Am I only who think some of killer buffs should be reverted?

lav3 Member Posts: 758

Especially, faster bloodlust and reduced sprinting time after getting hit.

Faster kicking speed, reduced successful m1 hit cooldown, 2.5% generator regress after kicking, additional 10 seconds while repairing gen were mostly ok for me but I think others don't feel necessary personally.

Bloodlust was a counter mechanic against infinite loops, weak killer's secondary power and a thing to make killers bearable in certain connected loops.

Nowadays most maps are reworked, many pallets are weaker, more fair, less and some maps have huge deadzones.

I wouldn't say bloodlust should be utterly deleted but faster? I don't think it was necessary thing to do.

It is not a strange thing that many people use Dead Hard still, to consume bloodlust.

Reduced sprinting time is very easy to recognize when versing either Nurse or Blight.

Maybe other strong killers who have decent chase ability.

Paired with reduced m1 hit cooldown, sometimes it is impossible to run away from loops you're in after getting hit.

Not enough time and distance for other loops for sure.

I still think weak killers should be buffed individually and maps should be looked at.

Chases are what make survivors not play generator repair simulator game.

Now because survivors have weaker chase, they have to crank harder on generators.

Is this what BHVR really wanted? Always sticking on generators?

And please don't deny these buffs literally feel like nothing. Buffs were too numerous.


  • Wayol
    Wayol Member Posts: 6

    I've had the opposite experience and barely noticed the changes. Overall the meta shake up update has done a really good job. Low tier killers don't need to be reworked, at least for the moment, instead focus needs to be shifted towards killers like nurse.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Bloodlust tiers II and III should go. No idea why they were buffed. STBFL should also get some kind of nerf, even if just to make it maximum 40% cooldown like it was pre-6.1.0. It might honestly need more, it’s a very over-tuned perk in my opinion.

    Everything else I think was fine.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,860

    Yea, I definitely agree with the sprinting time after getting hit. I don’t like having to sometimes camp the next closest pallet. It’s weird because sometimes if try to get to the 2nd farthest tile, there is nothing there and it’s an insta down. But if I go to the next closest tile and it has a pallet, I have to wait for the killer to catch up, play around it, possibly use it, and create an early dead zone. At least before the nerf, you could often just make it to the third farthest tile and play around that, knowing you saved that first closest pallet when you got hit. (After re-reading this, this does sound kinda strong NGL…)

    As far as bloodlust goes, I think that should be a new killer category and based on individuality. So someone like say Hag- can get the new Bloodlust buff while someone like Nurse gets reverted back to the old (not that it would do much to her, but this is just for example sake).

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I wouldnt care if the reduced sprint time got reverted but I think the faster bloodlust 2 is good i could care less about 3

    Bloodlust 2 has made non-mindgamable loops better, reduced the hold W gamplay, and because Im on console its slightly less punishing when i get caught on some stupid obstacle I cant see.

    If i get caught on a wall in a jungle gym thats my bad, when i get caught on some tiny jut out at knee level i cant see cause i cant move my camera like a pc player can thats extremely painful.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    I just like how they had a test weekend without bloodlust, determined that it didn't have a meaningful affect on kill rate, and then decided to buff it instead of remove it.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    My only issues are the new bloodlust it's actually meta to bloodlust tbh instead of letting them make distance to something stronger and extend a chase too much. Killers can now start chase and by the time you reach a loop you're already getting close to bloodlust 2. I think killers losing the old strong gen regression perks almost makes them weaker now that survivors are bringing much stronger toolboxes with only 10 seconds to gens. New meta is gen kicking simulator stacking overcharge/cob/eruption and it's just long drawn out matches while survivors constantly reset in COH and killers try to eventually catch someone out quick and erupt the gens.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,155
    edited September 2022

    My only issues are the new bloodlust it's actually meta to bloodlust tbh instead of letting them make distance to something stronger and extend a chase too much. Killers can now start chase and by the time you reach a loop you're already getting close to bloodlust 2.

    That's because bloodlust is anti-hold W mechanic, but issue with it is that you need hold-W to get a counter to anti-hold w mechanic. it is counter-productive because if your getting high-levels of bloodlust 2/3, you will lose to having too long chases if the survivor team is gen efficient.

