What should I buy

So over the past two days I've grinded out about 1.5 million bloodpoints and am looking for a way to spend them. I've narrowed it down and decided I want either:
Jane for Head On
REBECCA / Leon for Hyperfocus / Flashbang
Trickster for Starstruck / No Way Out
Which would anyone recommend to get out of the three. I will probably end up leveling up all three at some point so I'm really just wondering which I should do first.
trickster. head on is fun but not the best, Leon's are good but not to the level as the tricksters. buy I want to know who have you've leveled up beforehand
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Hyperfocus belongs to Rebecca. Don’t know which role you play more, but Head On would be my go to!
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Head On and Flashbang are both great perks, but you can replace Flashbang by just bringing a flashlight.
So I'd choose either Jane or Trickster.
We had a ton of fun Sunday running around with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, and Awakened Awareness. So if you play killer and aren't into the sweaty meta builds, this can be a fun way to play. No Way Out also potentially works with a Wesker perk so if you were planning on getting and leveling him or already have, there are two possibly fun combos to play there.
Hyperfocus is great, but it is from Rebecca not Leon. Out of the three options I personally would choose to level Rebecca for this over the others, but it really depends on your play style and how good you are at skill checks. Some players can't get great skill checks at all. If you have trouble, you could bring Stake Out. The biggest problem with this perk is that lots of killers have been begging for a nerf, so once they finish selling copies of the newest expansion expect something about Hyperfocus to change. It might be that it doesn't work with toolboxes, doesn't work with Stake Out, or both. It could be as drastic as a complete overhaul to what it does.
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My bad my bad XD
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But Flashbang does belong to Leon.. 🤣
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Yea I know I combined the two in my mind. Fixed it now finally. Rebecca / Leon, not just the one.
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Trickster. Starstruck is bonkers.