Gone Hunting - Chapter Concept

Words marked with * will be explained at the bottom of the concept.
New Kiler:
The Jinn
Real Name: Unknown.
Ghost stories have been around for centuries. But, what if they were true?
The Jinn cannot be described as just the soul of a horrible person, it is... something.. more..
Something lurks within this being, if it is human or not is unknown. But something is definitely alive in there. A powerful energy radiates from it, as if warning those who come near it to stay away.
Is it warning them out of good nature? Or is it simply playing with their fear? One thing is certain, however.
It is dangerous.
A Territorial Kiler, forcing survivors to either move out of areas or die trying.
Its personal perks, Supernatural, Hex: Flickering Lights, and On the Hunt allow The Jinn to harm survivor's progress while maintaining its own progress in chase.
Power: Haunted Territory
The Jinn is able to mark an area to make it a Haunted Territory. Haunted Territory has a cooldown of 25 seconds.
Survivors within a Haunted Territory will recieve the Oblivious status effect and have a 4% repair, cleanse, and healing speed penalty. Survivors who are downed while in a Haunted Territory will have their auras hidden to all other survivors who are not already in the territory.
The more survivors in a Haunted Territory, the less they are affected by the speed penalties. (4% = 1 survivor, 3% = 2 survivors, 2% = 3 survivors, 1% = 4 survivors)
Special Ability: Mark
Hold and release the Active Ability button to mark an area of 15 meters and turn it into a Haunted Territory. You can only have 2 Haunted Territories at once, and if you try to mark more than 2, the oldest Haunted Territory is removed. Marking a territory while 1 or more survivors are in it will cause them to scream and reveal their location to you for 4 seconds.
Special Ability: Hunt
Your Hunt Meter will gradually fill
If a survivor is in a Haunted Territory, your Hunt meter will fill faster
At 25%: Survivors in Haunted Territories will see hallucinations of other survivors and the killer
At 50%: Totems within Haunted Territories will be lit, but will not trigger Hex perks. Survivors who cleanse totems will be highlighted with Killer Instinct for 5 seconds and will be exposed for 10 seconds.
At 75%: The Killer can now teleport to Haunted Territories with the Power button. Action speeds are decreased by 6% in Haunted Territories. Items can no longer be used.
At 100%: The Hunt starts. Survivors who are in Haunted Territories when the hunt starts will scream. Haunted Territories grow by 10 meters, and survivors in a Haunted Territory are inflicted with the Exposed, Blindness, Oblivious, and Incapacitated status effects. Survivors who were in lockers before The Hunt started will not be affected by these status effects. The Killer gains a 5% movement speed bonus while in Haunted Territories and cannot be stunned. The Hunt lasts for 25 seconds before the Hunt meter depletes back to 25%.
Once it reaches 25%, the Hunt meter cannot go back lower than that.
After every quarter of the meter is filled, a loud noise cue is given to both the survivors and the killer.
Unexplained occurences happen all the time.
- After downing a survivor, The nearest survivor will be inflicted with the Blindness, Hearing*, and Incapacitated status effects for 30/35/40 seconds.
- If you down a survivor who is still affected by Supernatural, the perk will instantly refresh, and can be used again.
- Supernatural has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
"Right Behind You." - The JInn
Hex: Flickering Lights
A Hex that roots on the progress of survivors
- When a generator reaches 75/65/50%, any survivors working on it will scream and reveal their location to you for 5 seconds.
- When a generator is completed, all other generators begin to regress at 150/200/250% the normal regression speed if not being worked on, and all survivors suffer from a 4/5/6% repair speed for 15/20/25 seconds.
On the Hunt
Sometimes you need just a bit more help
- Bloodlust no longer gives you a speed boost.
- Upon reaching Bloodlust 1, all survivors recieve a 2/3/4% speed penalty to all actions.
- Upon reaching Bloodlust 2, all survivors gain the Blindness status effect.
- Upon reaching Bloodlust 3, all generators explode, causing survivors to scream.
- On the Hunt deactivates once a chase ends, and has a cooldown of 60/50/45 seconds.
New Survivor:
Judas Calloway
Nationality: American, from San Antonio, Texas
Judas Calloway loved his job, and so did his fans. He had a large following and regularly met up with fans once in a while, but not only did his fans come, but his parents did. They enjoyed his life choices and wanted to support him in his endeavors every chance they could.
That is, until they mysteriously disappeared.
Worried about his parents, he decided to go to their house with his partner to see what was going on. When he arrived, he was greeted by an empty, derelict looking house, definitely not suitable for living in. There was a stench in there, but curiously enough, the Stench lured Judas in even more, bringing him to the living room where he found a Ouija Board. He asked the question "Where are you?", and as the Ouija Board started to move, the lights went out and heavy fog rolled in. He heard screams everywhere around him, what he thought were walls now appeared to be fleshy in texture, and ghostly hands started to pertrude from them. All of a sudden, the Ouija Board stopped trembling, and the fog ended. He was in some sort of Shack, and the Ouija Board was being illuminated by the Moonlight peering through a hole in the ceiling, and as he looked towards the Board, it started to spell out:
"Right Behind You."
Judas Calloway is a world-renowned Ghost Hunter, most known for his expertise on Paranormal events.
