Can risk/reward killers like Oni get a buff to compensate?


If they are going to implement at 45/22s basekit unbreakable, its my opinion that risk/reward killers like Oni, Plague, and Myers should get a buff to compensate given that their powers rely on slugging to be good. For example with Oni, if you pick up immediately with him every down you WILL lose against any decent team.

Players that play other killers more often can chime in on potential buffs but I am going to focus on Oni as he is by far my favorite killer. I think a good trade is that Oni should be able to get his power passively and on a 2min timer from zero. If you pop you power and down someone very quickly and immediately pick up like everyone wants killers to do, you lose a minimum of 1/3 of your power. With a 2 min charge it will take 40sec to get your power back from there. As a further compensation you would gain 30% of your power from hitting a healthy survivor instead of the current 40%. Thoughts?


  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 293
    edited September 2022

    I know it's "early" since they said this is just an early version and not final but I have to stress that this is very poorly thought out. The concept of adding this is fine, I don't think it's a bad idea by itself but there is so much in this game built around you not being able to get up on your own that it would take a near book to write it all out. The short and simple of this is that WAY more aspects of the game need to change if they add base kit unbreakable, and no I don't mean perks. I'm talking core mechanics like sabos, hook spawns, carry speed, wiggle speed, etc. There is just so much that is balanced around you not being able to get up on your own that it's just downright stupid to think you can add this without royally ######### up the game and I haven't even talked about specific killers that this completely deletes from the game (Twins, Oni, Myers, etc.)

    Again I know this is early concept but history has taught me not to just take BHVR's word for it. There is way more that needs to change than just a couple of stupid perks BHVR, you need to really put a lot of time into this because it's way more impactful than a base kit BT.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    That could be actual next PTB.

  • n_coming
    n_coming Member Posts: 31

    Agree completely but I main Oni so I wanted to focus on him LOL.

  • n_coming
    n_coming Member Posts: 31

    I hope so. Among MANY other changes that would need to happen with basekit unbreakable.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    No buffs. Only nerfs.