What would you be interested in on the 2023 roadmap?

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

I think generally speaking the 2022 roadmap the devs put out is nearly done, all they really have left aside from the next chapter’s characters are the mori changes on the PTB and bots in custom matches. January isn’t too far ahead at this point, so looking ahead what are the things you’d like most to see on the 2023 roadmap?

Just off the top of my head, a few things that are likely to be on it might be

  • Anti-cheating measures. They already posted a dev blog about that this month so I’d be surprised if this isn’t a high priority focus next year.
  • A few character balance passes that were put off in 2022. Sadako is due for a first full pass, for example.
  • Solo queue survivor improvement. Early this year the devs announced they were looking into adding additional HUD elements to give solo survivors more information on what’s going on to help close the gap between solo escape rates and full swf escape rates. (Last I remember it was about a +3-4% difference in escape rate per extra person in a swf, up to 12-15% for full four person swfs, but I’m not sure how much that may have changed since the base game reworks this year.)
  • If bots work out really well in custom matches, they may want to consider doing what DbD Mobile does and have bots replace disconnected players as well. However since bots probably won’t be in the game until at least December if not later if this happened it wouldn’t be until very late in 2023 or in 2024.
  • A second smaller round of perk tweaks to buff up some more underused perks that didn’t get touched this summer.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I'd like to see something done with matchmaking to make it tighter or give people the option to play in a ranked mode. Especially if they're going to add bots. I'm not playing the game with bots in my matches. That's 100% my hard line in the sand. It's what completely turned me off from Predator Hunting Grounds. Half my games had bots in them.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,899

    Old Freddy.

    That and soloq improvements.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    Definitely most looking for solo queue improvements, beyond that I'm good for whatever they choose to work on.

    Continued perk overhauls and maybe some in-depth map generation changes would be pretty nice, too. Maps remain one of the biggest balance issues in the game, after the more absurd perks have been brought down to a manageable level.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Optimization for consoles/low end PCs. Make it be a serious priority for them. I've seen people already start mentioning performance issues on the new consoles so this isn't something that will go away once more people upgrade.

    Solo Q improvements. The reason we were given for why they changed the UI when most people were unhappy about it was because they devs said they were going to "put more information in the UI." People figured icons for what survivors are up to would be it, then devs teased they were working on something related to that. If we're not getting more information in the HUD to help when playing with randoms then I'd really like to get the old UI back that was across the bottom, it looked better and was more convenient to check on the health status of my teammates.

    Accessibility options. Work with a group that focuses on accessibility in video games to fix issues already in the game as well as be a resource to run ideas past in development to make sure they won't cause any issues. It's almost 2023, accessibility in video games isn't some rarity anymore and BHVR has been awkwardly slow in adding accessibility options to DBD.

    Add bots so can add different game modes. The excuse for not having multiple game modes is "it will increase waits" well then add bots to fill in the gaps. Bots can also replace players that DC. They can program bots to not just hide in a locker the entire match which that alone will be an improvement from my teammates.

    Make it so there are 3 survivor and 3 killer dailies so there's an even distribution of daily challenges for both sides.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2022

    Character passes/reworks, please. So many mediocre or clunky characters that would be far more enjoyable to play with simple QoL or number buffs. Billy, Pig, Freddy, Sadako, Twins, Myers, maybe even Slinger. All could use changes and improvements. Many wouldn't even need big changes.

    Like Billy. Some chainsaw speed and turn rate would go such a long way. Boost Pigs crouch/unrouch and ambush charge speeds to be usable in chase, etc.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited October 2022

    Solo Q buffs

    Console optimization

    Something to help people with bad hearing, maybe the heartbeat like DBD Mobile has

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    Complete re-write of the code and moving game logic to the dedicated servers. I want this game to not be a Blueprint converted code peer-to-peer hot garbage it has been for the past 5 years.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    FREDDY-Overview and changes



    Solo-Q-Buff (Informations)

    Less Cheaters/Hackers

    Overview of Survivor-Items/Addons

    Survivor-Bots for Custom-Games

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Them undoing the bone headed balance changes that made me mostly quit.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Freddy re-re-dework. Also Jason in the game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    More hooking incentives, especially if they hook different survivors consecutively. anti-camp and and anti-slug mechanics are awesome, but killers do deserve a reward for spreading their lethal love among survivors.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Solo Q buffs.

