No scratch marks or blood injures survivors

So I have been running into this thing where I will hit a survivor they will run around in circled in front of me a couple times then past me just as my recovery is about to finish and will leave no scratch marks or blood leading away and there is nothing they could have ducked behind in range, the scratch marks and blood are there from where they ran around in circles but the trail literally stops at me.


  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    That's from a perk.

  • ryokoryu
    ryokoryu Member Posts: 193

    That perk activates once as soon as you get hit, they are running in circles a bit leaving blood and scratchmarks during melee cooldown

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Could the scratch marks possibly be from before you hit them?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,699

    Can you hear moans? Though those also be suppressed by a perk.

    I've seen this as well and here is what I think the survivor is doing:

    Get hit, run around, run to the opposite side of the killer right as the cooldown ends, crouch, and as the killer spins around, walk back to the other side. It taking advantage of the killer view and that generally killers presume the survivor kept running.

    Because they made a circle in front of you they can now walk over that and the blood trail won't be clear.

  • ryokoryu
    ryokoryu Member Posts: 193

    no they couldn't, this was a kate and nea last game, Both would commit to gens til the last moment take the hit and do this and disappear I didn't run off I looked around backed up while looking around. One of the times this was a gen at the back of the skii lodge, it had no rocks close enough to run to. Like I said literally just as my recovery ended within the time frame there was nothing in range to run behind and hide. I have had people try the hide at my feet thing before and it doesn't work and they get hit, I am not new to the game but every now and then these weird issues pop up in game persist a little while and then go away like a couple months ago when I kept running into infinite flashlights to the point I was equipping lightborn every time it would happen even with that they would sit there and try to beam me using minutes of flashlight time, always a green flashlight with the iri and purple blind duration addons and neither streetwise nor built to last in their perks. I still run into survivors that have the effects of boil over without running the perk, you can tell because they get the faster wiggles with the falling benefits but you don't get the little horse icon at the bottom right of your screen. I get the feeling because I generally know the feel of perks I notice when something is off. I know how lucky break works and when scratch marks and BLOOD (that's how you know for sure it's not from before the hit btw) in the run around spot and nothing after and when it starts happening enough to become an issue and changes the way survivors are playing in the same pattern every time you run into these things and occasionally I get a confession at the end of matches. This happened when a Jill pre-dropped a pallet at my legion I vaulted it then she proceeded to outrun me around the structure to that same pallet then get a lithe boost off of said pallet. Got a confession and posted the video to accompany my report.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Now that I think about it... I had a few games a while back where I would be chasing a survivor and they completely disappeared. It was on Ormond. They ran up the stairs and disappeared. Then reappeared in the same spot, moments later. They did it twice in the same game. I assumed that maybe it was a connection issue.