how little people are preferring to play survivor, especially solo.
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Yeah I think it's just going to be tied into custom games. I wish it would be like the mobile game where you could earn partial blood points and experience, but even so you'll have everything unlocked like you usually do in custom matches so that'll be a nice silver lining at least.
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Let me tell you about my 30+ match attempt to get from Iri III, three pips to Iri II yesterday: I pipped. YAY. Then a teamie got tunneled and camped. I depipped. Next match. Same story. I depipped. Next match, my turn to get tunneled - but at least not camped. If that's any consolidation...? After that it was a "get three pips lose two pips" kinda situation until the next tunneler/camper or aura reading Nurse came along. After several hours and said 30+ matches I was at zero pips. After that I decided to just dick around in matches with a yolo-approach. It's okay if that happens every once in a while. There are just these days where for some reason everyone's on the sweat-train. But it has been like that for weeks - and friends and I have gotten pretty tired of it. Out of the 10+ people I played with regularily... maybe three are still around (and actively looking for sth else to play).
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Yeah the people I play with regularly have all but abandoned this game. Custom matches were nice, but obviously we liked earning blood points and shards, but nothing kills your drive to play more than loading up the game and immediately being tunneled or face camped, or God forbid a super sweaty killer that gets everyone into the dying state and instead has everyone bleed out instead of hooking.
This really is one of those kind of games where you have to take the good with the bad, it's just unfortunate that between imbalanced matchmaking and toxicity that can be experienced in game and within the end game chat, it makes it feel like there's far more bad then good.
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From a high mmr killer POV and with honesty, if you don't tunnel or camp, it's extremely easy for the generators to fly by so quickly that there's nothing realistic you can actually do to stop anybody unless you're Nurse or Blight, especially if hyperfocus/stakeout is in play. It really sucks.
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And using them, how many times you 3-4k?
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I've never cared much for the "nobody wants to play X/Y, game so Y/X-sided!!!" bickering, but ever since the queue incentives went live I legitimately haven't seen anything but +100 survivor on my end (well, one time +50). It's honestly crazy to me that we basically have a constant double bloodpoint event for survivors (depending on region, time and MMR of course), and yet still not enough people are playing survivor for my killer queue times to dip under 5 minutes.
More than balance changes however, I think it's something to do with matchmaking. Randoms have always been terrible more often than not, but lately it's especially bad. I think we've either run into the same issue we've always had in the past and everyone and their mother has reached the matchmaking cap (red rank in the past, now max. MMR), or the algorithm has been changed to consistently pair low MMR survivors with high MMR survivors against high MMR killers. Going against killers with 3000+ hours that camp and tunnel at 5 gens and having "teammates" with 300-600h that die in 10-20 seconds and don't understand even the most fundamental of game concepts (such as "generator") is as common or even more common now than it had been in rank-based matchmaking. So I am not surprised that high MMR survivors don't feel like playing anymore. You basically need at least a 3-SWF now if you want to have a shot at being competitive with any reliability, duo is not enough anymore, even if you are great players.
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Playing survivor is really bad right now. They nerfed everything. Even perks like Spinechill got ruined, I never use it now
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Survivor isn't ruined by nerfed perks, survivor is ruined by camping and tunneling continuing to be encouraged by the game designers while we get scant nods to reducing it.
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Spine Chill’s speed bonuses were nerfed (especially removing the vault speed bonus altogether); but its information aspect was buffed.
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Yeah 100% BP isn't going to make me load up to play solo queue with teammates who have 1/4th-1/10th of my hours against a 4 slowdown killer without any sort of comms/pings. I gave VHS another shot and I'm really enjoying being able to see what my team is doing without sacrificing power. Eventually we're going to laugh at the fact that it was ever acceptable for solos play blind in an asymm game, kind of like how exp loss on death is viewed in MMOs.
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What do you mean? The game is SO survivor sided. There can't possibly be a shortage.
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100%. I've never t bagged a killer or done flashlight clicks. I'm hoping this new generation of survivors stays mostly non toxic.
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It's really not. Gens still pop solo in 50 seconds. The difference is survivors can walk in with no add-ons or perks and easily win now.
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Nah it was nerfed. Old spinechill would light up whenever killer looked in your direction from even behind objects, it worked through walls/objects, so you knew when killer was coming to your location even though killer cannot see you yet (walls/objects). It was useful to know when killer was headed your direction. They thought it was too strong because had lots of time to hide.
