Killer-Sided? Don't make me laugh

predalienman1 Member Posts: 12
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

I am tired of people telling me this game is killer-sided after the recent patch, I really am. Solo-survivors playing casually crying about killers being too strong after losing to (I KID YOU NOT) a goddamn Wraith of all things is so cringe I have no words.

People complain about STBFL, Devour, Make Your Choice, Starstruck and the list goes on. What I do not understand is that, why are people complaining if all of these (and many more perks) have counterplay. Hexes can be cleansed and therefore gone forever(unlike a certain surv perk that can be placed at the edge of a map AND replaced at will), STBFL can be countered with correct bodyblocking (I guess that requires teamwork and knowledge of the game, oh no) and as soon as people know about Starstruck they can just split up and never come within a kilometer of eachother. (Needless to say all of that is 10 times easier while in SWF).

I do not think killers are THAT weak, but there a things survivors can do that have 0 counterplay if you are not running top 3 killers and sweating out of your mind.

I am gonna go over some points which are brought up often to make clear how I feel about things.

-Godpallets. Yeah, Blight and Nurse can ignore them (the first one only to an extent), but you know who cannot? Every other killer in the game. You just have to loop around the shack\rpd hall\main buildings in general. And it is gonna take you a good 3 to 4 loops around the structure to get the pallet out. (While 3 people are hammering on gens, most likely). And there are maps there these pallets can be back-toback-to-back, like Eyrie of Crows or RPD.

-DH. Yeah, you thought that was a nerf? I agree only 50% on that. DH is still the same second chance perk it always was. Yeah, it does not give distance now and does not let you dodge doctor's shock\slinger's shot (Imagine playing around something). People are still using in exactly same situations to avoid hits and make 50-50s into unwinnable situations. Oh and speaking of that, people can now take one-shot hits with DH to cover their team. Remember the times when people lined up to protect someone at the endgame? They can now do it while injured with enough practice, so you gotta eat through 3 people with 3 deadhards, so the kill-denial game is stronger than ever.

-Genrushing. But OP, the gens are now 90 seconds!!!!How can people genrush?????? In the current patch there are games with the first gen being doing within a minute. If you don't believe me-go believe YouTube. Prove Thyself still exists, BNPs still exist, toolboxes still exist, and while overall regression perks have gotten better since they are percentage-based, so did BNPs, which are also percentage-based. I personally won games with people having 4 bnps, but it was pure dumb luck on my part (finding the first person quickly and snowballing from there). If that does not happen-the game is pretty much going downhill, especially on larger maps.

-99% exit gates..should not be a thing in my opinion. I don't think it's powerful(aside from denying BloodWarden and purple nemesis addon), it just makes the game very lame in my opinion, making situations where you are held in the game for far longer than you should be is tedious.

As a bit of a side note, I'd like to address complaints about Overcharge\Call of Brine\Eruption. This one is just funny IMO. A killer needs to have these perks in the first place, get to a gen in time and kick it to activate them(Eruption takes kicking several gens on top of needing a down to activated effectively). Even so, against people with 1 brain cell it will proc only once (or maybe never, since it's effect is felt immediately and if you are hit with it once you will just let go of any gen you are working on so you don't get incapacitated. And you know what survivors can do to stop overcharge\call of brine combo? Touch a gen for exactly a millisecond. Hell, people are doing this during chases ffs. I will not get into the new survivor meta, since people already figured it out. I do love me some people healing in my face at the speed of sound, while being on an entirely safe loop.

Before you start typing these very smart and original comments of yours, I have been playing this for almost 500 hours, so do not come at me with that "you have not seeing anything yet" type speech, I have outplayed and killed people with 7k+ hours and recieved #########-talk for doing so (while running a non-meta build, mind you). For most of the time when I was not burnt-out I got to Iridescent rank 1 and I have purchased and played every killer, so I am not entirely clueless as to what I am talking about.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2022

    I will feel better if someone actually tries to change my mind.

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    Oh, so I jusr run Terminus and Discordance every time I play then? Lovely!

    Yeah, godpallets are a 1-off deal. But what about those times when there are up to 3 on them on the map and you will just throw the game trying to loop a person around them?