    Cross Progression.

    Devotion incentives etc.

    Freddy complete rework.

    Some love to certain killers like Billy, Deathslinger, Trapper, etc.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    edited October 2022
    • An anti-cheat
    • A real one or others anti-cheat measures
    • Reworking some F tier killer (Freddy,Trapper, Onryo…)
    • Buff to some sad killer (Slinger, Billy, Wraith)
    • A new level design team to re-rework 50% of the maps
    • The husk (or something like that) mechanic promised 2 years ago
    • A practice mods vs bots
    Post edited by Avilgus on
  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Solving cheater problems

    New game mode

    Fixing balance issues so that nobody has to play like tryhards

    Freddy rework and slight buff for Hillbilly and Deathslinger

    Map balance reworks - Some maps' generators should be more spread out, some maps should be slightly smaller, some map should be weaker/stronger.

    Giving more info to solo survivors

    Survivor/Killer character models visual update

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    1) Survivor icons being given to all 5 players in the game, because if survivors are getting extra game information, the killer should get it too

    2) Survivors that frequently DC or give up early should be matched with each other

    3) SWFs should have their MMR calculated higher, to balance their increased escape rate

    4) The game needs some mechanic that makes it much easier for the killer to find a different survivor to chase, so that camping and tunneling can be nerfed without the game breaking. None of the current perks are reliable enough to do this, and this new mechanic should be basekit for the killer.

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    Add-on passes, killer passes so that the bottom of the barrel can become more approachable, new game modes, and optimization updates.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Nuking good items and add-ons. They shouldnt be such a deciding factor.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    I would like to see more behind the scenes improvements done

    MM, Servers, Maps (would be behind the scenes technically)

    More perk changes (3-4 per midchapter I'd be happy)

    New ideas (not just adding X perk to basekit)

  • Dem34888
    Dem34888 Member Posts: 60

    Anti-cheat improvement

    Maps rework, no reason in basekit or perks changes, while balance changes too much from map to map

    Perks rework

    SoloQ improvement

    Some killers rework

    Additional BP for killers whos play against SWFs (+50% for 2, +75% for 3, +100% for 4)

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302


    * More maps needed, not just 1 per year. The new COD comes out soon and will likely have close to 20+ before we get a new one. Id happily sacrifice a chapter to get new maps for Trickster, Twins and perhaps a couple of new ones.

    * Rework Rotten Fields and Shelter Woods to NEW variants.

    * Add a night variant to Coldwind. The map is ridiculous in broad daylight.

    * Reskin Hawkins


    * Reset Billy to old version

    * Blighted Oni skin


    * Go back to numbers that don't reset to bottom.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Solo q buff

    Console laggy

    Realm beyond (Swamp, Red forest)

    More perk overhaul

    Buff to underperforming killers

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2022

    Better map design and new abilities/addons to existing killers.

    You know that Nurse is an underperforming killer, right? Plenty of strong killers have low kill rate and vice versa.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The devs have never called Nurse an underperforming killer. In fact they specifically said a few times that they don't balance characters based on overall kill rate and give Nurse as an example of why since she has a low kill rate for new players but a high kill rate for higher MMR Nurses.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797

    Make Pinhead's gen-kicking and lobby idle sounds quieter.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244
    edited October 2022

    Work on allowing no cheats.They should have some way to detect people doing gens in seconds or moving faster like the road runner meep(banned or kicked from session) and where the heck is the Observer? Is he just dead now or became the Dredge?

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Are you actually trying to make a point to me with this comment? I believe you know what I meant by underperforming killers, no need to clarify that. Read @dugman 's comment and maybe you get it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    edited October 2022

    More accessibility features/settings. Though I greatly appreciate they are going slowly into this direction already!

