Solo queue is utterly intolerable.

Something really needs to be done with solo queue, i rarely play survivor without my swf buddies but I'm not fussed about playing killer today. I'm certainly not the best player, but I'm by no means a bad one. Ive been playing all morning must've cleared about 10 games and i haven't survived a single one. I'm seeing constant bbq and chilli killers. My "teammates" are doing very little to help me. I just died on my first hook because out of 3 survivors, absolutely none of them deigned to bother coming to get me off even though the killer was nowhere around.
I've got reasonable points in some of my games but not one survival, I'm constantly being abandoned, there's no coherent teamwork. Hell i even had someone do pinheads puzzle box right next to me while im trying to cleanse a hex, when I'm on 2 hooks and they are on none. Pinhead ports in zones on me.
Idk why we can't get vc for survivors, swf teams certainly don't need any buffs but solo queues are 4 people running blind getting picked off by the killer. Not much fun for the survivor players, i don't expect to survive all my games but dying constantly in this many games is a pretty awful game experience.
Pls devs throw solo queue players a bone.
Sounds like skill issue from your teammates. BHVR can't fix bad players.
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Oh, killer-mains here already :)
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But if they gave us VC we could at least call out where killer is and exchange useful info. Even players without mics can hear and act on what people are saying. Worst case scenario it certainly can't hurt our chances at all and if ppl get toxic just mute em.
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So I have to be a killer main to describe bad survivor plays?
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There's already a killer terror radius to tell where the killer is. There are also a lot of perks and add-ons to tell where the killer is. Let's not act like players are stupid.
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its really not that bad. The only reason solo q fails is bad players. Maybe you’re one yourself? People are so dramatic about solo q. Lmao
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Why not just develop game sense and not need comms? maybe use any of the perks in the game that give that information?
Solo queue is the weakest of the 3, but it is nowehere near as bad as people complain about. And its 90% of what I play.
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Its a hard pill to swallow, but a lot of people just don't realize when they get carried by their teammates. Tbh its kind of a failing of how MMR is determined, since you can "fail upward" and end up in higher MMR than you belong. The effect is twofold, since you're both then relying on other players to be good enough to carry you, while also weighing them down and giving them less fair matches as well.
Bad players are both the alpha and the omega.
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So getting left on hook and timing out makes me a bad player? I'd looped that wesker for at least 45 secs to a minute maybe more, and he only caught me by the skin of his teeth on a really good virulent bound a fraction of a sec before i could drop pallet. I know it helped other players finish gens. But then he hooks me, and no one bothers to help. First hook times out till i die, didn't try to kobe and hit all my skill checks.
Some games I'll do bad, not knowing the maps. But others I'll perform well on, distract the killer plenty, get gens done. If you read my original post I'm not an amazing hyper looper but i understand how the game works and I'm definitely competent. But i can't carry a whole team that refuses to help me.
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You don't need to take it like a personal attack: The difference between a bad player and an inexperienced one is whether they're willing to improve and learn from mistakes. Instead of focusing on the end result (hook timer death) think more about what you could have done differently. You mentioned you looped him for a while and got downed, and you acknowledged that you bought time for your team. Thats you doing your part to contribute, so thats what you focus on since its what you can personally control. The whims of your teammates are going to be outside of your control, so there is no point focusing on or complaining about those: they might as well be random chance to you. All you can do is do your best with your own personal contribution, as well as assisting your allies. Literally anything else, including overall outcome, is secondary to that.
If you can honestly say you could not have done any better, then just wash your hands of it. Or even better, try to see what other players do to overcome similar situations. Believe it or not a lot of these things affect successful players just as much as unsuccessful ones, the difference being countermeasures designed to minimize how much you get dragged down by others. Also believe it or not, those countermeasures usually involve playing in a way that carries teammates more than abandons them.
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You don’t have to be a killer main to describe bad players, but you sound pretty inexperienced yourself if you think only “bad players” is the reason solo queue is bad.
