Stake out great skill checks

Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Okay So I watched a video where someone is using Stakeout, Hyperfocus and a commodious toolbox with add ons and completes a gen by himself from start to finish in 45 seconds I will post the video below. But I was doing the math because I am crazy and it doesn't quite add up to me.

Commodious Toolbox + 12 charges + 20% rag = 44 charges at 1.7 speed shaves 16.3 seconds. Gen changes to take 73.7 seconds.

That is the easy part. The hard part comes with the fact that Hyperfocus is a bit odd with its wording but it adds 30% of the base great skill check. But stakeout grants an additional 1% when a token is used. Despite factoring both of these in I was coming up short. however if instead stake out just granted a +1% on great skill checks with generators the math checks out perfect.

2+2.6+3.2+3.8+4.4+5+5.6+5.6 = 32.2% or 29 seconds on a gen

73.7-29 = 44.7

So I guess my question is is this a bug or a feature? Is stake out supposed to provide a bonus to every great skill check on a gen whether it uses a token or not? Is it supposed to affect hyperfocus? Did I do my math wrong? (Gen starts at 1:51)

EDIT I am dumb made the mistake of thinking gens had 100 charges not 90 so I skimped on the toolbox. it should save 18.1 second. Which honestly just makes me more confused


  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Isolate the variables IMO. Do a test with just Hyperfocus and another with Stake Out + Hyperfocus. You might need to repeat several times since you cannot garantee you will get skillchecks at the same time and in the same number. Stake Out only awards the extra 1% if it has at least one token though.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I also seen fast track, stake out, hyperfocus used to make gens faster.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Stake out is also bugged to where if you hit any greats, you get the bonus, instead of the converted greats

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Isn't a bug. Stake Out only converts Normal skill checks to Great skill checks. If you get a natural Great skill check there's nothing to convert.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2022

    Almo stated that he intended the perk to increase base-skill check reward only when using a token from stake out by 1% but the way he coded it, when he weakened base-skill progression by -1% is that he increased skill-check chance globally by 1% when a survivor hits great skill-check.

    so now the perk tooltip is wrong.

    What stake out should be saying is

    Increases bonus progression of great skill-checks by 1%.

    When stake out has at least 1 token, good skill-checks consume 1 token and are considered great skill-checks. up to 2/3/4 max tokens can be acquired by standing in the killer terror radius every 15 seconds.


    Personally, if you ask me, I think he took wrong perk to change. Stake out was a perk designed for the days where old hex:ruin was a perk and detectives tap's perks were designed to counter old hex:ruin. I think the perk that should received bonus progression base-skill checks is this is not happening while stake out should just remain for auto-great skill-checks. perhaps in compensation, Stake can turn failed skill-checks into normal skill-checks so people that have trouble landing doctor snap out skill-checks can hit snap out skill-checks using the perk or those coulrophobia healing-checks that some people have trouble landing.

    This is not happening should have bonus progression of skill-check increase by 1% and healing skill-checks increased by 2.5%. Its little strange because I remember something along lines of him wanting to improve this is not happening a long time ago though the change never came.