Solo survivor is unplayable unless you like to lose most games.
Playing as solo survivor was awful before all these changes, extra gen times, dead hard etc but now it's beyond a joke.
I can understand trying to balance the game for killers vs SWF but why couldn't that be something like adding extra gen times when the game knows its a group of players matching together? these changes have made solo survivor unplayable for me.
more time for the killer to camp, tedious annoying gen anti progression builds ONTOP of being matched with awful players that run into corners, crouch+hide, stand around doing nothing..... even using kindred isn't helping, watching every other survivor do nothing while you're on the hook or even all 3 of them coming for you and no-one doing a generator. All it takes is one bad survivor and any average killer will have an easy time to win the match.
I was looking forward to reinstalling and trying a new meta but the game just isn't designed for solo survivor play at the moment. I guess i'll save some disc space again because i've had 5 games back and i'm already sick of the predictable S show that i'm going to be matched with.
Solo survivor is in a good place balance wise, it's matchmaking that needs to be addressed.
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I have a hunch that the devs will address the gap between solo & SWF’s in their Halloween stream.
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Surely you dont believe this.
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The problem with generalizing statements is that, as in this case, they're false.
I'm having a blast with solo survivor and escape just a bit over half of the time. I'm not saying you're not having issues or denigrating how frustrating it would be but there are lots of people playing solo who sincerely enjoy it.
I think you would have more success getting a dev to listen by doing something such as asking for Reassurance to get a buff or solo survivors to get some way to get an idea as to what the other survivors are doing (eg icons or a chat wheel). Saying solo is unplayable will probably be ignored as it's not true for a lot of players and is just noise while suggesting positive changes should come have a better chance of being heard.
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As a killer main, I wish solo was stronger as well. It's not very fun to stomp on an extremely uncoordinated team. I'd rather have solo have access to the info tools they need to keep up with SWF. It would make the game more fun, since more teams would have a fighting chance.
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I just had a 3 man escape against a Legion despite a teammate d/cing at 5 gens left.
Solo Q is surely impossible to play right now.
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Don't see a reason not too. As rare as some claim it is; when playing solo ive seen what a functional solo team is capable of. Survivors lack for very little mechanically when personal mistakes aren't putting us in bad situations.
Even when it feels like I'm the only survivor playing with a brain, the matches don't seem like I have no options. Worst case is I just have to do better then my teammates for a chance of escape for free.
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when you see someone urban evading around the map, you know mmr worked its best to find someone at your skill level.
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Yeah, I'm having a fantastic time.
Anyone who says Solo Q is fine is just wrong.
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I’ve been playing for 3 hours and haven’t escaped once lol, bad day I guess
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Anyone who says solo q is okay these days is either a killer main or plays in an SWF. Matchmaking is horrible. Most of the players I’m matched with in solo queue are new and have less than 100 hours in the game whereas I have over 2k. It’s just not fun as it used to be. The camping and tunnelling at 5 gens in is ridiculous, too. How many times do you run into a random that wants to kill themselves on first hook and then their buddy decides to DC then you are stuck with 5 gens and only two people. This game has gotten way worse with all the updates. Something needs to be done.
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I’ll give you props for enduring through that...
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Solo que is terrible rn and anyone that thinks its fine…. I honestly dont know what to say
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Solo survivor is not unplayable if you are good at survivor
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Good one.
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You were being proxy camped so it’s not really the survivors fault for not rescuing you. BUT they should have been on gens!!!!
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Yep definitely
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Maybe the match making is part of the problem but still, they are balancing the game around a SWF group that are extremely co-ordinated. I stand by the fact that the system should make gens longer to complete when it knows it's a SWF group to help balance it rather than nerfing survivor perks and making gen times longer (what about nurse and blight that people kill themselves on first hook for BEFORE these changes?)
Again the changes at the moment are just helping killers that camp and tunnel, you have to AFK on gens for longer when the urban evading survivors are doing nothing ... People getting frustrated with killers like Nurse and blight which are pretty much an auto loss if you aren't in a SWF group.
I couldn't believe that it's actually got worse, tried a few games this morning and it was exactly the same so i'm back to uninstalling for now, maybe i'll try in a few months.
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You could be matched with 3 man sfw those games you win and the games you lose with other solos.
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It's just matchmaking? LMAO and you still believe in Santa Claus and fairies, right?
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Omg that's just .....sad.
Basement camper I guess?
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You can’t win a 1v1 as survivor, doesn’t mean you’re bad. The game is a 4v1 for a reason.
please show us your godlike survivor gameplay
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believe it or not, if MMR working well i promise, you will see all Killer need more Love and Buffs except Nurse and Blight, all other Killer will gone down (the only thing that can help Killer is a bad rng)
Killer can be bad and ez win, bc a experience 8k hours survivor can match with a hundred hours bots they are mostly usless dieing in 10sec and more... against a thousand hours Killer obvoiusly survivor will get destroyed
but if the matchmaking would really work, that would happen as an example I take Hens333 as example who has 80+ wins with his swf (btw you can do it much better if you repeat it of course)
i'm not saying everyone should be perfect in a lobby of an experienced good player that go in to a solo match, but what bhvr is selling as "mAtChMaKiNg" is just ridiculous! if you play with your swf like Hens then you roll over all killers except Nurse and Blight (only good ones of course) but if you play solo then you know what happens just read all the solo q experiences in the forum :)) just make the distance between solo q and swf small...
