Hook Vacuum.

Glossed Member Posts: 49
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

When ever you get downed and the killer picks you up you have the option to wiggle, right? Have you even been right about to wiggle out at 99% and then the killer teleports to the hook which stops your wiggle so you don't wiggle out. I have died many times because of that and It gets annoying after a while. For example, let's say you are the last survivor and you are looking for the hatch then get caught. The only option is to run, right? The killer downs you and you see the hatch in the distance and you are at 99% wiggle then the killer teleports/Vacuum to the hook and you die because of that. It's like pallet vacuum but for killer. In my opinion I think this should be fixed.


  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I see how it can be annoying but I don’t think it’s a big issue especially since that’d make bodyblocking even more aggravating for killers. They removed the pick up vacuum though which was more important imo 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Glossed said:
    When ever you get downed and the killer picks you up you have the option to wiggle, right? Have you even been right about to wiggle out at 99% and then the killer teleports to the hook which stops your wiggle so you don't wiggle out. I have died many times because of that and It gets annoying after a while. For example, let's say you are the last survivor and you are looking for the hatch then get caught. The only option is to run, right? The killer downs you and you see the hatch in the distance and you are at 99% wiggle then the killer teleports/Vacuum to the hook and you die because of that. It's like pallet vacuum but for killer. In my opinion I think this should be fixed.

    What survivor player like to call "hook vacuum" is just the animation getting in line, because player complained about the hook teleport.
    Now the animation is just smoother, but as soon as the hook prompt appears and is hit so that the animation start you are hooked. Period.
    99% is not a 100, so you get hooked, even if the latency seem to fill your bar to 100.
    Do you know how the "hook vacuum" could get fixed?
    Swivel hooks for killer.
    This would remove the need to line up the animation.
    Survivor can already unhook from all angle, why not killer hook from all angles?

    Let me guess, you don't like that solution, right?^^

    Survivor try now to get a pass on all kind of made up "vacuums" just because their unintended pallet vacuum was fixed at last.
    It only took the Devs a year to realize that buff to pallets was to much.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Considering that call for "fairness", it would be also "fair" to ask for directional hooks for killers too in this case.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    It's one thing if there's another survivor around to body block you but another when there's no one even remotely close. I actually had a wiggle meter in basement in front of the 1st hooks at 99% but because I was close enough to those to be hooked the killer was allowed to move to the back hooks and hook me. Apparently the area around the hooks allowing for wiggle animation gives an aura so to speak around all basement hooks.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2018

    It's a minor gripe that will only be viable in very few situations. Like seriously, can't some players just move on from these moments?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MineAntoiya said:
    It's a minor gripe that will only be viable in very few situations. Like seriously, can't some players just move on from these moments?

    I personally don't have an issue with it, just pointing out the flaw there. As a killer it's actually a lot easier to get hooks with proper animation and for survivors waiting to use ds well now you can't wait until the last micro second anymore.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:
    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Like so many others you consider Sabo useless. Which is hilarious. Sorry you can’t just run around and Sabo every hook on the map and be totally safe because they are permanently gone. How about 99% them and use it tactically? Or is it too hard to think tactical, and plan ahead like that while you’re busy rushing Gens and Looping?

    DS getting a nerf? Oh please, they haven’t touched it yet not to mention thier proposed “nerf” would have been a buff at endgame that gave anyone alive after the gates were powered a free pass to escape. 

    Lastly, I’m sorry, I must have missed the update that makes it so Survivors can’t body block the hook prompt, and Killers now have Swivel Hooks to hook from all angles. I must have missed the memo where they took Borrowed Time out the game so Survivors have zero counterplay to Camping. 

    Thats just counter play *at* the hook.

    You also have :  Flashlights to stun and make the Killer drop a Survivor, Pallets to drop on the Killer to make them drop the Survivor, Body block the path to a hook to get the wiggle meter progress so they drop the Survivor. 

    Seriously, you have SO much counter play to hooks it kind of insane to think you’ve got nothing. 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253
    edited June 2018

    @P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:
    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Yes, sabo is garbage. (You forgot about body blocking.) But DS IS GETTING A NERF?!?!? It's getting a buff lmao!

    1. Activation button instead of a 'moderately' difficult skillcheck. So its impossible to miss
    2. Gets rid of juggling, because everyone gets it as an obsession. So you dont have to wiggle to 35% anymore. You can hit it instantly and you get off instantly.
    3. "Yes... but, but... no mither!!!" Well, you should've been dead. If you use it on your 3rd hook, you still get 4 hooks instead of 3 hooks. So the killer has to hook everyone (4x4= 16 times instead of 3x4= 12 times to actually pip). So you get 100%!!!! rewarded for playing badly. You get in the game with 4 hooks to die instead of 3 hooks, ridiculous. It's going to be the best perk ever.
  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234
    @ThePloopz I 100% agree. It's definitely not a major issue and would only entice the survivors more to body block the hook given how accurate the killer would have to be. 
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    I thought they scrapped out that idea for DS. 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    @PigNRun said:
    I thought they scrapped out that idea for DS. 

