Twins vs PTB prediction

I love the twins, but I can't remember a single game where I have had to slug at least 1 person for less than a minute. Now if someone brings Unbreakable + Boon: exponential then it's literally impossible for the twins to pick someone up as long as they just hold W. I assume one main reason that BHVR wont be releasing this update straight after PTB is because she'll be unplayable.

What I would do to twins if this change was to go to live is:

A) remove the huge delay after hitting someone to switch.

B) give victor a way to stop a survivor recovering at the expense of his aura reading.

C) this is more of an idea for her rework in general and would definitely need some tweaking so skip if you don't want to read a lot, but make victor a proxy like hook. When he downs a survivor he starts scratching at them and chipping away at hook time. If he's on a survivor for 30 seconds, then when they next get hooked, they'll be on their first hook but 30 seconds in. If he's on them for 110 seconds and haven't been hooked, the moment you do hook them, they'll start on second stage 0 seconds in. This would give victor value vs the new PTB idea.

Would love to see your other ideas for twins since BHVR have mentioned they'll be the next killer to be reworked/changed.


  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Idk. This would be a buff and twins is plenty strong as is... I hope they just get qol buffs and nerfs to slugging and camping.