The Burning PTB Question....Killer Sided or Survivor Sided....

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,665

Not really looking for an explanation, just moreso gauging people's expectations before things play out on the PTB tomorrow.

Please note - This is for fun.

So, do YOU think it will end up being Killer Sided or Survivor Sided?

Personally, I think it will actually be Killer Sided!



  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I think the slugging changes sound slightly survivor sided and probably outweigh the kill buff from the mori change. But I don’t think it sounds game breaking in either direction.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,080

    The changes that we know about are survivor sided.

    Slugging was already a risky strategy outside of a 2v1 situation where leaving a slug on the ground could set you back, but you could be greatly rewarded by slowing down the game by forcing another survivor to stop what they are doing to pick them up. This no longer exists if survivors can just pick themselves up.

    The compensation of the finisher mori just help end the game so a killer can't just force slug the last guy to death and don't really grant the killer extra power.

    Granted this isn't going live this mid-chapter so we'll have to see what tomorrow holds.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Are you talking only about the change? Or how the game's state will be after the patch?

    I feel like even now, it's hard to call the game either killer or survivor sided. Good survivor teams, even now, can make killers matches very challenging. Whether a match might be tilted towards one side or the other, is also dependent on so many different factors, especially map and killer.

    Though on average, I would definitely say the game is probably killer sided at the moment, because of solo queue, tunneling and camping. And if we are talking about how the game will be with the new mori and basekit unbreakeable update, then I would also agree that the game would probably, on average, still be a bit killer sided, if we are assuming that we won't see any other balance changes in the coming update, which I highly hope is not the case.

    And that will probably stay like that until we see more nerfs especially to camping. The fact camping still hasn't been nerfed despite it actually being buffed in the 6.1.0 update is baffling to me.

    If we are just talking about the changes though, I do think that these changes will be a buff to survivors. But not nearly as much of a buff as some people make it out to be. Only the newly buffed Unbreakeable seems very problematic to me, and that's it.

    I am honestly very much hoping to see some other good balance changes, that actually will arrive with the coming update. And I am very much hoping for some basekit nerf to camping, as well as DS buffed back to a 5 second stun duration. Kill rates and queue times clearly show survivors need a bit more.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Definitely survivor sided. Moris feel like more of a QOL sorta deal since if you already had all 4 down unless it was like 4 UBs you were almost always gonna 4k anyway and even if they somehow recover you have so much pressure it was very rare you would lose. Slug changes on the other hand sound like huge meta shifts for a good few killers and even in general an infinite amount of UBs is really strong.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Why would you say that these changes are killer sided? Also I do not see how the basekit BT buff was killer sided.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    These changes are without any shadow of a doubt, as always, survior sided. They are a huge killer nerf. And I play mainly survivor, and I do not like these changes, because I do not want 10 minutes lobbys for survivors. I am sick of neglecting killer gameplay all the time. Survivors are too much pampered in my opinion.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    This is a very Survivor Sided change. Now Slugging strat to apply pressure is out the window the Killer perks that were changed are worse now compared to the Survivor ones that only benefit the basekit change.

    Unless you play a Killer that can quickly get downs IE Bubba or Nurse then the quickly end the game is a moot point.

    I was on the fence but after reading the changes fully and laying out who got what I came to the conclusion that this is more Survivor Sided than Killer Sided.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,665

    Guess I should have made a poll :-/

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    With a 61% kill rate, still killer sided but a good start for survivor gameplay changes.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Im really hoping they buff nurse to have a 50%ish kill rate too.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 404

    Survivor sided for sure. I'm very interested in seeing how things play out, because on the one hand I absolutely hate players that just slug at 5 gens and leave to bleed out, but on the other I know just how important and game changing slugging can be when the situation calls for it. I'm just glad I'm off tomorrow so I can jump straight in

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Personally I wouldn't call it very survivor sided. I do not think this change will affect the balance of the game too much, but yes, I do agree it is survivor sided, it will surely improve survivors gameplay, no doubt.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    It looks killer-sided to me, we have to wait for PTB tho.

    As mostly playing survivor, i don't like the UB basekit recovery time. I would rather keep the current state even tho i don't even run UB.

    I think they only gave that basekit not for the sake of a buff, only to balance the finishing mori/last standing new mechanic.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    Why does it matter?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,355

    It's killer sided because the game can be over far, far faster.

    Tunnel the first survivor to death. Proxy camp a second survivor and prevent the unhook. If the 3rd and 4th survivor both show up to unhook (cough solo q cough), you down both and instantly win the game with 4 hooks.

    Even if it's not this extreme, the finisher Mori becomes the most efficient way to end the game, which means everyone will start playing this way. Tunneling gets a huge buff if this goes live.

    Imagine if they added the inverse system: the game ends instantly and grants all living survivors an escape if the 'main building' generator gets completed. Huge uptick in generator perks, toolboxes, etc because nothing else would matter. You could do five gens, or just one. Same thing with the Mori, you can end the game in twelve hooks, or as few as four (realistically).

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,321

    I don't know the slugging changes tell me that it's gonna be surivor Sided but we don't know all of the changes so it might be fair

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,850

    I think Killers refusing to adapt will tank the stats, but most people will have largely the same results as live. Sabo games with a dedicated SWF will win a lot more since they don't have MMR to go against Killers who will use their brains to counter them, but if it were on live instead I think the win rates would also largely unaffected.

    The sabo SWFs won't be getting anymore wins over their current live rates since they already dedicate Boon: Exponential and Unbreakable in their builds. This might actually slightly nerf them since when stacked they have ~13s on live, and ~15s on PTB to get up.

    Once someone is already dead, this will help snowball Killers quickly end games, so if Onis/Plagues/Nurses/Blights/Myers play around that strategy they might actually get more wins/kills overall from denying an RNG kobe or Deliverance, and denying Hatch through a follow up triple down into kill.