    Yeah, they're going to try something different. Thank god :)

  • P3Myers
    P3Myers Member Posts: 58

    @Nick said:

    @P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:
    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Yes, sabo is garbage. (You forgot about body blocking.) But DS IS GETTING A NERF?!?!? It's getting a buff lmao!

    1. Activation button instead of a 'moderately' difficult skillcheck. So its impossible to miss
    2. Gets rid of juggling, because everyone gets it as an obsession. So you dont have to wiggle to 35% anymore. You can hit it instantly and you get off instantly.
    3. "Yes... but, but... no mither!!!" Well, you should've been dead. If you use it on your 3rd hook, you still get 4 hooks instead of 3 hooks. So the killer has to hook everyone (4x4= 16 times instead of 3x4= 12 times to actually pip). So you get 100%!!!! rewarded for playing badly. You get in the game with 4 hooks to die instead of 3 hooks, ridiculous. It's going to be the best perk ever.

    They scrapped out that idea and said specifically they are nerfing it. Their main problem with DS is early game where it has the possibilty to waste alot of time hence the no mither solution. its not getting buff period. Bodyblocks end up mostly as free hits and favors the killer 80% of the time with hooks being close to each other. You can get 3 free hits before a surv wiggles out if idiots try to bodyblock. Very situational.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    The devs first need to fix killers being unable to hook a survivor if another survivor is crouching behind the killer as they go to hook. The Hang option's there, but nothing happens.

  • RATT
    RATT Member Posts: 33

    I personally can't stand being vaccumed to a hook when I'm at 99% wiggle-going on 100%... But I also can't stand when the message "[SPACE] HANG" appears at the bottom of your screen, and yet you instead end up sliding back and forth around the hook in a ferocious attempt to hook a survivor. The game's current state is leaning towards a very SWF strong playstyle, as much as we want to complain about these seemingly miniscule (they're miniscule at the moment) issues, we really can't. It's not the core, rooted problem in which the other issues in the game stem from. The real problem that becomes prevalent is the game's balance as a whole. I don't think anyone would be opposed to the idea of a small change like this being made. In fact! I think that in most cases a change like this would benefit your average game, and better the mechanics overall. But, alas Dead by Daylight is not your average games when it comes to these sort of things. If you change something like this, it could just potentially make it easier for Survivors to "bully" the Killer, and considering the game's favor on the Survivor side--- in turn make it all the more imbalanced.

    People, the issue is the game balance overall here. It's not these small problems. This is like digging up the twigs attached to the roots of a tree, rather than digging up the core of the roots.

  • Yuu_Incredible
    Yuu_Incredible Member Posts: 27

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Glossed said:
    When ever you get downed and the killer picks you up you have the option to wiggle, right? Have you even been right about to wiggle out at 99% and then the killer teleports to the hook which stops your wiggle so you don't wiggle out. I have died many times because of that and It gets annoying after a while. For example, let's say you are the last survivor and you are looking for the hatch then get caught. The only option is to run, right? The killer downs you and you see the hatch in the distance and you are at 99% wiggle then the killer teleports/Vacuum to the hook and you die because of that. It's like pallet vacuum but for killer. In my opinion I think this should be fixed.

    What survivor player like to call "hook vacuum" is just the animation getting in line, because player complained about the hook teleport.
    Now the animation is just smoother, but as soon as the hook prompt appears and is hit so that the animation start you are hooked. Period.
    99% is not a 100, so you get hooked, even if the latency seem to fill your bar to 100.
    Do you know how the "hook vacuum" could get fixed?
    Swivel hooks for killer.
    This would remove the need to line up the animation.
    Survivor can already unhook from all angle, why not killer hook from all angles?

    Let me guess, you don't like that solution, right?^^

    Survivor try now to get a pass on all kind of made up "vacuums" just because their unintended pallet vacuum was fixed at last.
    It only took the Devs a year to realize that buff to pallets was to much.

    @Wolf74 is right. I rather stick with the "vakuum" than killers hooking from every angle lol.

    to be honest, I also complain alot about being at 100% but not getting ot the shoulder in time. But it would simply make me happy, if they make the bar a little bit "longer"? So it doesn't look like you're done with the action and nothing happens.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    This seems more like an issue with the wiggle still creeping up even when you're in the hook animation. If they stopped the progress on the bar when the animation started then you'd feel less cheated.