    Bloodlust 2 has made non-mindgamable loops better, reduced the hold W gamplay, and because Im on console its slightly less punishing when i get caught on some stupid obstacle I cant see.

    that is other issue behind bloodlust. it does not help you vs unmindgamable loops. Pallets that have no mindgame remain to have no mindgame even at bloodlust 3. A classic jungle gym pallet still has no mindgame even at bloodlust 3 when dropped. I mean for lack of better word, its bloodlust 3 infinity. All that bloodlust does is make loops that are already unsafe more unsafe. it reinforces safe loop design.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Bloodlust should have never been a thing to begin with. It exclusively rewards the potatoes. Full stop.

    It's as if we gave potato survivors permanent Hope. These forums would explode with killer mains crying.

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    No there are many more like you who don't bother learning the game and keep saying Nerf killers so Killer mains can't enjoy their game and you can tea bag at the end of the game

    Also whatever they added they gave you a free Borrowed time idk what you're complaining about

  • Takeda_Nobutada
    Takeda_Nobutada Member Posts: 84

    Bloodlust shouldn't exist so you can go infinite loop? Killer mains crying? So if someone complains about the thing that you think is right it's crying?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Its funny you mention that, because non-potato survivors can force bloodlust to reset by forcing killers to break pallets (or even doors.)

    Its almost like the people complaining about it might be either projecting or flatout ignorant to how the mechanic works. Getting a killer to t2 or t3 bloodlust basically already won you the chase, its just a matter of how much they're after that sunk cost: Meanwhile most survivors don't even bother keeping a mental timer to have an idea of what tier they might be at, nor routing so that they will be at a strong pallet they can force a break at once past the tier 1 threshold.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Infinites don't exist. For 4 years now. If your only means of catching a survivor is through Bloodlust you're just bad and you're doing something wrong. You even have 2 whole perks dedicated to either blocking a window or vaulting faster.

    Most higher tier killers don't even need perks. Their base power is so strong it has inbuilt perks in them. Blight, Nurse, Spirit, can have addons and go perkless, without any bloodlust will down 90% of randoms anywhere anytime.

    Lower tier killers can struggle more in very specific loops, but nothing that a full gen regression/map control build can't deal with.

    You also, at some point, will have to put some skill and effort in.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    If I triggered Bloodlust 3 without getting hit, I won the chase indeed, and I shouldn't have to get hit just because "Behaviour, this survivor is better, intervene and down them for me. I'm entitled to win"

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Nope, I am fine with all changes.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    You're 1 of 4, so yes you're supposed to lose chases eventually if the killer focuses on you. They are sacrificing pressure on 3 other people to do so, its not because of whatever pity take you want to put on it. My point is that you have tools to use to prevent it from happening but you're complacent with complaining when you get caught for not using them, or bemoaning the inevitable if they cared more about singling you out than even trying to win the game. Drop the pride for five seconds and either learn from the L or take the W and move on.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I'm not supposed to lose anything if I win the chase. Just like, I'm sorry you have to hear this, you shouldn't be winning chases against survivors that are better than you. I know this is what's been like lately, this is what Behaviour has allowed a few entitled killer mains to believe, that they deserve a kill no matter what.

    No you don't.This is gonna sound like an old person ranting, but *back in my day* in 2016 and 2017, you actually had to be better than the survivor you downed. Now anyone can freshly start a killer game and stomp 99% of randoms. Killers have been given so many in built mechanics, crutches and buffed them in power so much that you would have to try to lose on purpose to get a 0k.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Do you know what the impact of the sprint burst change is?

    Old formula : 4.0 * 1.5 * 2 = 12 meters in 2 seconds

    New formula: (4.0 * 1.5 * 1.8) + (4.0 * .2) = 11.6 meters in 2 seconds.

    It's not nearly as impactful as people want to make it out to be. .4 meters is not a big deal. Same thing with the .3 cooldown to killer speed. All in all < 2 meters overall.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    When have i said that I'm the killer you're going againt? When have I said I even play killer? I'm strictly talking about how asymmetrical balancing works.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited September 2022

    I didn't say that either, but good try?

    Edit: I just realized I am now Schrodinger's killer. :)