    Basic controller settings, Deadzones, Response curves, separate sensitivity for aiming.

    Realm Beyond finally being finalized (Red Forest, Swamp, character models and animations)

    SoloQ improvements, start with the action indicators and go from there.

    Survivor gameplay overhaul. Less stationary holding M1, more roaming around (see my concept <here>); items/addons getting refreshed, new items (see also link, end of post for item ideas)

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Definitely some buffs towards Solo Queue and direct nerfs towards SWF.

    Some realm improvements balance-wise, the same applying towards perks and certain killers, who're simply too weak to be touched nowadays.

    What I do care about the most right now are more interactions between the killer and survivors, especially when it comes to the finishing moves - Sacrifices and kills. I don't mind losing a game, I don't care.. But to be sacrificed on the hook and then disappear from the realm has gotten somewhat.. Too repeatable and boring. With the upcoming changes removing the options from the killer to actually kill survivors, there'll be literally no more animations to look forward to and no more killers killing you instead of hooking you..

  • WeaverReaver42
    WeaverReaver42 Member Posts: 213

    As many have said quite a few killers could use a touch up. (I literally only bought Freddy for the perks, and I kind of regret it. Would not recommend buying the character otherwise- which is bad when that is the main reason he was put in the game). Some more than others considering how consistently they were mentioned in this forum (Death Slinger was mentioned a few times, and while he isn't the strongest I think he's still plenty viable. The fact he was mentioned about two or three times as opposed to every other killer rework request involving trapper and Sadako should tell you which of them is in a worse spot). I would especially like them to focus on the killers that require auric cells that are lagging behind. What's the point of paying real money, just to do worse because you bought one of the worst killers in the game?

    Also I hate how negative this comment comes off as, but it needs to be said as many times as it takes to get heard and I just wanted to do my part to make sure any devs on the forum know even newer players (I started around June this year) can tell some killers are getting neglected.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    Map Balancing - while some older maps are fairly balanced, the map design team didn't seem to have learned from the past, leaving many new maps unbalanced. So roughly 50% of the maps should be reworked, to make them more fair for both sides.

    Perk Balancing and Luck rework - Currently Luck does nothing except increasing self-unhook odds (which is not very useful). Perhaps it should increase the chances of getting a high-quality item out of chests. Also perks like OoO, Deer Stalker, etc. should receive a small buff to make them actually worth it / worth the slot.

    Killer balance / rework - Killers like Nurse and Blight should have some of their add-ons changed (e.g. Alchi Ring) and their basekit should make going into fatigue more punishing (aka no recovery of tokens during recovery animation). Killers like Freddy, Myers, Trapper, Pig, Ghostface, Wraith and Onryō should receive some love and perhaps full reworks (and also slight add-on changes). Killers like Hillbilly, Deathslinger and Executioner have a mediocre add-on pass, perhaps making it more like newer ones would make them more interesting. If the have rebalanced the map, perhaps changing the killer role in general might make the game more balanced.

    Solo Queue and SwF - To make SwF more fair, they should have a slight MMR modifier (so they get matched against slightly harder killers, increases in intensity the more survivors are in the same SwF). Additionally, Solo Q should have small icons that indicate what your teammates are currently doing (perhaps except being in a chase or it shouldn't count as being chased while the killer is undetectable)

    Accessibility - More things should be made more excessable for all players (base-kit spine chill (only TR indicator) for people with hearing problems), less flashy animations for people with epilepsy, etc.

    Bots and Cheaters - Bots should exist also for KyF, and you should be able to select if they're allowed to have random perks or only set perks (can be changed with a blacklist, whitelist). You should also be able to select a killer/survivor for them. Game limit should be 45 minutes - 1 hour (and not 2 hours), so cheaters holding game hostage shouldn't be so annoying. An improved report system would be neat (that allows you to report someone in-game, so you can actually report someone for holding the game hostage and don't have two wait 2 hours to get them reported (seriously, why do you need to wait 2 hours?). Getting banned should also give a temp ban to all alternative accounts that you have.