1 -
Soloq is in the best place it's ever been.
Way I see it, every game I have a 25% chance to escape base, off the bat, and thats fine. Those chances go up and down throughout the course of the match, but even at just myself left, and hatch closed I am not at 0% chance to escape. There is always an out, and finding it, grabbing it and riding it all the way out is the challenge.
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Depending on gate spawns, location of hatch, location of you at the time of hatch closing and not bringing wake up, resilience or whatever else and killer bringing no way out there can indeed be a 0% chance of escape after the hatch is closed. So, wrong.
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There are people who like being beaten up, they are called masochists. Most of us aren't. SoloQ is in its worst state ever.
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Or it could be that I enjoy the game as it is and don't feel entitled to surviving the players who's sole job it is to kill me.
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How do you do, fellow killer main?
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Lol, survivor not complaining about soloq? Must be a Killer!
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Joking right?
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Evidence to the contrary?
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The problem with solo survivor is that it does not give you the tools to get better at all.
You can't make efficient perk choices with your team mates because the game doesn't tell you the perks they have. Some perks are unusable because of this, like Kinship.
You need to dedicate perk slots to information. When i am trying to win Kindred is essential because it gives you the most amount of information to the most amount of players. Unfortunately, Kindred is as good as it gets. The problem with information perks is that they are not something that you can get good at using like Dead Hard. They just are what they are and it's boring. If solo survivor didn't need to use information perks we could use perks that actually improve your stats like Botany Knowledge and Overzealous. Also all of this can be countered by the Blindness status effect which is such a garbage mechanic that makes the weakest role in the game even weaker and does absolutely nothing to SWF.
Killer strategies are also more effective in solo queue because solo queue team mates cannot share information. For example if you see the killers aura when gens get completed it means you have rancor. In a SWF, you could tell your teammates that you have rancor and they can protect you. In solo there's nothing you can do.
Overall playing solo survivor is a very uninteractive game, and as a result it's a frustrating experience.
My suggestion is to stop trying to win in solo because your potential is severely limited and you'll frustrate yourself thinking there's more you can do when there isn't. If you still want to win. Get a 4 party SWF or play killer instead or just stop playing DBD.
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dont you see discussion about reassurance and soloQ?. But this is not important for bhvr.
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Looking at your post history is enough to know you aren't a survivor main.
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What is up with people using self care? I see it in every damn match and without botany knowledge i add... Then survivors go into a corner to self care for 40+ seconds longer against slobby.
This is my issue in soloQ right now i keep getting these survivors all the time. Also selfish survivors. I heal, safe, loop but when i go into a hook they just leave me to die. Also dont forget the urban evasioners that dont do a single gen because its too scary. I guess my MMR completely sank or there are no decent survivors left in this game anymore.
When i finally get the good survivors and we do well i feel like i won lottery 💓
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You didn't really just compare Hens comp swf (they even have minimaps of every single map for doing callouts) with soloq, did you?
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Eh, i wouldn't say so. Match making does need to be addressed. But there also needs to be other mechanics put in place for solo survivor.
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Dont expect to win with lvl 1 perks underused tier and with 0 synergy.
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I do see discussion. However, I see a lot more threads with just general complaints. I'm hoping BHVR just released Reassurance as is since they were being cautious and will buff it later as they have done in the past.
To get that point across I think it would be better to have threads asking for the range to be increased and the duration to be extended to about a minute. Or people could suggest other anti-camping ideas.
The devs aren't going to revert 6.1 nor do I think they should. I really like 6.1. However, anti-camping tools are still needed as well as more information for solo survivors on what their teammates are doing. My opinion is that calling for that would be more helpful than doomsaying threads.
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Any specifics? Other than communication, what are solos lacking that swf has?
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No perks would have changed the outcome.
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I've been playing solo Q survivor for 2 hours straight and have escaped once, so the devs obviously have matchmaking well under control. /s
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I haven't really been playing the game much lately with work and school, but last night I played several matches where as soon as one survivor was downed or hooked, the other 2 survivors ran around like chicken with their heads cut off. Nobody would do gens and I felt like I was the only one who had to get off the gen I was working on and save the hooked survivor. One game I just let them go because I was too far away and almost done with a gen. Immediately the other 2 were slugged and hooked. Needless to say we still had 4 gens left. Then the last two matches were face campers/sluggers. One of them literally slugged everyone and then face camped on the hooked player. I used unbreakable, got my teammates that were slugged up but then they ran directly to the killer camping the hooked survivor and went down again. I decided to go do a gen. After the survivor died, he came after me. I'm not great at looping so sure enough I went down again and we all bled out.
Solo Q needs some major work.
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Well, at least you didn't call it unplayable without any caveats. That's progress.
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Hyperfocus is breaking the game
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Just baby killer that don't paly survivor because afraid to lose, don't mind him.
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Well that's pretty much the only difference between swfs and solo queue... communication, as well as probably better match making, and more reliability on teammates. But communication is the key factor that significantly brings down soloq. No ones knows what the other is doing, multiple people going for saves, no one on gens, people unaware the killer is face camping etc. Things like base kindred and icons showing what other players are doing would go a long way, even if it's not to the same level as swfs.
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Solo q should be able to see each other's perk loadout in the lobby, that would help a lot
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Yes! That too. Especially if someone has something like head on. The team can actually take into consideration that stuff when looping and so on.