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Are we ever going to get the unused items in game?

Kyootie Member Posts: 10

I have a question. Are we ever going to see the unused items in game? By unused items i mean the firecracker type items found on the dbd wiki. Firecrackers are many peoples favourite type of item (including myself). Since firecrackers are only items from events or you can get a flashbang (which requiers being on a gen for 50% and for people with the chaser playstyle its really boring) i feel like it would be a great addition to add firecracker like items into the bloodweb permanently. I'd love to see these added and i assume many people would be happy with it. Anyway this is just my opinion, if anyone from bhvr could answer if we could get these items in game it would be great :D.


  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    I honestly hope that they just get rereleased with events so people can stock up. Theyre so fun.