His personal perks, Anomaly, Boon: Physical Manipulation, and Spirit Box, allow him to detect the killers easier and relay information to his teammates.
Description: Judas wears a black turtleneck sweater with a backpack, having some equipment sticking out of the main pocket. He wears grey cargos with an empty utility belt around them. His shoes are just typical black sneakers.
You're used to this kind of stuff.
- Every 30/25/20 seconds, this perk activates for 10/15/20 seconds.
- While this perk is active, you can see the auras of all regressing generators, dull totems, unopened chests, hooks, and exit gates.
- You are oblivious while this perk is active for 10/15/20 seconds
Boon: Physical Manipulation
Your experience has taught you wonderful things.
- Upon blessing a totem, no noise will be made.
- If a killer is within a boon's radius, their aura will be revealed to all survivors.
- The radius of your boon is reduced by 9/7/5 meters
Spirit Box
You know how to set traps for your survival.
- You start the trial with one Spirit Box
- You can set a Spirit Box on the ground or in a generator
- If a killer goes within 5 meters of a spirit box or kicks a generator with one inside, their aura is revealed to all survivors for 5 seconds and a loud noise is played.
- If a spirit box is not interacted with for more than 50/40/30 seconds, it becomes supercharged, stunning the killer if they get near it.
- After repairing generators for a total of 70/60/50%, Spirit Box activates
- Entering a locker empty-handed will let you craft a new Spirit Box.
Broken EMF (Common)
- Survivors in a Haunted Territory no longer suffer from the Oblivious status effect
- 100% bonus bloodpoints gained in the Deviousness category
Trapped Soul (Common)
- Reduces cooldown of Haunted Territory by 5 seconds
Empty Box of Salts (Common)
- Survivors who run inside of Haunted Territories have their auras revealed to you
- Reduces the radius of Haunted Territories by 5 meters
Ghost Markings (Un-Common)
- Once the Hunt meter reaches 50%, it can no longer go lower than that when The Hunt resets.
- Slightly increases the speed of which The Hunt meter progresses
Smashed Dinner Plate (Un-Common)
- Upon reaching 75% Hunt Meter, all survivors working on generators will recieve a difficult skillcheck, regardless if they are in a Haunted Territory or not.
Demonic Writing (Un-Common)
- Upon reaching 25% Hunt Meter, all survivors inside of a Haunted Territory scream, revealing their locations to you fo 5 seconds
- Survivors will have random writing flash on their screen from time to time
Overheating EMF (Rare)
- Upon reaching 75% Hunt Meter, survivors will now hear a distant terror radius inside of the Haunted Territory
- Upon reaching 25% Hunt Meter, the radius of Haunted Territory will increase by 5 meters.
Flooded Spirit Box (Rare)
- Upon reaching 25% Hunt Meter, The Jinn now gains a permanent 3% Speed increase
- Upon reaching 50% Hunt Meter, The Jinn can see the auras of all survivors for 5 seconds
- Upon reaching 75% Hunt Meter, all survivors become exposed for 15 seconds
- Upon reaching 100% Hunt Meter, The Jinn can see the auras of all survivors for as long as The Hunt is active.
Unindentified Fingerprints (Rare)
- Upon reaching 25% Hunt Meter, The Jinn can now teleport to Haunted Territories
- Reduces radius of Haunted Territories by 5 meters
Shade's Remnant (Very Rare)
- Upon reaching 75% Hunt Meter, The Jinn is inflicted with the Undetectable status effect for 20 seconds
- Moderately increases the time required to gain Hunt Meter progress
Torn Journal (Very Rare)
- Haunted Territories now have a thick mist over them that only survivors can see
- Upon reaching 75% Hunt Meter, all survivors inside of a Haunted Territory are highlighted by white.
- Increases radius of Haunted Territory by 10 meters
Tampered EMF (Very Rare)
- Generators within a Haunted Territory will gradually regress at 100% the normal regression rate
- Sabotaged Hooks within a Haunted Territory will respawn wihin 10 seconds
Iridiscent Crucifix (Ultra Rare)
- Upon reaching 100% Hunt Meter:
- Survivors who are downed within Haunted Territories can be killed by your hand
- Generators within Haunted Territories will be blocked for the duration of The Hunt
- Injured survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage status effect both in and out of a Haunted Territory
- Significantly increases the required to gain Hunt Meter progress.
Bloody Ouija Board (Ultra Rare)
- Survivors who interact with generators while in a haunted territory while the Hunt meter is 100% will be highlighted by killer instinct.
- You will be able to teleport to that survivor and instantly grab them.
- The generator they were working on will explode and instantly start regressing at normal speed.
"Right Behind You." - The Jinn
Mori: A Thick fog would roll in, and The Jinn would disappear into it. The survivor would get up and step foward, being tripped by a shadow hand and falling facefirst into the ground. The Jinn would then appear in front of the survivor as they look up, and the screen would go black as screaming is heard in the background. The screen then fades back to The Jinn, survivor body nowhere to be found. (Other survivors would just see the survivor twitching on the ground before being burned by the entity)
I meant to put this concept out a long time ago, and I mean a long time ago.
*Hearing: same effect that one hag addon has, muffles the survivors audio for a few seconds.
What a great day to be haunted! GoobyNugget.