I would like to point something out regarding the recent updates.

In the last few updates I've noticed something that I'd like to point out.

So I think BHVR intentionally puts in highly problematic and controversial ideas and implementations in the PTB to get the sheep bahing and making massive noise about one thing, while they test out something else. While everyone is crapping their pants about the bait, the real testing is happening right next to it and no one is even talking about it. Then, come the update to go live, all of a sudden that highly problematic and controversial thing is just gone, or it's being implemented in the "logical" way that it should have always been implemented. Examples of this would be endurance stacking for 6.1 and Reassurance in the last one.

I think they already had those things figured out, they just put it there as bait to catch all the ire, so the things they are intentionally trying to test can get a legitimate test without so much scrutiny. So let's give this update a try, keep cool heads and see what they are proposing and its effects on the game.


  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    Alternate explanation:

    BHVR quality assurance is not capable of testing the game at a skill level that replicates most of their user base. They implement ideas that work for a certain (low) skill level and rely on the community to do the heavy lifting in terms of QA play testing.