Someone escaped with only 1 gen done

I was doing my daily dbd run as a survivor and didn't really expect much since i was in a solo-queue. This Jake is the first one to be on phase 2. So i didn't really expect much. When my other teammate unhook him, he immediately escaped out of nowhere.
I'm just thinking about the poor killer's reaction when he saw Jake escaping out of nowhere. These cheater issue needs to be fixed ASAP.
I've loaded into several matches in a row with cheaters who insta did 5 gens and left. I am tempted to try and fish for them,while running Corrupt Dead Lock And No Way Out just to mess with them. I really want to see their faces when all the gens get blocked and they cant do them KEKW.
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must have accidentally dead harded off the map /s
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He just has a really good gaming chair
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As a survivor main, i support on what you're about to do hahaha. But i doubt that would even work. They'll probably just use their cheats to escape. Cheaters these days aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're cheating :(
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I think you're right tho, that's a good point
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I support fully on what you're about to do. But i doubt that'll even work tho, they'll probably will just escape with their cheats. Cheaters these days aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're cheating.
Just finished playing dbd, and i met a wraith that is literally zooming and he recovered from m1 really fast without the help of any perk nor add-ons :(
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Nah, yeah. With those full rgb equipment. No one can beat em' RGBs
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The other day I had a Nea that did this, except she also dropped several hundred flashbangs across the map with minute-plus-long blinds. I almost didn't make it out the gates because I couldn't navigate until the very end.
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Either cheating or the Survivor ended up bugged on the Exit Gates after a clipping bug, which can happen but its super rare. Odds are it was a cheater.
Cheaters have absolute control of the match, they can activate/deactivate perks, open the Exit Gates without even fixing a gen, make Jigsaw traps last 1 second, make gens go slow they cant ever be finished etc, I dont think you can stop them from doing wathever they want by any non cheating means.
One advice, if you find cheaters ignore them and dont react, best case scenario they escape/kill everyone in the first 30 seconds, worst case scenario they notice you are getting frustrated because of their antics and hold you hostage for wathever time they want, is better to just let em go.
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Just regular cheaters. Some attempted to escape even after I initiated the EGC and the timer ran out. They tried to prevent dying by hooking themselves, then one of them teleported out and the game showed as escaped, but in a moment it simply changed to sacrificed because EGC ran out anyway so it was not possible.
Probably cheaters with too many spare accounts to burn after they get banned. All were showing that cross platform globe thingy. I was even thinking turning off cross platform, since there are fewer hackers on platforms where they can lose their account and it didn't have free DBD giveaway.
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Yeah, I'm playing less but seeing cheaters more.
Saw one yesterday when I tried to do a Dredge daily. All I needed to do was activate Nightfall twice. I was on Switch, so I couldn't really play killer. I can't realistically chase or anything; sometimes I whiff when survivors stand still for it, the performance really is that bad. I guess the cheater didn't like that, because when they flashlight-clicked at me and I went in a different direction my framerate dropped from the normal 5 fps to about 1 frame every 5 seconds. The cheater threw themselves on the hook, two other survivors disconnected, the system was so overwhelmed that it wasn't taking my inputs, and finally the framerate got so bad that it was completely frozen and the game crashed entirely.
So, don't be too bad at the game, killers, or cheaters will get mad. But also don't be too good, because they definitely won't like that, either.