So what's the point of playing this game?

AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

you know reaching Rank 1 or Iridescent was the main objective of the game, but now that it doesn't matter, what are we exactly playing for?

certainly not blood points or shards

i would say fun, but let's be honest the last time i had proper fun in this game was in 2019

so what's the point for either side ?

i know some of you will tell me survive and kill but every game has a end goal and for dbd it got removed with the worst addition to ever get released SBMMR

i would say the Totem challenges and levels but tbh they don't even feel rewarding ,some few miscs and lore pages that will probably hear once and forget about them, tbh i would be a bit nice to like offer 100 auric cells after reaching level 100, which is you know kinda of impossible tbh, like i grinding the hell out of the saw totem and barely managed to reach 80

but you know at least we can look forward to something i guess?

if u are gonna tell me just stop playing the game, just save it, if everyone took that opinion to heart, nobody would be complaining or playing k?

Edit : apparently everyone is playing dbd for fun, and yet there are more complains than players, the toxicity is high as hell, and we are just having FUN, i wanna know the definition of fun in this game, and for people saying im having fun, WOULD U RECOMMEND THIS GAME TO FRIEND?

Post edited by AcelynnBen on


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Its important to have fun, but obviously you cant have fun 100% of the time. Sometimes you have a bad match or even a bad day and then it can be helpful to have a "grand" goal and possible progress for it.

    Rank 1 was never an option for me bc it was so damn easy, but i stopped doing winstreaks bc of the mmr. So I personally would like a ranked playlist, where i can see my place with average killers. (I dont like playing the S-tier killer bc their playstyle doesnt suits me)

    But that aside, if you really have no fun at all, you should quit. Having 1000 of hours in a game makes it maybe hard, but you will find another game. I wasted enough time with only playing games bc of a battlepass or another stupid goal and its not worth it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,230

    Seconding what everyone else is saying in that having fun is the reason to play the game, but there's one thing I'm confused on- what exactly stops Iri 1 from being an overall goal to work towards now...? It never was "the" main objective, but if you liked using it as your overall goal before, what's changed there?

    There's more reason to use it as your overall goal, in fact, since you actually get rewarded for doing it now.

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    You really shouldn't JUST complain. If you are going to complain, at least offer a remedy or solution as to where you think the game needs work.. Asking "Why do we play this game?" is an extremely stupid question. Why does anyone do anything in life for that matter? Move on.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    What's the point of anything?

  • KreeG
    KreeG Member Posts: 11

    If you aren't having fun don't play the game man, it's not good for your sanity if you're tilting off every match. At least take a break for a few days or a week and come back to it and hopefully you're feel reinvigorated and have a more enjoyable experience.

  • Nepraลกheart
    Nepraลกheart Member Posts: 426

    My reason is quite silly, but it's to hear survivors cry and scream in pain.

    Although SBMM has ruined the overall experiences in general for everybody, but newbies and low MMR players, it's not that bad.

    If I'm not being tunneled or camped, I'm mostly having fun, dependable on other factors, like the weather, my mood, the gameplay provided by other players, and such stuff. I don't care about my rank, I do play for fun.

    The way I see it, there's no point in living nowadays. We're literally no different from animals, besides having more ways to entertain each other, ain't that right?

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    Every match tells a story. A story about beating the odds, the story about being a hero, the story about killing the toxic teabagger, and so on. I am playing for the storys.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939

    Playing killer is fun after a bad day you can troll people harder than any other game, survivor is garbage I guess people are just farming BP nowadays, remove that 100% bonus and no one will touch surv again

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2022

    I play - surprise for myself tbh - more survivor than killer these days and I have a lot of fun in the game.

    Im not forced into BT, DH, DS and a 4th perk, no, I am switching around, because the perks have come closer to each other, which I think is great. Lithe, CoH, Distortion, Overcome, Vigil, Well make it, Prove, Hyperfocus, Inner Healing, Build to last etc. - I switch a lot between games.

    There is only 1 perk I never exchange: Windows of Opportunity

    Its so good when u play with at least 2 randoms to know which pallets they already used to survive longer in chases.

    On the other side, Im a bit mad about the DMS-Nerf just because of a PR+MS Combo.... but overall I still love playing killer. However, Killer is more chill than before the perk-overhaul, you can feel that u dont get bullied every 2 games because the old Deadhard is gone. This one change has done so much for killer-gameplay, even if its kinda annoying sometimes nowadays, its unreal.

