I've actually been enjoying playing Survivor more than ever *shrugs*

Lately because of the 100% BP incentive and significantly faster Qeue times, I've been playing more Survivor than usual.. Solo Q almost entirely.
I've been having fun enjoying testing out new different builds trying to figure out which works best for me.
The Hatch Escape build using Low Profile and Clairvoyance that some people from the Forums helped me create was pretty fun for a while, it actually boosted me out of super low MMR so now I'm getting some better teammates in my matches finally, and was able to swap to a build that seems to have the highest escape rate for me and my team currently.
Windows of Opportunity, DH, Boon COH, Prove Thyself.
Dunno if it's the best by any means, I swap some stuff around from time to time, but with even mediocre teammates I seem to be getting a lot of Escapes with this build in Solo Q and almost every single match I am ALWAYS getting Top Score as well. I just got 4 Escapes in a row, which is a rare thing for me! haha
By no means do I consider myself a good survivor player, although I am improving since I am playing it more frequently, and I think for the FIRST time in my 5+ years of playing DBD, I finally actually think I am enjoying playing Survivor MORE than playing Killer... which has genuinely never happened before.
(On that note I will add that I dislike the Killer lobby wait times, and I have also faced many hackers recently when I play Killer so it is definitely ruining the fun, waiting 5+min for a Que to go up against cheaters is unpleasant to say the least)
Anyway, perhaps I'm enjoying Survivor more for the wrong reasons, but it's been fun and I find it hard to stop lol
Well, I'm glad you've been enjoying Solo Q.
I would like to farm some BP, unfortunately, it seems I am not allowed to do so.
Three games tonight, first was against this Wesker, next was against an Iri Box Pinhead and the last was a Nurse. Decided to call it quits and play a single Killer game where I got more BP than all of my Survivor games combined, iirc.
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Man, you really can't get a break huh, feel bad for you seriously
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It seems you are enjoying the standard soloQ experience.
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I’m in the same boat as you. Played killer most of the time until the last patch when a bunch of people stopped playing survivor and most of the time it’s been 100% bonus BP for survivor. I’ve been having fun for the most part, but I’ve definitely had some awful matches with teammates only lasting a few seconds in chases or just refusing to do gens.
Also, I’m sick and tired of going against stupid f** Wesker every single match
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The Hatch Escape build using Low Profile and Clairvoyance that some people from the Forums helped me create was pretty fun for a while, it actually boosted me out of super low MMR so now I'm getting some better teammates in my matches finally, and was able to swap to a build that seems to have the highest escape rate for me and my team currently.
At one point, BHVR said very clearly that hatch escapes do NOT increase your MMR at all. Who knows if they changed something behind the scenes, but as far as I know, that's what they've always said publicly about hatch escapes. In any case, glad you're now getting better teammates.
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Dying does lose you mmr though.
not having to make up what you lost helps a lot in getting out of low mmr
All you need is a insurance perk in case your teammates throw seeing how the killer in theory isn't going to be very good either
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I've been playing survivor lately to see things from the other side and to improve my killer play. First impressions from the first 30-40 games so far is not too bad. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of matches that were pretty awful. Between bad teammates (which if you are worse than me, that's saying something) and killers that...play less than considerately, we'll say, there have been some bad experiences.
Overall though, my escape rate seems to fall in the 40ish percent average and it feels okay. Losing one more game out of ten than I should doesn't seem too bad. I think the losses feel worse as survivor since there is that gap of power level between you and the killer. That inability to turn and face them head on leaves a bit of a feeling of helplessness that stings a bit more than you get as killer.
Could the experience be improved? Oh hell yes, but I certainly wouldn't call it unplayable or even unfun overall, otherwise I wouldn't keep going back. I will say picking the right times during the day to choose to play killer or survivor helps out massively.
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Yea Soloq isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Maybe it's because I'm somewhere in middle MMR so I'm not dying to ######### team mates.
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I don't play for BP. I literally have 2.9 million of them stocked. I play for enjoyment and I haven't found the game to have been too bad since the killer buffs... but then I don't take it very seriously. Despite being a survivor main I have actually always championed for killers to feel a bit more fairly empowered.
I am growing tired of the slug player three to find player 4 dance that has been prevalent in most games... but they're fixing that now so its cool.
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Heh, had a Legion do that to me in swamp. When he ran off to go down and hook the last survivor, I just crawled away to hide, sticking to the grass to hide my blood trail. He came back and was madly searching all over to find me. He finally ran off to find hatch to lock me in and start the EGC. Still couldn't find me after and I eventually bled out but I was entertained by it. I figure if he wants to waste people's time, then two can play at that game, lol.
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So sad. Not even a gen pop. Truly a sacrifice in vain and that map is small. I'm trying to figure out what Jake is trying to do. Why is he watching from up there?
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He is observing
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Tbh I'm starting to find going against Call of Brine, Overcharge, Eruption every match just slightly aneurysm inducing.
Will never understand why the devs thought buffing a perk that only affected solo queue to the point that getting hit by it means you cannot do anything for 30 seconds along with 9 seconds of gen progress lost was a good idea.
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If it makes you feel any better and I got into the game vs the Artist earlier and Jill threw a pallet despite me been behind her. And then when I was about to vault it she proceeded to use Any Means Necessary and she never stopped until the pallet was in its place once again. Even the killer felt bad for me and let me wiggle off.
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Oh wow really!? I did not know that, what a surprise. Now that you mention it I do recall them saying that too.
However, that being said, I don't know what happened but when I first started playing Survivor ALL of my teammates were always under lv10, often level 0 prestige on their characters.. but after about 7 hatch escape wins (and maybe a few normal ones with exit gates) all the sudden I started getting teammates that were like 10-30, then 30-70 prestige roughly now.
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Lol yeah I recently actually ended up crawling away and coincidentally getting a hatch spawn next to me, almost like the game knew and felt bad, so I got to crawl into my hatch escape XD
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I have been playing a bit again after not playing at all for some time and yeah I am finding survivor more enjoyable. Firstly the queue times are far improved due to the incentives and the fact more people seem to want to play killer these days. Secondly the old stale perk meta has gone, so there is now more reason than ever to try playing around with all kinds of perks that I never used to use as the meta perks were just too strong to not take them.
Though I will say, as a former Nurse main even I am getting sick of facing Nurse and especially with the oppressive builds that seem to be popular now (people have no shame anymore). But otherwise survivor isn't as bad as many make out and I think they just want the easy survivor sided games that were the norm for so long.
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You dirty Stake out/Hyperfocus user.... 😲
I kid, I kid 😋
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I feel so bad for you man, it’s like your really not having fun playing DBD anymore because you keep Solo Qing 😔 I can’t stand this anymore! You play on EU servers? If yes, give me your DBD ID so I can add you. You can also add give me your Discord name so we can chat on there if you play on a different console
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I'm on NA :(
Also, I haven't enjoyed DBD in a long time. I just don't have anything like it to play.
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I am doubtful this is the standard solo queue experience. More the standard solo queue experience of people on these forums.
Not saying that solo queue is fine, because it definitely needs improvements, camping nerfs being on the top of that list, but if this was the standard solo queue experience, I believe killer queue times would be much longer.
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I had a 8 minute queue earlier where I encountered a hacking Ace.
I didn't play again, so i can't tell you if the queue was better.