More hackers, again.

4th hacker in 24hours now.
A ghostface that was a dwight in the lobby got into my game with a demogorgon and started throwing hatchets and teleporting and changing skins in seconds.
Other dwight in my lobby was also hacking.
That looks pretty impressive... Situation is pretty damn bad if that's the 4rth time in a day.
What was the killer's reaction ?
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This killer happened to be streaming. He said it was his second hacker during this streaming session.
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Yeah, I had about six different hackers in the span of a 6-hour timeframe the other night. Luckily I bumped into the same 3-4 like three different times and because I was just memeing with them the first game, they just brought flans and farmed BP for me.
The others were pretty annoying though, like a Kate on The Game repeatedly flashlight blinding me for the entire game
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Bhvr doesn't address this at all except "use the reporting feature". Obviously reporting is not helping because it's such a problem. And if you're on console it's a headache to report people. But they don't seem to really care.
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Just stop playing for now. I quit this game until they do something about cheating or give us console only crossplay. I'm devotion 24 and have spent more than I'd like to admit on cosmetics, but I won't tolerate blatant cheating and paranoia about subtle cheating
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At least those let you farm. Mine wasted my bloodpoints offerings and made one of my killers have to dc because they held him hostage.
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The amount of hackers has definetly increased over the last months. I´m sorry you encounter so many.
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This past month has been disgusting honestly. This is actually unplayable.