    Anyways: I think we need more changes. That should be just the beginning.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939
    edited September 2022

    Do it then delete bonus for a week I want to see queue times

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    we need a lot of changes to shake up the game a bit and not just balance changes

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    please tell me ur definition of FUN, its getting gen rushed?

    staying stuck in one build to have a chance?

    getting tunneled out of the game at 4 gens

    getting so much hate and vile words because u won?

    you know, loading into a game getting either a SWF and getting stressed or just cheaters is very fun according to NOBODY

    this game ISN"T FUN, it was fun before this game is a ranked mess with people that are as 1 dimensional as a brick wall, with some few individuals sometimes making it a bit fun for either side

    and you know everyone here complaining shows a lot of people have fun aren't they?

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I just play for 1 year, so I dont feel that way since now. Maybe next year, same time.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    i wish i still fresh at this game, maybe i could have some sort of fun, because right now i've seen so much over the years the game has changed to nothing be worst and worst, sure some changes were needed like the removal if Bouquets which made the game so dark that u couldn't see anything but holy hell these past 3 years there hasn't been anything to shake it up, beside the latest killer patch which just made the game more stale

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    Well I play to see if I can Kill anyone or Survive... isn't that the be all end all???

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    Maybe sometimes the people that say they are having fun aren't the ones complaining? I'm having fun, I don't play to accomplish anything, I just play to survive pretty much. I also play to collect cosmetics because I think that's fun. And you can't tell anyone on the internet to "save" a comment if you don't wanna hear it, it's the forums, you're gonna get the obvious answer since we don't know what other kind of answer you want

  • robrob909
    robrob909 Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2022

    Most games the fun dies long before it does on dbd but fair points mmr was def a terrible decision. Most people I know don't play anymore but again this happens on every game. Ranks def were something that kept us playing. Resetting all progress for people that don't play everyday just kills any motivation u had there.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    well say whatever u want but i want an actual opinion not for u say HAHA skill issue and leave, like trust me i have seen and heard that so many times its not even funny or original

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    To become miserable as you can get.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301


    Digital self harm. Dead by Daylight is something you play because you hate yourself and feel like you deserve the misery it causes.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    exactly, now you just play, suffer and wonder why u are even playing

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    nah man its called fun, doing the same thing over and over, stressing, not enjoy any side, that's very fun

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545
  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    So why even respond with that when it wasn't valid to what I said? And I gave an actual opinion, it's just not one you wanted to hear. Welcome to the forums.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,056
    edited September 2022

    Speaking purely for myself, fun is "am I enjoying my time as I play this game?" Is the answer is "yes", I'm having fun. If the answer is "no", then I'm not and it's time to find something that is fun.

    I've had plenty of fun in DBD games. Even when I lose I can laugh it off or think about why I lost. Or maybe I lost in a funny way. The stuff your described isn't enjoyable and, when it happens a lot in one session, I turn off the game for a while.

    I manage to avoid the worst of burnout by playing when I'm in the mood. Sometimes that's just a couple games, sometimes it's several. Last rift I got it up to 70 because there were rewards in it I wanted. This last rift? I've barely touched it and didn't stress it.

    I have fun wit this game largely by playing it when I feel like, and not playing it when I don't.

    To go back to your original question: the point of playing the game, or any game is to have fun however you might define it.

    If you haven't had proper fun in 3-odd years? Then you have to ask yourself "why are you playing?" What are you getting from Dead by Daylight, for all its aggravations, that you can't get by playing, say, Among Us?

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 539

    DbD is a decent time passing game when in queue for WoW Classic. Game hasn't been 'fun' for a year at least.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    i did actually take several breaks, and i did get into it at one point but now its just


    why am i still playing it?

    idk because the killers are something i like, sadako, piggy, ghost those are the reason i joined dbd in the first place

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    yes u did and when u said don't say Save it because we are online and stuff, i explain why i said it, its it really that hard to understand?

    welcome to a brick wall not forums

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 684

    For me, I don't really deal with any of that. My killers are at a sweet spot right now where I can play fairly relaxed and have a decent challenge without having to sweat like crazy. I play considerately so even on 4ks, I don't get any negative chat. On the survivor side, most matches seem to be against similar minded killers, so while occasionally I get tunneled/ camped, overall it's a good experience. On the crappy matches, I just turn around and goof off to entertain myself.

    In the end, I'm glad there is no ranks other than getting my grades to iri once a month if I want to max the BP bonus. I don't have anything staring me in the face to motivate me to play harder. I generally don't care too much if I win or lose, as long as the match was fun. If more people would simply let go of the idea that they must crush their opposition every match, and learn to have fun just playing, this game would be a lot better for all.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    sounds like your mmr is just in the sweet spot, and which killers to you play?

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    1) Your comment made 0 sense... you can't say "I don't wanna hear it" because... guess what, you will hear it. What kind of a response do you want to such a pointless question?