There is coordination that lacks in solo queue and that is mainly due to the lack of design around features that would aid survivors without communication. A ping system, ability to see each other’s perks in lobby, optional voice chat in lobby… I could go on.
You want to pigeonhole every solo queue survivor by making a statement like that and wonder why you are called a killer main.
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@HoodedWildKard : "Idk why we can't get vc for survivors, swf teams certainly don't need any buffs but solo queues are 4 people running blind getting picked off by the killer."
Because it means more job about improvement of the game for BVHR. Developping skins pays much more.
BVHR will probably never try to balance 'SWF thing' bc it is too hard to do it fairly. Introducing a vc system will need so much ingame adjustements and complains about this new com.system will be limitless...
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You didn't write the post i responded to. Certainly seemed like a personal attack or attempt at trolling.
I'm confident i contribute to the game. My last game for example, (up to 15 games with no escapes btw) iridescent benevolent/evader, gold light bringer (92 points so just a shade off of iridescent) and silver unbroken because i died. Top of my team, multiple unhooks. The first time i get hooked i progress to 2nd hook because nobody bothers to help me. Even though killer is somewhere on the other side of the map. I ran the killer for a merry chase at least 3 times, buying loads of time.
Granted i don't do that well in all my games maybe 50-70%. But after performing like that and still getting mori'd because nobody bothered to unhook me for ages. I literally almost timed out to sacrifice again.
Surely you can see how that's frustrating right? It isn't how the game should be. I dont expect to escape from every single game, but there should be an average or just below average chance to escape any given game. 80% of the games I've played today have been 3 or 4 ks. With the 3s being down to hatch. And that's consistent with my solo queue games regardless of how i perform. It's unbalanced.
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The frustration comes from focusing on the factor you can't control. This is a game balanced by averages, it is rooted in chaos. There will always be games where you will have lost before the map even loads (for both sides,) so its a surefire way to burn out from the game by focusing on how badly things can be out of your favor by default. The thing about self improvement is that not only do those things start to bother you less, you end up being better equipped to offset them more. I absolutely understand why you feel the way you do, but its a lesson thats been taught over years with this game. Solo queue gets the worst of it because you get held back by the others who would rather whine and complain than improve in addition to yourself, and its a big part of why I would rather see people improve than complain.
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Part of this is just me venting, but another part is the constructive criticism, I want to see a positive change. Give solo queue anything. VC would be amazing, a ping system would be almost as good. 2 pings on hook, stay away killer near or help me killer is far. General ping for killer is near me on standing survivors. Let us see each other's perks in the lobby.
None of these things would be a drastic detriment to the game. Yes some ppl would be idiots and get toxic on vc or spam pings. But locking pings if they are spammed, having the ability to mute players are easy ways to prevent it.
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I've mentioned it a couple times on this forum that maybe VC would be a good solution to make solo q bearable.
But now that I've played some time after the purged perks patch, I've come to the conclusion that even VC won't fix bad teammates. Would it be an improvement for solo q in general? yes,definitely. But would VC fix the teammates who refuse to unhook or do nothing for the team? no.
This deep rooted issue goes back to MMR. I'm gonna be preaching this all day and all night if necessary. Players who play to win should not be put into a lobby with players who play for looting chests/hiding in lockers all game/ leaving their teammates go 2nd stage on hook, playing for hatch only escapes etc.
The killer is nowhere nearby and I see an Elodie crouching next to me,I'm hooked for the 2nd time. I die because she keeps crouching, probably scared that the killer MIGHT come back even though he is chasing Bill.
Killer hooks me, goes after Cheryl who happened to be nearby. A Meg runs up to me so I think I'm saved. Instead of unhooking me she puts me into reassurance and runs away, even though the killer is still chasing Cheryl.
Endgame. I'm looping the killer so my teammates have time to open the gate and heal so when I go down they can unhook me and with basekit BT I can make it to the exit. When on hook I notice them open the door and teabag at the gate instead of unhooking me, which is very easy considering all of them are alive/healthy and the killer went to check on the exit gates anyways....