    If you can not use DH properly-other people can. And they do it plenty of times

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i understand where youre coming from, but the game is much more balanced than before

    god pallets are still complete bs that should be removed completely, i agree entirely. id take it a step further and argue some tiles and main buildings need to be nerfed as well, but thats map balance not game balance, and the devs releasing garden shows they dont care about that in the slightest

    dead hard was nerfed. the only part that was buffed is good timing is a hit + distance instead of a missed lunge. the uncounterable dead hards are so much harder to pull off, and theyre technically not even uncounterable. its in a much better state than before

    genrushing has always existed. prove has pretty much always been a problem. toolboxes and bnps have always been op. but they do have a counter - hard tunneling asap

    99ing gates isnt really a problem. itd be nice if gates regressed passively, but the devs wont do that, it seems theyre happy with endgame being how it is, and endgame isnt really that bad as it is

    basically - play scummy, and bandaid fix issues with perks. its been like this forever, mmr has just made these issues much more obvious

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Thanks for doing this. Killer is still really weak against any survivor group that have brain.

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for an actual argument

    Although I do not agree with countering lame playstyles with lame playstyles. it's just sad.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    This game is mos def killer sided after the last mid patch.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    You have had the forums filled and ridden with constant crying and moaning about gen rushing, pallets, and anything survivor related. Then in a way lower proportion, survivors crying about their own issues. Everyone cries. Thank you for letting me know, that after 6 years of playing both sides for thousands of hours, the killer's objective is to kill me.

    I would know, I get tunnelled every match. Hence I bring meta perks.

    Hence killers complain about meta perks and tunnel, and bring meta perks themselves.

    Killers, who tend to be the whiniest and complain the most out of both sides, complain about the gen speeds blabla, and survivors complain about tunnelling, nothing strange in my book.

    For me, it is odd to complain about the killer in my matches. I'm way more focused on the other survivors, who are usually completely useless, because this game's MMR doesn't work, and it prioritises queue times over skill matching. So I will be having decent team mates one match, and then have to deal with literally deadweights bringing me down so in order to win, I have to get chased for minutes, make no mistakes, then repair 3+ generators myself, unhook everyone, and pray I get lucky with the RNG in the maps so I can get away in the end.

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    I guess I am playing against 1 percent of survivors every game then.

    I never camp or tunnel because I want to. Unless you consider hooking a survivor after hooking another one tunneling-sure

    I proxycamp the hook during endgame or when I know there is someone around it.

    -500 hours-Welcome to dbd


  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    Oh, I guess I will come back after 8 thousand hours when my opinion begins to matter then, thank you

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Dude, you obviously came into this discussion with your mind already made up.

    I'm not about to 'change your mind', but what I will say is that both sides have annoyances and complaints about their opposition. From experience on this forum, many people aren't open-minded to seeing it from both sides because they've had some bad experiences playing either killer or survivor. All a killer needs is a few matches against some really strong SWFs to decide the game is "survivor sided", whilst a survivor just needs to play solo-queue for a bit and experience Nurse and some tunneling/camping to decide it's "killer sided" - you see a theme here? For every complaint you have about DH or a gen-rushing squad, survivors are just as entitled to have a strong opinion about, let's say, a range add-on Nurse, Alchemist Ring Blight, or a face camping Bubba. Do you see? Discussions like this are just fighting fire with fire and aren't productive when discussing the overall health of the game.

    Instead of us all making it a 'us vs. them' thing and competing to see which side has it worse (which, no offense, this discussion is doing exactly that), why don't we all mutually agree on certain things in the game which needs fixing which would benefit both sides? For example map design and layout - we can all agree (whether killer or survivor) that they're not great and need fixing can we not? Also: MMR... I think we can all agree that there's something seriously off with this.

    Also, this doesn't particularly benefit the killer but the gap between solo-queue and SWF needs to be addressed. I only mention this because you say countering Hex's requires 'team work and game knowledge', which it does, but that's no easy feat when playing solo-queue. You don't know what you're gonna get, and you also forget there are casual players in this game who only play for a few hours.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605
  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    Great input! I am now tempted to leave a game there people dont count as people until several thousand hours.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I missed the part where I said I don't consider inexperienced players people. You are a person, a person who's less experienced than he thinks.

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    I appreciate the input.


    As I already mentioned, the points I listed apply to everyone but Nurse and Blight. I dont play Nurse, but I do play add-onless Blight

    I dont care about Bubbas (I think people are smart enough just to go do gens and not give him more kills)

  • whampyri
    whampyri Member Posts: 68

    Survivors can destroy hooks.