    2) I'll give you some English lessons, it's not u, it's *you, don't capitalize the S in save because it's not the beginning of a sentence, capitalize the I because that's proper grammar, *"its it" makes no sense, and "its" isn't grammatically correct, it's...*it's

    3) Don't ask a question if you're not gonna be happy with every response you don't agree with. Someone earlier responded with a simple response "They have fun" and your aggressive response was this:

    What an aggressive response to someone giving a simple reason why they still play. Obviously you loathe this game and want to bring down everyone else who still enjoys it. I think you need to get off the internet for a while. Try to have a good day~ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,605
    edited September 2022

    Unlock every character, Unlock all the perks with all the characters, unlock every skin buyable with iridiscent shard and achieve every achievement (all are "inifinite" until Behaviour stop releasing characters). You have a lot of goals in this game tbh.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 345

    It's kinda like playing League Of Legends. You know the game is essentially fun, so you play and play and play until you stop getting matched with a 5000 hour player in a smurf or the game stops having massive matchmaking brainfarts, trying to find that one golden match that is a fun back-and-forth to the point that the result doesn't really matter because the match was gratifying and no one in the match was a massive asshat using frustration as a weapon to win.

    And then when you're just about to quit, you finally find that match and think "... You know what? I think I could go for another one like that one.". And so the cycle continues.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    I ask "for what?" You cannot sell this collection. At some point, you will even lose access to it. The grind tricks you into feeling like you *need* to keep playing to reach the next milestone. I myself have only about 10 survivors left to take from P1-P3.

    But the actual gameplay? Cancer. Just horrible cancer. Every game now is just the most sweaty, awful killers acting as toxic as they possibly can. I can't even play three games in a row without logging back out, irritated by how many killers abuse every cheap, easy tactic to get their kills asap, regardless of whether or not it ends with everyone sub 10k bp.

    Every patch makes this game worse and it's been this way for years now. They keep trying to make it more and more "competitive", but it has not, will not, and cannot ever be fair enough to be competitive. There's way too much RNG. The variety in maps, tile placement, add-on strength, perk strength, killer chose , it's all just too much to ever make the idea of a "fair" match possible. People say GG at the end, but it's almost never a GG. It's almost always a blowout in one direction or the other.

    It's a wacky party game and they should learn back into that. That's what made it fun. There were a dozen things or more utterly broken on either side and everyone just accepted it. Yeah, you had your three iri hatchets, but after you got two, the three gens we managed let us pop the hatch and peace out. The BS was everywhere. Have the crazy clown guy in his elephant mascot costume chase a Dwight elf around the wacky circus with the demon horse. Let it make no sense again.

  • Claudirt
    Claudirt Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2022

    Because the game is fun, don't play a game you don't enjoy. Challenges, ranks, bloodpoints etc, they're all just things to grind for and to make the game feel "rewarding" a progression system in video games are important to people, to show off and to feel like the time they put into the game is shown. At least I think so! It feels good to work towards something.

    People complain because they love the game. They want to see it succeed. They want to enjoy the game more. We complain because those aspects of the game will ruin the fun of things. If you haven't enjoyed the game since 2019 man, why play it? Video games are for entertainment and socializing. Though I would say, instead of "complaining" constructive criticism and showing our feelings in a less immature way is important.

  • Claudirt
    Claudirt Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2022

    Man I think you've taken games like DBD for granted, and don't even realize it yourself. Video games aren't for 1000 hours of gaming, if you're able to get that much time into a game, that's pretty amazing. Any game is the same thing over and over. Fun is subjective anyways. If you don't enjoy your side or any side. The game isn't for you man, or you experienced everything and the game ran it's course for you. You did everything and now need something new. It's not that difficult. You don't find it fun simple as that bro. It's been 3 years and you still play and not have fun? Whatever I've written or said or what anyone has said. It's a you problem. Stop playing.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 345

    To be fair, you can say that about every single game in existence. The grind rewards are only as valuable as you percieve them.

    You may have had fun in the past and considered these rewards proper goals to supplement the core gameplay, but if you feel the gameplay is now awful the value of said rewards get lowered dramatically.

    No one really plays for the rewards themselves. People play until they stop having fun, and whether we like it or not, a lot of us have a frustration threshold that keeps us here. For now.

    I personally have started playing way less because the game is starting to be more frustrating than I can tolerate, but a single good update could easily make me go back to playing daily.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
    edited September 2022

    sure buddy u have a nice day too and oh yes I HATE THIS GAME I NEVER LIKED IT, that's why im complaining right now OH MY GOSH

    just don't bother replying, and i answer like that everywhere its called the internet everything is random , you said it yourself big brain