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The game was never designed for comms, despite allowing them through third party software. Allowing them at base creates its own balancing issues, especially in regards to those who opt out. The thing about requests for those, pings, automated messages, etc is that you already have more than enough perks that can due the jobs of those things, and well at that. Kindred and Windows are extremely undervalued for the info they provide to solos, as well as Empathy, Bond, Aftercare, and even Alert.
Also its worth noting you only addressed the positives and negatives for your proposed change specifically for survivors: Its a pvp game. Every change to one side affects another, and things like basekit comms would hurt stealth killers even more than they already have been. CoH alone still hurts them disproportionately to this day, even with all of its nerfs, simply because it is a concept that nullifies most of the strengths their kits are designed around. Its always important to consider all aspects of changes and their affects on both sides before attempting to put them in the game, but especially when concerning basekit.
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Above the soft cap and still get teammates that self care through Sloppy and Coulrophobia. There is literally no matchmaking in this game because of how wide the acceptable range is. It makes solo queue unbearable.
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Voice chat can put the solo experience at an even worse disadvantage. Imagine how much harder it might be hearing Myer's breathing or Ghostface's cloak or Wraith's gurgle or a skill check sound notification or a hex totem burning or the killer's terror radius at the earliest opportunity, with a loud team mate in your ear. Sounds are important in this game. At least with a swf you can choose your team mates, you're all invested in the team's survival, and you can tell them to keep quiet with no hard feelings. Try telling some aggro random you got matched with that they're being too loud and they'll probably sandbag you until you die.
I'm a solo player and I get it. My escape rate used to be 1 in every 4-5 games and it's now 1 in every 8 - 10 games. But voice chat involves putting even more trust in the randoms I get matched with than I usually do, and they let me down enough as it is. What I need is a basekit Kindred, so I know who is going for the unhook and whether it needs to be me.
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The problem is certainly more complicated than just bad survivor players. I would estimate at least half the time the problem is the information differential between swf and solo. Please include VC, those that don't want to use VC will either adapt or continue to suffer and complain.
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I can't imagine a scenario where we'd have voice chat with hot mics for everyone and no mute option. The comms would theoretically improve with player skill, but BHVR is terrified of survivors being able to optimize and play skillfully, so we'll most likely never see any sort of ranked ladder.
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>There's already a killer terror radius to tell where the killer is.
I don't know if you're a "killer" main, but you clearly don't play GF, Pig, Wraith, Myers...
Also, you might not want to imply that a TR contains the same information as speaking with human teammates if you want to be taken seriously by EITHER side
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Mute options, chat vs game volume balance, those fix the problem easily. VC would definitely be way more beneficial than detrimental.
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I see what you mean, but stealth killers already face that disadvantage against swf. I see no issue with making the playing field even between swf and solo q. If voice comms is all round then stealth killers specifically could be buffed to deal with it. Maybe faster movement speed or any number of things to help them if VC was introduced.
perks like kindred, spine chill etc are a poor substitute for being able to exhange tactical info between survivors. Swf has that advantage whereas solo q does not and the difference is obvious.
I've noticed that often when survivors do well in solo q the killer often has 1 or very few perks, usually yellow or green. I shouldn't have to rely on an incompetent killer to get a survival in a game. A killer with basic competence will 9 times out of 10 mince a solo q lobby. Unless all the survivors happen to be mlg pros. I've seen multiple solo q games that have resulted in a 3/4 k purely becuase 1 player couldn't pull their weight or died early.
Applying something to help solo q specifically would not ruin the game. But improve it massively, especially to newer players who are extremely important to the game. If my first day playing survivor had been like the one i had today i doubt i would have carried on with the game as I have. It's an excellent game and i love the concept. I just want solo q survivor to be a challenging but good experience, not a frustrating and punishing one.
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Thats a weird way to introduce yourself. But ok. Who am i to judge?