    As the situation stands survivors can unhook from different angles and bodyblock the one angle a killer can hook on. I've lost count of the amount of times i've been swarmed at a hook, a bodyblocked until the survivor wiggles free, even when im batting at their team mates. It may be frustrating having the hook vacuum but its just lining up the animation and it can be messed with by bodyblocking. Not to mention sabotaged hooks and used hooks causing long walks sometimes.

    Personally, as a killer main, I feel the hook vacuum is the one major thing I have in my favor when it comes to hooking. That 'safe' feeling as I'm making a dash for a hook, survivor in tow, waiting for that little Hang Up prompt to show up and hoping i make it into the animation without some crouched Feng Min in my crotch that realistically I could lift the survivor over and still hook from slightly further away.

    In killer's favor:
    Hook vaccuum (yay I made it to the hook only 2 more times for that survivor if they're saved)
    Agitation (but means not getting the benefit of a better perk)
    Ability to hit other survivors who are in the way (but burns time)
    Iron Grasp (cos duh)
    Can camp hard (becomes scum for doing so and usually loses gens, totems, BP etc)

    In survivor's favor:
    Can unhook from multiple angles
    Can block hook easily
    Can bodyblock a walking killer
    Can bodyblock chokepoints in killer's path
    Decisive strike
    Pallet slams
    Sabotaged hooks
    Used hooks being unusable
    Even if hit while unhooking, has time to unhook while killer recovers
    Borrowed Time
    There are more survivors. Can't hold off 3 people diving in for the YOLO saves.
    If killer camp's use the time to gen rush/formulate abusive messages (usually followed by that cheeky last minute save)

  • P3Myers
    P3Myers Member Posts: 58

    @SovererignKing said:
    P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:

    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Like so many others you consider Sabo useless. Which is hilarious. Sorry you can’t just run around and Sabo every hook on the map and be totally safe because they are permanently gone. How about 99% them and use it tactically? Or is it too hard to think tactical, and plan ahead like that while you’re busy rushing Gens and Looping?

    DS getting a nerf? Oh please, they haven’t touched it yet not to mention thier proposed “nerf” would have been a buff at endgame that gave anyone alive after the gates were powered a free pass to escape. 

    Lastly, I’m sorry, I must have missed the update that makes it so Survivors can’t body block the hook prompt, and Killers now have Swivel Hooks to hook from all angles. I must have missed the memo where they took Borrowed Time out the game so Survivors have zero counterplay to Camping. 

    Thats just counter play at the hook.

    You also have :  Flashlights to stun and make the Killer drop a Survivor, Pallets to drop on the Killer to make them drop the Survivor, Body block the path to a hook to get the wiggle meter progress so they drop the Survivor. 

    Seriously, you have SO much counter play to hooks it kind of insane to think you’ve got nothing. 

    1. sabo is garbage and 99% all hooks wastes a lot of time. Its not meta for a reason as gen rushing with toolboxes are far more effective and you should always be on gens. please play survivor more idiot. Are you going to follow the killer all times seeing which hook he is going to after spending 3/4 the game saboing and then depip lmao.
    2. DS is getting nerfed as stated by devs. Pay attention as that idea never made it to PTB and was scratched off
    3. Bodyblocking is free hits 80% of the time for killer. You can hit 3 idiots bodyblocking a hook before surv wiggles off. Run iron grasp or agitation if thats still a problem for you there meta perks anyways. GL giving free hits to a killer for something situational. Borrowed time is nerfed in which NOT both will make it out alive. You are trading your life for the hooked person.
      4 Flashlights have nothing to do with hooks and depend on another person's skill. You can still easily face a wall, franklins is a meta perk, drop them to exploit the save, slug etc. Its still the most effective way to get out of grasp but easily countered. Only a idiot would pick under a pallet seriously do you ever play survivor?> @SovererignKing said:

    P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:

    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Like so many others you consider Sabo useless. Which is hilarious. Sorry you can’t just run around and Sabo every hook on the map and be totally safe because they are permanently gone. How about 99% them and use it tactically? Or is it too hard to think tactical, and plan ahead like that while you’re busy rushing Gens and Looping?

    DS getting a nerf? Oh please, they haven’t touched it yet not to mention thier proposed “nerf” would have been a buff at endgame that gave anyone alive after the gates were powered a free pass to escape. 

    Lastly, I’m sorry, I must have missed the update that makes it so Survivors can’t body block the hook prompt, and Killers now have Swivel Hooks to hook from all angles. I must have missed the memo where they took Borrowed Time out the game so Survivors have zero counterplay to Camping. 

    Thats just counter play at the hook.

    You also have :  Flashlights to stun and make the Killer drop a Survivor, Pallets to drop on the Killer to make them drop the Survivor, Body block the path to a hook to get the wiggle meter progress so they drop the Survivor. 