    Survivors can easily loop killers with windows

    Most of the time any hexes are out in the open. Removing a power that killer had

    Flashlights are easy to use and can be used in conjunction with pallets

    Thats just for starters

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    "Before people come with smart and original comments..."

    You dont really want your mind changed.

    Just because some killers have it hard, doesnt mean Solo Q isn't terrible. And people should still and can complain.

    Also it was disproofen that killers face high MMR SWF's all the time, its a small percentage.

    Whataboutism doesnt help.

    I agree that some killers need some help, but Solo Q was ignored a long time ago, even before the killer buffs. They need the buffs the most right now. After that we can look at the weak killers.

    Even tho they atleast got buffed recently, agree?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Don't forget that Maps and MMR have something to do with it

    But anyway... Yea OP does have good points, but then again it's ones matches (it's not the same as watching every match)

    But then again "countering" certain perks are easier said then done but other are easy to "counter" just by gamesense

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Oh and on a side note about Tool Boxes, Brand new part etc:

    I think its the same when the killer brings Irisident addons. Its just harder and gives a boost.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    You are in a discussing Forum and cherry pick your things in this whole thread. Maybe get some steam out. Play some solo q aswell and try to see for everyone.

    You came here not to change your mind, you came to complain and stating your opinion is the only one.

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    I am not willing to play a random guy#34 when I can play someone as iconic as Pyramid Head or Nemesis

    Don't think I don't know how bad soloQ is.

    People who are clueless and alone are easy games most of the time, but can you count them as good examples

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    It honestly saddens me that I have to play like a scum just to win a game

    Developers really think that getting 12 hooks while there are only 5 gens is ok

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Why not just ignore these people and play the game. Who cares if the game is "x" sided, so what? What's the skill in this game? Most of the outcome of a match is determined by who brings the strongest stuff and RNG.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I am going to add to this thread. This game is too random. Between maps, swf, killer, add-ons, maps and perks the list goes on and on.

    I tell people all the time. Just do the best you can. Play how you want to play. As long as your no cheating. Who cares if you win or lose? That is the very nature of a game. Win some lose some. Sure you may tie here and there.

    Thing is, we are all gamers. We Play the game to have fun. If your not having fun play something else for awhile. This game is not the best at being balanced. I do not agree with certain things on either side. I still Play and love the game anyway.

    I honestly feel that if we just don't care about a win or a loss we will have a much better time. I know that's not the way for everyone, but try it. Do what you can. You lose or win then GG and move on to the next match.

    Remember, win and lose with dignity.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You people are never satisfied with anything...

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 480

    Its swf thats the issue, the gap between solos and teams on comms is huge.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    For real! Next patch at least one survivor should spawn on the hook

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    500 hours. Yeah no buddy,if you're struggling as Killer right now,just get good.

  • Pumpkinbros
    Pumpkinbros Member Posts: 425

    play a different game for a bit

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Casual survivors auto-losing to casual killers is why there is proof the game is killer sided.

    All of those perks you mentioned are way more OP than what survivors can use. It is killer sided because in any random match there is a high likelihood survivors will lose. Killers have advantages survivors can't overcome such as slugging in an endgame build. Sitting on a 3 gen and so much more. If survivors have a rough start of the match, they have to accept their loss because they don't have any way to recover like killers can.

    In other words, survivors have to play perfectly against a killer making mistakes.

  • whampyri
    whampyri Member Posts: 68

    Teams with coms are almost impossible to beat. Unless by some miracle they havnt found devour hope

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  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    What makes you think the survivors are not sweating their hardest as well? So don't expect to win them without sweating yourself. There is only 2 killers who can keep up at higher level yes but you play one of them you should be fine. It's still possible to win with other killers but lot harder and you can't do it as consistently.

  • whampyri
    whampyri Member Posts: 68

    The clicky flashlights and tbagging for one the bully squads for another

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2022

    It’s not killer sided but it’s not survivor sided either.

    Both sides have situational strengths that can be leveraged for big advantage.

    All of which can be countered to some extent.

    Its just easier to complain and get someone else to fix it than it is to improve.

    Time spent in game has little or nothing to do with it and you often find touting time spent online begs the question, well why haven’t they figured out a way to play around it yet?

  • predalienman1
    predalienman1 Member Posts: 12

    Heard the exact same argument being made from the other side

    If killer(without the endgame build) makes some mistakes at the start, recovery can be impossible