Anyway, Ingame Voice chat is the only thing that can bring Solos to SWF levels. Everything else has failed so far, so why not try the voice chat for once? And yes, i´m sitting in europe, i´m aware that there might be issues with the language barrier. But that could be simply circumveited by adding a "preferred language" option. With several checkboxes.
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No but they sure fix you up with bad players constantly.
Maybe you aren't familiar with solo q - that part where you don't get to pick your 'teammates'.
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matches are very mixed experiences - no doubt the rank reset is playing into this :)
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Does the ranked reset also reset the mmr?
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But have you seen the upcoming new cosmetics? There's even a princess costume!
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Now being dragged across broken glass seems better now!
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I genuinely enjoy playing solo queue.
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"could be buffed" is the issue. They won't. The Key/Mori issue was their litmus on whether they could handle game design decisions that require directly buffing and nerfing both sides evenly, and it took them months of excuses before falling back to a simple number adjustment.
Also I'm not going to say that info perks are as good as SWF, i'm saying that they are as good as solo queue needs, and SWF comms are an outlier beyond the game's design that has gone unchecked since its inception. They want to design things around no comms, but ignore that people are allowed to use them through other means. That has been a balancing discrepency in its very design since the moment people stopped having to lobby shop to play with their friends. They can have both swf and solo queue in the game, but it would be considerably smarter design wise to nerf specifically the potential of swf w/comms than it would be to try to bring solo up to that level and then need to rework entire core aspects of the game to try to achieve parity.
Also again, more focusing solely on the survivor perspective. The amount of QoL that killers of all skill levels could use is also massive, especially with how it gets directed by survivor changes. Its to the point that the across the board minor buffs get treated like they're single handedly ruining the game for survivors as a result, when at higher level they make absolutely no difference. The thing about making adjustments for low level play is that you have to make sure they can't be taken advantage of by better players, otherwise you end up with stuff like the basekit BT and OTR being used offensively instead of their anti-tunnel intentions. I don't fault anyone for overlooking things outside of their perspective, just when they ignore the issues of others because "they got theirs."
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People don't seem to realize that 'buffing solo to SWF' would be basically designing a whole new game, based around coordinated team play as opposed to 4 scattered survivors working off limited information. Everyone knows SWF is busted, because comms destroy the basic design of the game. And yet they still ask for solo to be as strong as the SWF they admit themselves to be overpowered, presumably for those 'easy wins' they cry about Killers wanting.
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Just because people DECIDE to opt out of voice doesn't mean VC wouldn't improve the match quality for the people who do decide to use it.
If you can't use voice because you don't have a headset or microphone, well its 2022. That isn't a valid excuse to not bring VC to DbD. You can go buy one for very cheap, but again this is a YOU problem.
While you bring up a fair point of other perks giving very useful info to teammates, the idea & recommendation of having to bring those perks is null and dull. When in comparison to SWF, they get all that info just through comms, essentially letting them bring more 'meta' or powerful perks. While yes, we have those perks to help with info, by no means is that a rational solution to this topic because like I said, forcing solo players to bring certain perks for that info, means they lose out on some more useful or powerful perks they'd likely bring instead.
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Its true though. And stop making excuses for it. The killer has nothing to do with how sorry your other team mates are. Survivors have full control of their experience in how they choose to deal with their team mates. NOBODY ELSE. Cut it out bruh....
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I just want to add - nothing has actually changed for solo queue, it's literally always been this bad since the very beginning. Even the worst players in terms of mechanical skill will perform drastically better when they can communicate with their team, it's simply the nature of the game.
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I honestly don't understand why they haven't given survivors the ability to see their perks in lobby. Its only fair. We can see your items in your hand. Why not let survivors see each others perks, I mean its a team game. Why it hasn't happened yet is kinda weird.
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lol it’s no longer 2016. SWF isn’t that strong anymore.
