Sadako appreciation thread: Share your builds

So, Sadako is for some reason falsely accused of being the worst killer in DbD. As one of my favourite killers to play as, I find her quite fun and strong if you know how/when to drop chase and do hit and runs, and when to commit.

My favourite Sadako build is usually:

Sloppy Butcher


Scourge Hook : Pain

Call of Brine

What about yours? I'd like to see other people's ideas for Sadako builds.


  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773


    tell me how to make her strong, make a post or something if you havent already.

    I looove her to death, and figured if I was a previous Wraith main I'd be good. But I have the worst games with her :(

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Shadowborn, Lightborn, Bamboozle, Enduring

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605
    edited September 2022

    I was a Wraith main too! I feel it's the natural second choice for people who mained Wraith. Sadako is truly amazing.

    Here's one of my recent plays of Sadako in The Game (it's still a super strong survivor map despite not being too bad for Sadako, it has a thousand safe pallets). Generally speaking, for sadako you need:

    1. Great knowledge of the maps you're playing in. You have to know which sides of the maps are strong, what kind of tiles and pallets it can spawn, and how you'll approach the different loops.
    2. Know when to drop chase/when to commit. This is crucial for a killer like Sadako, whose chase power is slower compared to other killers like Blight or Nurse. Generally speaking, you will be fine if you get a first hit in (using Sloppy is better for wasting extra time, you can also combine it with Save the Best for Last) and only commit if the survivor isn't rushing straight to a very strong loop (shack, a strong building like Crotus penn Asylum big version), otherwise getting a hit in and going back to generators watch is best course of action.
    3. Teleport through TVs A LOT more often than you think during chases: Not blindly randomly teleporting to any TV, no. And not only AFTER you hook someone. Teleport as often as you can.And, more often than not, this will throw survivors off. Let's say you go to a generator and you see there are two survivors repairing, one disappears and you chase the other. If you're not downing them fast enough, teleport back to the generator. You will most likely catch a survivor off guard. Also, watch for TVs in the path of the survivor, if it's in the proximity of where they're running to, sometimes this will guarantee you a down. (watch in the video minute 2:20)
    4. Pick a 3 gen: This is best for killers like Sadako and Trapper, though it works for all killers. Basic killer strategies. Ignore the furthest away gens. Pick your little generator playpen, and don't commit too much outside of your playpen. Drop chase if you must.

    Last but not least, people tend to underestimate Sadako. Use her powers a lot. Demanifest and manifest in smart ways, teleport through tvs as often as you can, get a few hits in, break a couple pallets and drop chase. Every time you come back to those survivors, they'll be weaker and you'll be stronger.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Alright, time for me to hop on some Onryo.

    I likely have been committing to chases too much, guess im trying to practice the manifestation invisibility.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    -Call of Brine, Eruption, Franklin's, Sloppy butcher

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    Devour Hope, Undying, Scourge: Floods of Rage, and Make your Choice

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    If you haven't already look up One Pump Willie on YouTube. He plays Onryô and seems to specialize going for Condemned kills.