3 Non-Balance Things I Hate When Playing Killer

So I was finally playing during a time where killers got a BP bonus, didn't care about the blood just a chance to play killer without a long que. However having an evening of playing killer did remind me why I generally don't play it. Most people complain about the balance/other player behavior, these are more game design elements.
Hitboxes - I'm surprised I don't see this complaint more, maybe it's just me, but some games it feels like I can't miss, and other games I can't possibly hit. Like I'll be in a chase and someone will do a doubleback and I swing: think, I definitely missed, followed by the sounds of the hit. Other times I swing and can't believe I missed as the survivor seemed to pass right through. I suspect this is a server/lag issue more than a player skill one.
EGC/Last hook - The survivors got five gens done, but you caught one and he's now on the hook. Now what? You see the survivors in the area, but you know the doors are 99ed and/or open. You know they want to get him off and as much as you'd like to try for more survivors, it doesn't make sense. If you chase them, even if you get a hit, you can't get them before the gate, and they get the survivor off the hook (who due to body blocks/protection is also guaranteed to make the gate). The only logical play is to stand in front of the hook.
It's an annoying state because I appreciate that the survivors are taking a risk, and I would like to be able to return the risk (risk losing the 1 to get another), but there's no chance. I wish there was some other element in situations like this.
I do pretty much always just play idiotically in this situation to let them get the survivor off the hook. Feels weird, but better than just standing there.
The feeling of moping up - To me the worst moment of this game is as killer when you have gotten a couple of hooks, maybe even an elimination, and you realize they have only one gen done or, god forbid, zero. Frequently there is a moment as killer where it's like 'yeah, I've got this won', except there can still be a lot of game left to play. Especially those times with 2 survivors left and 3 or more gens to go, lots of map to explore so they have plenty of places to hide even if they are doing gens. It's that moment where if I was playing with friends I'd definitely be sending a message of 'you all want to just move onto the next game?'
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Well the new mori system should help with the endgame being a little faster when you’re ahead as the killer because the moment no survivor is standing you will immediately win.