There are still situations that even with comms information is meaningless. Because now you have an array of perks which limit the accuracy and amount of information you have on the killer… meanwhile killers have aura -reading perks that are gained passively (Lethal, Scourge hook etc) so I reiterate, it is no longer 2016 when SWF may have been more at an advantage.
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It is weird, especially now that they want to create very gimmicky/situational perks.
My guess is that they fear people would dodge if they saw someone with self care etc, but to be fair, not knowing has a more negative effect because handicaps the teammate that COULD have brought That BT perk and other more defensive perks out there.
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You have to balance around comms if you provide them with the expectation they will be used more often than not. That means you would be designing things to disadvantage people that don't use them specifically, or designing them around no comms knowingly giving people who use them a distinct advantage. Its one thing to allow it through other means, but directly implimenting it is directly sanctioning it: you arent allowed to ignore the elephant in the room any more because you pointed it out.
Also in regards to the perks, survivors don't need them. Perks for survivor are literally centered around either boosting your strengths or covering your weaknesses, none of them are required and none of the survivors have unique traits or abilities that they synergize with or against. They are literally your personal choice for how you want to improve your chances. Its not even addressing stuff like accessibility options being tied to them, its just wanting to be able to have more than 4 perks. Make Your Choice.
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Well its really not a team game though.
Its a 1v1v1v1v1. The choice to help your teammates & use teamwork to get out or hide all game and play selfishly is up to you. You're not obligated to help anyone. Also being able to see survivor's build will give you ideas of how they play or at the very least, you'll assume. Ex. seeing a survivor with Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Adrenaline & Self Aware. And this could affect lobby/match quality since people will dodge a lot more.
Its like dodging a lobby when you see a fresh survivor at lvl1. Like no thanks. Maybe they're insane players and just getting on a new character, but am I willing to take that chance? Nah.
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SWFs already use them, so whats the harm in letting solo players use those same tools or at the very LEAST, try it out? The biggest gripe I have with the VC debate is how after all these years, we still have NEVER had an experimental phase on the PTB or any real data to draw from, people just bring up hypotheticals all the time and this could have all been laid to rest awhile ago if they ever even bothered to toy with the idea of VC. If it didn't work out and proved to worsen matches or be hurtful to DbD, then disable it and move on.
Again, its 2022. If you don't want to use VC or don't have a microphone, thats entirely on that individual person. This whole 'people not using it' shouldn't even be a factor in the debate. If you don't want to use voice chat for whatever reason, thats on you. If I want to use voice comms with my 3 other solo teammates and even 1 of them decide to use it, its still a win. Because thats still better than the situation we've been in for YEARS.
Right, I don't think we need perks. But when you start saying 'hey you got all these info perks', it means very little considering every solo player knows SWFs get all those perks w/o having to even run them. And bringing solo survivors in line or even somewhat closer to SWF is what most of us want.
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It's sad to see.... and say but
Turning perks into basekit seems to be the way that they are going...
Even though I am against it.... it seems like that's the best move they can make
But on one hand it's due to coding and the other is the lack of new ideas the Devs have
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The reason I have no interest in using comms is because I have no interest in a torrent of verbal slurry being poured in my ear by enraged fourteen year olds who apparently all have carnal knowledge of my mother.
Y'know, like literally every other game that has voice comms.
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There has been more than one team I've had lately who seem to think that "Dead By Daylight" describes their objective.
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Idk i play killer a lot. The QoL for killers seems pretty good, the only times i don't end up with at least 2k is when I'm against swf teams full of clearly experienced players or once or twice solo q teams where all the players are prestige 10 or above. 90% of my killer games i absolutely stomp.
Swf is so strong because full teams are often very experienced players, conparing what they can do to conpared to more average players is a silly comparison to make. VC wouldn't make the game unplayable for killers by any means. It'd just give solo q survivors a sorely needed helping hand.
