What happens when u report a cheater.

when they have no anticheat so cheaters can just kick u from the game
Nothing happens really xD they just create another account Over and Over xD thats why even when BHVR ban One of the cheaters the same cheater is having fun again because hey just changed nickname and account xD
PS: I think report system only works on PC and not on consoles 😏
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does the report system even work?
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Good question mate 😅 like i said, only on PCs. Forget reporting on consoles 😏
And the system report its been alot worse in the past 6 years xD
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i don't think it works even on pc, and honestly i prefer reporting from steam (since they actually do work 10% of the time ) but with anonymous mode that has been harder
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True.. I forgot about that Anonymous mode... GG BHVR...
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In today's bug fix patch they removed Anonymous mode from consoles since it wasn't intended to be included there. (Apparently the Anonymous mode interferes or overwrites similar console mechanisms so the game isn't allowed to have it on them.)
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