
So I have been hearing, mainly Otz, discussing his concerns with Hyperfocus but it doesnt really make sense to me and I do want some verification that the wiki does not provide.

1) Does the increase in progression occur during the first skill check. So on your first great skill check do you get 1% or 1.3%?

2) Does the 4% increase in skill check chance work off the base chance or overall. For instance base chance is 8% of trigger per second. So does this increase to 12% or 8.32%.

3) The Increases the Skill Check Bonus progression by 30% of its base value, on med kit add ons that increase that value does it also increase. For example the sponge changes it from 5% to 10% so does that mean that the trigger gets 13% or is it still only 11.5%

The reason I am wondering these is they do make a very big difference in the calculations but at the same time it doesn't seem to affect it nearly to the numbers that Otz is suggesting. Even if I assume the best case for survivors, that the increased progress is on the first hit and that the 4% is base not percentage, without a toolbox it requires a streak of 9 skill checks to save an extra 15 seconds on the gen when factoring in both the increase in % and the bonus. and with a toolbox it takes over 10. (Math was done adding the additional value of the skill check along with a percent based the increase Hyperfocus gave. Example for no toolbox first skill check adds .3% and the second skill check add .6 + .33333% because instead of an 8% chance of that skill check triggering it was now 12%). Also note all of this requires the skill checks to be consecutive without stopping the action which means hitting this many is almost impossible with how long it would take to get that many.

The only thing I see Hyperfocus actually doing is providing some counterplay to slowdown such as pentimento, dying light, gift of pain and thano as great skill checks are not effected by such perks.


  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Or if people know where I can find this information that would be great :D