Would you like to see the killer be able to talk in pre-game chat with the survivors?

It would be fun to say "glhf" to the survivors before a match, or say "I'm bringing BPS." If a survivor says "Can you let me go? I'm doing the Self-Care tome." I can say "sure, no problem."
The only thing it would take away is the 0.0001% of survivors that post their perk loadout in the pre-game chat (literally haven't seen someone do that in years). And if you don't want to talk to anyone, you can just close the chat and pretend it doesn't exist.
You might also see an uptick in farming games, which are pretty rare to see anyway. Not that I like farming, though. Would kinda be a downside for me to see more farming games.
Is that seriously what you think the chat would be. In your dreams buddy, in my dreams actaully. Reality would be "I'm going to tunnel and camp you nerd get gud baby survivors"
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Lol. F No. All I want is in game post game chat for consoles so I can vent. Lol.
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It's a horrid, no good, toxic idea.
I love it. There is nothing better than some good trash-talk pre and post coitus Cough I mean game. I'd need a box of Stogeys by my desk if this was implemented.
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Who hurt y'all lmfao
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Only with choosable sentences, like: "Lets go for Bloodpoints", "Good luck, have fun" etc.
No free texting.
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I'd love to be able to tell survivors to change cosmetics so that I don't accidentally tunnel. If you can be toxic in post-game chat then you can't use that as an argument against pre-game chat.
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I think survivors should retain the ability to chat without the killer being able to read it, but it'd be fun if killer could still contribute... :)
One-way chat
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"I have franklins"
*Doesn't bring franklins
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Yes plz, the trolling mentioned above (Franklins) would be funny and it would allow me to beg killers to let me stun and blind them for achievements.
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Pre-game lobby should be removed entirely. Waste of time. The stars have to align for all five players to ready up before 15 seconds, and people dodging/leaving lobby leads to muddling with the ranking system.
Do it like DbD mobile.
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Chat is only as toxic as you are, my friend. The Dead by Daylight community has probably the kindest and most polite multiplayer gamers I've ever played with.
Coming from someone who played Ark: Survival Evolved, Halo, Rainbow 6 Siege, Dark Souls, SMITE, Battleborn... Dead by Daylight is sunshine and rainbow land lmao. Even cooperative games like Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, (and Dark Souls again), have really toxic communities compared to DbD.
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This. You already had to set your build before you clicked ready. I wouldn't object to the killer seeing the survivors for 30 seconds with their names and profiles, etc, hidden. That way if you see three flashlights, you can opt to throw on lightborne
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I would love to be able to be friendly in pre game chat.
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This one had me snorting.
As much as I love OPs wholesome picture, THIS here is much more like it.
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Idk what dream ur living in buddy.
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The dream I'm living in is called life, and it's wonderful. Come hold hands with me at the beach ❤️
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"Hey, you three! I have a daily. Give me the Meg and I'll let you go.....".
I dunno man.
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Sounds like it could lead to some funny moments in game. The social aspect of this game and interacting with others is so fun, there's lots of really funny people that play this game.
Either way, I'd enjoy it. Like a little bit of banter here and there, setting the stage for a truly legendary match, ect. Chatting with your fellow gamers is so fun, not sure why everyone is so against it.
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No, because it opens the chance for toxicity even before the trial starts.
Sure, there will be some who may say "glhf", and others who may have a joke with it, but there will be others who will just be dicks.
In a perfect world, this would be good. Unfortunately, the playerbase isn't all for that.
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The players in general
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I don't know what meds you're on, but I want some.
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I guess that'd be okay. No real reason against it.
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Just alcohol, my friend haha. Let me make you a cocktail!
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yeah sure why not
as long as i get to disable it idc
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All I would ask is for the survivors to not be toxic.
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I would love being able to strike up conversations with survivors before the game. If they're mean to me, I can just leave the game and not have to put up with their attitude. I can't see why people wouldn't want it in the game
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W- will you come to prom with me?🥺
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I play almost daily and haven't had a toxic or salty word in chat in almost 3 months now. Maybe the chat isn't the problem, maybe it's how people play that brings it on.
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The amount of toxicity for no reason is surprisingly surprising
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i wanted this for a long time
but i am realistic and i know that the bad outcomes of this outweigh the good ones.
it opens the way for farming (not only for bp but also for achievements and challenges), trash talking, siding with certain players..etc
however if we look at vhs both the monster and the teens can talk to each other in the lobby and that haven't been an issue so far (probably cuz it's a small community) so idk maybe it'd work in dbd but knowing the dbd community
probably not.
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Farm matches and insults galore would be the majority of the interactions.
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Nah, Cons way more that pros
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And those cons are??
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Before dedicated servers on PlayStation it was easy to see who the killer was before the match started. I’d message them asking to farm, I’d say it worked 3/4 of the time. Wish we could do that still just because of some of these tome challenges lol