There’s nothing worse than getting max chase at 5 gens
I had a match I got tunneled for being a double digit prestige(killer told that’s why he tunneled) and I got max chase very early and ran him for a bit longer after that. Zero gens went. I got pallet saved and ran him again for a bit. Zero gens again.
I, then, got one hooked to death as he camped which no one tried to save… and 1 gen was completed that they tripled and then contemplated saving before the entity took me.
I observed after and apparently all 3 of my teammates were more interested in going for saves than doing gens which the killer read correctly the killer 4k’d with 4 gens left to do.
as unfun as being slugged on the ground or tunneled can be. This is the worst feeling when you know the killer overcommitted and should have been punished for it but you’re teammates aren’t doing anything.
I hate a lazy Gen Squad. normally I'm the generator guy, but if I'm having a good chase I expect at least 2 to pop, it doesn't take that long. Then when I play killer they all get done in 5 minutes 😒
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I wonder what they were even doing the whole time.
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Hmmm. It sounds like you were using windows of opportunity and/or bond and trying to shake the killer off. If I was this killer I would have happily camped you after you ran through the entire map of pallets and used them all up so your teammates have nothing left to use, and then easily kill the other three because you used all their resources...
That's just what it sounds like to me. If you ran the killer towards the survivors and they were even slightly wary of you they stopped working on the gens. That's the way soloers often do it, because they have to fight their teammates to escape even moreso than they have to fight the killers. It would be great if we could stop this mentality but the first thing that needs to end is the idea that shaking the killer off is even remotely fair. Don't lead the killer to the others. If I see a survivor on a gen while I'm being chased I will purposefully back track so the killer isn't shaken off, even if that costs me a hook. You need to be a team player not a solo newb.
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Literally. Lmao
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Played only killer forever, but have been duoing with my good survivor friend for a few months quite often. The problem with solo is teammates just messing around instead of actually trying to win. I see it from both pov's.
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Did you even TRY to break chase and lose the killer?
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Did you comment on the wrong thread? Which part of his text makes you assume he had Windows? Or that he used it to run towards his teammates (which does not even work, you would need bond for that). Or that he wasted pallets? You can have a long chase without using any pallets, it all depends on the survivor vs killer skill. Your whole comment just makes no sense to me, other than (victim-)blaming op for his playstyle, which cannot even be inferred from his post.
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What does breaking the chase change? OP talks about being chased for quit some time, but no gens are being done. Thats the issue here, teammates being allergic to gens, somehow.
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The title is literally complaining about getting max chase at 5 gens. That tells me he held the chase ON PURPOSE and made no effort to actually do a gen himself.
This is the classic entitled mentality of "For me the game is all about the chase, and looping. Someone else can do gens."
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out of sheer curiosity: what in the text the op wrote had you make all these assumptions? What 'sounded like' he had those perks and was leading the killer to other players?
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Yes, the title may be misleading. But the core complaint of the post is about gens not being done. And breaking the chase does not change that, the teammates won't be doing more gens when they are chased instead of yourself.
And to be fair, to be able to max out boldness with 5 gens still to do, that can only happen if all the others do NOTHING!
Also, OP explicitly said that the killer tunneled him for his two-digit prestige (confirmed in after game chat). If a killer wants you so hard, it's difficult to lose them even when you try. I think that all this "blaming" of the OP totally misses the point.
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You’d be wrong. I actually greeded most pallets and I don’t use windows. You know what they say about assumptions.
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Maybe its time that we get a survivor director.
" ~Jesse~ Dwight! Wake up! You need to stop hiding in that locker and do gens! ... And you, Claudette, while immersing yourself, just move a lil bit closer to that hook and actually commit to the save. Yeah, thats right ... Oh no, Meg! Don't tailgate that killer and try to BM him, just do gens!"
And then they spawn a Jokey, a Smoker, two Boomers and a Tank and its gg.
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It's really not complicated: if the killer isn't on you, work on objectives.
I think a lot of people go into games with an idea of what their "role" is going to be. Sometimes you'll get a whole team who all want to run the killer, but obviously this isn't feasible. It's like their plan isn't working out, so their brains go offline. If someone else is running the killer, you get on a gen.
One of my favorite things as killer is to ignore survs who are clearly desperate to be chased, and shadow the chase you are in trying get picked up. I have had these fools chase me around all match clicking, teabagging, etc. trying to get my attention, and not touching a single gen. I will save them for last.
Also people who shadow every chase trawling for flashlight saves (which they inevitably botch). These types of players are a killer's best friend.
Lots of silly reasons your teammates don't get stuff done.
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Welcome to my world as survivor. The matchmaking is so horrible, my teammates have the opportunity to punish the killer for everything that they do, but they don't do anything with that.
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Self caring
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Honestly, if I get to second hook I assume you don't want to play with me and suicide. It's so frustrating when you literally ran them for that long and not even a single gen was done. Sometimes, they aren't even ON gens. T.T In that case, if I DO get saved, I will run the killer right towards their location and make LOTS of noise. So killers please note I want you to kill that person and then take me. XD
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I’m guessing this might have been thrown in to the comments already, but “Was it really a skilled play?” 😂
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It do be like that quite a few times. I had a game on Badham where I was running Wesker in the basement building and only one gen popped. Ok at some point I get hooked, alright. And I see the aura's and 2 teammates are not doing anything, lol. Like one was even prestige 10.
The game ended at 2 gens left. I did 1,5 generator all by myself and I was the last one standing too, can you imagine. Unfortunately I didn't get to find the hatch and died.
Other times it's people being too scared of the killer and hiding everytime they hear him. It's really sad.
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I think you have a point actually. On the other side you have players who can only do gens and suck extremely bad at chases.
But most people I've met will do something, they just don't do it as optimally.
There are definitely those who are just playing for the chase though and they are bad at it. Like dude. You don't have to get him to chase you on second hook, do a gen and let someone else get chases. Jesus.