BP incentives is off for both sides (EU) + testing queue times

Rise432 Member Posts: 162
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

did some quick testing on queue time with a timer

Survivor queue average: 0:20-0:30 seconds

Trapper queue: 1 min and 20 seconds

Twins queue: 1 min and 13 seconds

Deathslinger queue: 0:55 seconds

I asked my friend and he said his queue on

Survivor was exactly the same as mine

His Wraith was 1 min and 18 seconds

Hillbilly 0:37 seconds

Dosent this mean BP incentives should be on 25%-50% for survs?

Update: 22:14 CET, its back on survivor with a full 100% bonus


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I played from 7pm to 9.30pm (France, so EU servers), killer only (Ghostface, quite low skill) and my queues were ranging from 5 to 25 seconds, with a 25% incentive on survivor.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Incentives should never be under 100% imo.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    You should compare queue time for survivors and killers with same mmr, not on the same account. There's very little chance your killer and survivor mmr are the very same (and would be queued with each other being on different accounts), therefore it's two different queues: for killers with your killers' mmr and for survivors with you survivor's mmr. Not like one queue where you can be either killer or survivor and make any valid conclusion about actual ratio.

    Most likely the game sees how many survivors are there for killers with same mmr as your survivours' (because you will be queued with those survs for those killers, your killer mmr means nothing here) and how many killers are there for all survivors with same mmr as your killers' mmr (your survivor's mmr means nothing here again).

    And decides in wich queue you will be more useful. If there're no incentives then the game doesn't care wich queue you'll join.

    Plus we don't know their criteria. Maybe overall from bhvr pov it's balanced when survs has 10 seconds queue and killers have 40 seconds queue.