I generally avoid solo q as much as possible. But i wouldn't wish my experience of the game today on any player particularly a new player. When killers consistently get 3/4ks against solo q teams. It's an unpleasant experience for 4 out of the 5 players involved. Ive played over 20 games today. Ive survived 3 and only one of those saw us get the gates open and 3 survivors escape. The other two i used annotated blueprint to get hatch. It's not an enjoyable experience. And that's what games are for. To enjoy I'd happily lose a lot of the good performance/results i get on killer for more solo q survivors to actually survive a game 40-60% of the time. Hell when i play killer unless i have a specific reason not too i almost always give 4th survivor hatch/gate
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Toxicity occurs in every game. Individual mutes can fix that. Assuming you're just going to get immature kids as teammates who hurl F grade insults towards you every game is part of the problem.
Those other games you mentioned are pretty successful for having those voice comms.
I'll name a few; Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant, Call of Duty, hell even Evolve Stage 2 had voice comms.
While yes, toxicity can occur in any game that has voice comms, they can also strengthen the teamwork/coordination of a team. And acting like voice comms will only be negative when again, we have had 0 data to draw on & only share hypotheticals, is just counter productive.
I'm sure a lot of people who are against the idea of VC would try it out as well. The problem is, BHVR hasn't cared or even toyed with the thought of trying it out. So the VC debate rages on, zzz.
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That 1v1v1v1v1 comment is so flawed i'm still amazed they even made it. the 4 have the same objective, so they are not "vs" each other. If there was only allowed to be one survivor per match? maybe. But their goal is not mutually exclusive nor is it at odds with each other, so they are not in opposition in any way other than whether they want to sandbag or troll each other to boost their own chances unnecessarily. Its an extremely bad take on their own design.
The "harm" is that they have been a balancing outlier that has made the game unable to be properly balanced for ages. You also can't really try things like that out because then you will face massive backlash if you decide to take them away. And if you think people are ragequitting at the drop of a hat now? The average player can't even provide clear feedback without getting emotional as it is, all they would be doing is forcing themselves to roll it out for real.
And like ive said multiple times, many aspects of the game are designed specifically around NOT having access to communication. You're leaning pretty hard on that current year argument when this game refuses to even put in an FoV slider which I can literally go back and adjust in games like Doom and Quake. Not only that, but people can opt out because they don't want to communicate nor hear what their teammates have to say, and that will ALWAYS be a valid reason to not make it mandatory in game design.
And once again, you're going for the "SWF can do it, i want it too!" without considering either the implications or the false equivalence. SWFs don't get aura perks for free, they get similar info as aura perks through communication specifically without needing to use perk slots. They don't get full auras because one person has them, they have one person who can relay that information instead. There is a very big difference, especially since multiple people talking at once creates discordance. Its also part of the reason why SWFs that are organized designate people for different roles, so that one person can focus on information and coordination while the others work in tandem. Up to 4 people being able to relay that information to each other is NOT the same as all 4 having all of that information at all times.
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It doesnt fix players who dont know what to do with the change suggestion, which is mostly infos.
It does fix players who know what to do with the infos they have.
Dwight on hook, Meg in chase. Jake & Clau on difference gens.
No info case, which is current how solo play.
Either Jake believe Clau going for unhook or vice versa because both gens are at 60-80%. Cause Dwight gets to 2nd hook stage.
Or both Jake & Clau going for unhook.after 20sec traveling Jake seeing Clau is already at hook, he spends another 20sec to go back to his gen. That is half a Gen progression. This case happens more than the first.
There is nothing to do with "bad players" in this case.
With info case, showing Meg in chase, Clau & Jake on gens.
The moment Clau leave her gen, the info show that she's no more on gen, which is go for unhooking. Then Jake and sit tight at his gen instead of wasting 40sec.
Bad players is despite seeing Clau already leave gen, Jake still going to hook to try getting blood point
Or both prefer to complete their gen and non of them leave gen to unhook Dwight
Someone charges at you with a sword, good judge is to give you a sword and see how you fight back, not leave you unarmed because other believe you cant use sword and decide not giving it. You totally can use sword, but you just dont have it to win the fight.
Same to good players using info buff that solo desperately need