Which version of Wesker’s Iridescent Uroboros Vial would you prefer for the game?
Wesker is looking to be one of the most popular killers in recent memory for the game by most accounts, he’s fun to play as and against but isn’t overbearingly powerful while having a pretty good variety of playstyles and loadouts. There is one item, though, that seems to come up as possible needing a slight nerf - his Iridescent Uroboros Vial.
Iridescent Uroboros Vial - Survivors start the Trial Infected with Uroboros. Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds when becoming Critically Infected
This add-on is really, really solid, no doubt. At a minimum it typically wastes all the survivors’ time at the start of the match as they run around finding and using the sprays to clear their infections. It’s almost like a mini-Corrupt Intervention at the start of the match in terms of slowing things down in that early game for 30 seconds or maybe a bit more. On top of which a well time Exposed hit can be pretty impactful as well.
Therefore think if there’s one add-on the devs might be keeping an eye on for a possible nerf it’s this one. It’s extremely popular and very strong, meaning it might statistically be found to be too popular and strong and get adjusted (maybe). One pretty straightforward way to adjust this perk is simply to remove one of its effects and leave or maybe slightly tweak the other.
So my question for you guys is, of the three versions of this add-on in the poll, which one do you think is the best balanced for the game?
Which version of Wesker’s Iridescent Uroboros Vial would you prefer for the game? 20 votes
Remove the Exposed effect from Iri Vial and just have it start all survivors off infected or possibly fully infected
I think of the three version in the poll I like removing the Exposed the best and keeping Iri Vial as starting eveybody off infected from the start. You might even be able to start them off half- or fully- infected at the start and get away with just that if you take out the Exposed portion of the add-on since that could lead to one early down early on against a fully infected survivor.
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Keep Iri Vial as is, infecting everyone at the start and Exposing survivor at full infection
I have not had enough negative experiences against it to say I want it nerfed, but if I had to pick a nerf out of these it would be nerf the expose aspect.
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Remove the Exposed effect from Iri Vial and just have it start all survivors off infected or possibly fully infected
I haven't really had a problem with Iri Vial, but I like this option.
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Neither. Keep everything it currently has, but make it spawn an extra supply crate or two. So it still has the slowdown + information at the start and the exposed effect, but it doesn't help as much with immediately removing sprays from the trial at 5 gens.
Fwiw, I think the exposed effect is fairly redundant and doesn't really add much to the addon when a fully infected survivor can be instadowned anyway. So I don't think removing it would be much of a nerf at all, while removing the start of game infection would just make it really bad.
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Keep Iri Vial as is, infecting everyone at the start and Exposing survivor at full infection
I rarely see survivors get fully infected as it is against this addon let alone survivors who get fully infected while healthy and are instant downed by Wesker.
I don't see what value removing either aspect of this addon is actually bringing.
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Keep Iri Vial as is, infecting everyone at the start and Exposing survivor at full infection
There are already an absurd amount of sprays available thought
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Keep Iri Vial as is, infecting everyone at the start and Exposing survivor at full infection
The main appeal of this addon is that it effectively gives you -4 sprays right off the bat, even if survivors are stealthing and chasing gods.
And even with that - you'll still have to work hard to eliminate all 8 sprays left and hope to god that survivors don't know what dodging hits is, have like 5 hours in game total and let you infect them on every single hit. Adding even more crates than there are already - effectively makes this addon useless, only giving you maybe one or two free instadowns, IF that survivor is not injured, you are very lucky, able to keep track of every single survivor's position while also protecting gens and all the stars align correctly.