Repeat Perfomances
Playing survivor tonight I've noticed that I've consistently encountered repeat players as both survivor and as killer. It was pretty cool because I got the same 3-man SWF and killer twice in a row while solo queueing, so it was really interesting and pretty fun to see the second match play out once we understood how we all played. Anyone else experiencing similar matchmaking?
In my experience, it's extremely rare with crossplay on (though I've had it happen a few times - my favorite instance was during the Bone Chill event where the repeat survivor recognized my killer outfit and remembered I liked goofing off in the previous round we'd played that night. Immediately wandered up to me in a snowman), but it happens pretty commonly when crossplay is off.
Though it does make me wish we had a 'continue playing with this lobby' function. Sometimes you get a solo team you really click with, only to scatter to the four winds.
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My cross plays on, which is why I was so surprised by it. I do wish we had a feature like though! I feel it'd be a great option to have, because it allows you to get more consistent team mates than to leave it up to random chance.
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I keep getting this same Blight with a fake ttv handle. Not really a fun killer to go up against.
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I take it blocking does nothing, right? :/
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I mean it's not like he's playing maliciously or anything. He's just the stereotypical solo queue stomper.
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That's fair. I honestly haven't escaped against a Blight since he was released and people were still trying to learn him.
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I have crossplay on but this still happened to me on a few occasions on both sides with different combinations (getting the same duo swf when I was killer, matching with the same teammate or killer when solo). I switch killers and builds though so the survivors would not have noticed.
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I've had it happen a few times recently. Yesterday I was in a lobby I didn't want to play so I left. A few mins later I tried again, same lobby.
It's kind of disconcerting, that the player base is low enough that this is happening more regularly.
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It's happened to me a few more times since I posted this. I'm also concerned because it means that the player base has massively shrunk enough that there isn't much room for player diversity.