    Seriously, you have SO much counter play to hooks it kind of insane to think you’ve got nothing. 

    @SovererignKing said:
    P3Myers said:

    @Nick said:

    Devs were talking about removing it in the future. But I dont really have a problem with the hook vacuum because just like @SovererignKing said, there is many counterplay

    sabo is garbage, ds is getting nerf. No valid counterplay.

    Like so many others you consider Sabo useless. Which is hilarious. Sorry you can’t just run around and Sabo every hook on the map and be totally safe because they are permanently gone. How about 99% them and use it tactically? Or is it too hard to think tactical, and plan ahead like that while you’re busy rushing Gens and Looping?

    DS getting a nerf? Oh please, they haven’t touched it yet not to mention thier proposed “nerf” would have been a buff at endgame that gave anyone alive after the gates were powered a free pass to escape. 

    Lastly, I’m sorry, I must have missed the update that makes it so Survivors can’t body block the hook prompt, and Killers now have Swivel Hooks to hook from all angles. I must have missed the memo where they took Borrowed Time out the game so Survivors have zero counterplay to Camping. 

    Thats just counter play at the hook.

    You also have :  Flashlights to stun and make the Killer drop a Survivor, Pallets to drop on the Killer to make them drop the Survivor, Body block the path to a hook to get the wiggle meter progress so they drop the Survivor. 

    Seriously, you have SO much counter play to hooks it kind of insane to think you’ve got nothing. 

    1. sabo is garbage and 99% all hooks wastes a lot of time. Its not meta for a reason as gen rushing with toolboxes are far more effective and you should always be on gens. please play survivor more idiot. Are you going to follow the killer all times seeing which hook he is going to after spending 3/4 the game saboing and then depip lmao.
    2. DS is getting nerfed as stated by devs. Pay attention as that idea never made it to PTB and was scratched off
    3. Bodyblocking is free hits 80% of the time for killer. You can hit 3 idiots bodyblocking a hook before surv wiggles off. Run iron grasp or agitation if thats still a problem for you there meta perks anyways. GL giving free hits to a killer for something situational. Borrowed time is nerfed in which NOT both will make it out alive. You are trading your life for the hooked person.
      4 Flashlights have nothing to do with hooks and depend on another person's skill. You can still easily face a wall, franklins is a meta perk, drop them to exploit the save, slug etc. Its still the most effective way to get out of grasp but easily countered. Only a idiot would pick under a pallet seriously do you ever play survivor?

    so you name what one effective way to escape a killer grasp that relies on an item and ANOTHER player`s competence. Rather than fixing bad game design balance in which the vaccum literally robs an escape you want to spout ineffective situational methods against hooks.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018

    1. Just as always, Survivors like you want a 100% absolute guarantee that whatever you do, will work every single time. Otherwise, it’s “completely useless”. I hope you never play any other PvP titles, I have a feeling you’d get your panties in a bunch every time you get countered, blocked, dodged, or anything else that isn’t “I press button, I am guaranteed a hit.” 


    Here’s my Rank 1 on both sides, here’s my trophies on PS4, and my Youtube. I don’t have this many Trophies playing little, to no, Survivor. My PSN profile is also public if you want to look, SoveriegnKing if you want to look. I play just as much Survivor as Killer. So don’t give me your little whining and crying kid. 

    2. Yes, DS is getting a nerf. When, is anyone’s guess. Even the developers think Survivors have too much, and too strong, of counter play toward being Hooked. 

    3. The fact you think Iron Grasp and Agitation are meta perks, lets me know you play absolutely zero Killer. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Seriously, go play some Killer kid. You’ll find out just how absolutely worthless Iron Grasp and Agitation are. You can watch ANY streamer, as ANY person that plays Killer, they will tell you the same thing. 

    4. Once again, you, like so many other Survivors, are nothing more than whiny little babies who want a ton of solo 1v1 power. You want the game to be balanced for a 1v1 when it’s convenient for you, but also a 4v1 when it’s convenient for you. Borrowed Time is a free chance and de-incentive to tunnel the camped guy. That’s what it’s intention was, to give the guy BEING camped a chance. What you’re whining about is that BT no longer gives BOTH of you a freebie. 


    Tell me, how was I camping in this video? I wasn’t, but because of how broken BT was then, it didn’t matter if I camped or not. It was a freebie for Survivors on all accounts, even if you didn’t camp. Quit whining BT isn’t broken in your favor. As for flashlights and Pallet stuns, that’s called playing as a team. 

    Literally, all you’re doing is complaining you can’t 1v1 a Killer, as well as have a team to rely on. All you want is the best of both worlds when it suits you. The vacuum on hooks doesn’t rob you, you already screwed up and got caught. Quit whining you don’t have chances upon chances more than you already have.