Solo survivor is unplayable unless you like to lose most games.

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Playing as solo survivor was awful before all these changes, extra gen times, dead hard etc but now it's beyond a joke.

I can understand trying to balance the game for killers vs SWF but why couldn't that be something like adding extra gen times when the game knows its a group of players matching together? these changes have made solo survivor unplayable for me.

more time for the killer to camp, tedious annoying gen anti progression builds ONTOP of being matched with awful players that run into corners, crouch+hide, stand around doing nothing..... even using kindred isn't helping, watching every other survivor do nothing while you're on the hook or even all 3 of them coming for you and no-one doing a generator. All it takes is one bad survivor and any average killer will have an easy time to win the match.

I was looking forward to reinstalling and trying a new meta but the game just isn't designed for solo survivor play at the moment. I guess i'll save some disc space again because i've had 5 games back and i'm already sick of the predictable S show that i'm going to be matched with.