Current spinechill doesn't work unless killer has clear line of sight... so basically, killer already sees you. Whats the point of the perk then, huge nerf.
Idc about terror radius notification, it's already too late by then.
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Want to know how I know you're a Killer main? When you say nonsense like that. Playing survivor sucks right now.
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Oh, you missed that they changed course on that. It now functions like Whispers but for survivors: if the killer is within 36m it lights up - regardless of the direction they’re facing or if undetectable.
So now stealth killers can’t counter it by looking away.
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bruh, old Spinechill was more powerful. No killer is going to walk backwards towards Survivor's in random matches in the offchance you have Spinechill. Old Spinechill allowed you to know whenever Killer even looked in your direction from even behind objects.
The current spinechill is a gigantic nerf. Now it only notifies you when the killer ALREADY SEES YOU.
And as for the the terror radius notification..... is trash by comparison. It's already too late if the killer is that close anyway.
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You’re not listening, lol. Just read the full perk description - slowly - on the wiki.
Also, even old Spine Chill had the 36m range? What is this across the whole map you speak of?
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I play survivor to. I usually play with one buddy who I bought the game with. It's really not that bad. You can talk all you want about solo q (which desperately needs a comm wheel) but the survivor experience with at least one friend is fine.
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I did read it. The old one was better. Its a nerf
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Glad to know that you are up-to-date with the changes. If you had bothered reading the perk description as I said, you would know there is no cooldown on the perk.
Again: please review the perk as it actually is before further commenting. This is embarrassing for you.
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I'm one of the top Ghostface mains, I barely get to do anything about anything against teams that are even semi knowledgeable, but there is especially nothing I get to even try against hyperfocus/stakeout.
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That might be true. - The issue is though, that everyone seems to think they're high MMR when they absolutely aren't. - I'm pretty sure at this point I'm at the low MMR soft cap and killers play like their life depend on it or for some inexplicable reason think they're up against a seal team 6 swf --- when they are very clearly facing casual solos.
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So back up your statement and show us some gameplay.
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They nerfed the vault speed, they nerfed the ability to work through walls/objects, and it's an indirect buff to Ghostface and Pig and other stealth killers. Huge survivor/spinechill nerf.
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Basically this.
Its purely numbers and the numbers make sense. You’d need a really big skew in players to get a bonus for killer because it’s 4-1 per game.
But look at all these posts, it’s a collective of people who are clearly just unhappy, focus only on the negative or take it way to seriously and of course you’re having a bad time if you are doing these things. That’s like a bad time recipe.
We all love a sympathetic echo chamber but it’s rarely productive. If people genuinely feel this crappy over a game then take a break from it.
It’s not a job it’s a game you don’t have to play it if you don’t enjoy it. Exercise some common sense.
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That's not the case in this instance, I'm in the top 10 for Ghostface on the leaderboard.
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L O L sure thing buddy. Thanks for reminding me why I dont use the forums much anymore. I'd rather keep my brain integrity intact.
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Which I don't doubt - I just doubt that the killers I face (and that the majority of survivors face) are top MMR (simply because there aren't that many people in top MMR) and can claim the argument you make. Yet the vast majority of killers I encounter play as if they were top MMR and claim it is necessary not because of their own skill but because the game is survivor sided. - I kinda was just pointing out that your experience is probably not at all representative of the larger player base.
Actually, I think if a survivor is at a level where e.g. camping and bringing the strongest perks and add-ons is necessary for a killer to stand a chance these playstyles / strategies become challenging and can be fun (depending on what exactly it is). - But as is, it's a lot of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut on the killer side and survivor players are increasingly tired of doubling as a punching bag.
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Because perks like self care are more busted than eruption for example
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what a bold statement. Care to elaborate how you come to that interesting conclusion?
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Well, the players have trusted too much into their Deadhard. Without the old one, its basically a new game for a lot of average survivors (timing for dropping a pallet or loop another round etc.).
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Well see, my general experience is what anybody will eventually get to if they start really sitting down a lot and playing killer - it's very true that past an intermediate level of play, the one-size-fits-all format that currently governs map seeds is very survivor-sided unless the killer is Nurse or Blight. I've started to feel like it would be better if map resource spawns were dependent on who the killer is instead of being the same no matter what. An example would be like if the killer is S-tier, then more resources spawn than normal, but for D-tier, less resources spawn, all so the entire game might stop feeling painfully ridiculous and limiting for both sides.
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The incentive won't stop me from playing Wesker, I'm shooting for p12 by the end of this weekend.