What would have been the result of Dowsey's hardcore survivor challenge without comms?


I mean these people work is to play dbd daily up to 8+ hours since years, I wonder how would these perform without comms.

I suspect that they would fail extremely hard, and that would prove game is built in favour of the killers, and solo has nothing to win even if in a team with 3 other survivor whose whole existence to play dbd for years


  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    Was it the challenge with the other big streamers? If yes, I'm pretty sure the would have won most matches, but perhaps each first or second game someone would die (it's also very map depended, some maps are pretty easy while some can be a nightmare). Also it's fairly killer depended. A weak killer like the Onryō would probably kill noone on The Game while a Nurse on Midnight with a certain build can easily annihilate even 4-man-SWFs. To sum up, they would have won most matches, but some of them would've died.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Well yes, but if you think about it the challenge isn't something you should realistically be able to do in-game. There are 33 survivors in Dead by Daylight. Considering a 4 man squad that means 8.25 deaths per player and the challenge fails.

    It takes, on average, 140 games to go from Ash to Iridescent.

    8.25 deaths. From Ash to Iri. 140 trials.

    Not being able to do that in solo queue is not evidence of a killer sided game.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2022

    they probably wouldve lost all the survs around gold 1

    when the killers started getting better, survivors started dying. with no comms the first survivor probably wouldve died earlier and when the first one reached gold theyd have probably be down to a very small cast of survivors

    on the contrary, being off comms wouldve helped since thered be no comms to clear, and itd be much easier to focus in chase and such against the stronger killers

    edit: this challenge proves nothing in terms of balance, and the adjusted no comms theorising bit in here also proves nothing. the game is very well balanced right now

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    Nothing would've changed since they play on fresh account vs brand new players. I'm not saying it's the easiest thing ever but when you have over 5k hours vs brand new players it's like playing on Easy Mode.