What is the most TOXIC player, in your opinion?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 371

This poll is about what player personally gets on your nerves the most.

What is the most TOXIC player, in your opinion? 73 votes

Campers - Killer Role
brokedownpalacedarkcloudlinkLuvmibrattB3NJ4M1N 4 votes
Tunnelers - Killer Role
KaanaMazoobiFilthyLegionMainHavocusAlex_tliffKniQ 7 votes
Tea Baggers - Survivor Role (And Ghostface)
Ghouled_MojoBeoltharusesPythonDeathlymusic_ 4 votes
Flashlight Clickers - Survivor Role
blue4zionMrPenguinTostapaneTeabaggingGhostfaceChikyNumberedglint51 6 votes
Players that DC - Both Roles
AurochsXenontyxDelusionalHubrisValaryyn 4 votes
Stream Sniping - Both Roles, I think. Easy to do at the moment if your Killer. I'm not sure how you do it as Survivor, maybe some kind of trick on steam. Maybe hacks.
Iron_Cutlass 1 vote
Sluggers - Killer Role, a lot of mixed reviews on the new Mori update.
AtoTimbercatfam05 2 votes
Survivors that RAT OUT THEIR TEAM, possibly helps the Killer too - Survivor Role
HellDescentEnderloganYTYatolAshInTheTallGrassDonleovHex_LlamatheblimpAurelleGRIG0CodeDBTsukahspliffysandsOrangeBearBabyShrimpBuzzProfanities 16 votes
Hackers (Easy win, but I put it on here anyway. It makes sense.) - Obviously both roles, but they mostly play Survivor.
GibberishCamoRangerOnryosTapeRentalsMysteriosopizzaduffyhp90musstang62oxygenmrpiesellerdugmanFobboMarc_go_soloQwQwHerachi_SakuraAbsolutGrndZer0yellowguy77BothSidesEnjoyerINoLuvdrSpockwaPetforcesOkonar_ 26 votes
SWFs (Survive With Friends.) - Survivor Role
MeneLawLegionair11111qnyun 3 votes


  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148
    Tunnelers - Killer Role

    Only if I'm unlucky enough with RNG and my teammates to give me only deadzones to work with.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714
    Hackers (Easy win, but I put it on here anyway. It makes sense.) - Obviously both roles, but they mostly play Survivor.

    If the question was "which type of toxic player personally hurts your own games the most" it would be rage quitters. But since the question is "what is the most toxic type of player" in general it has to be cheaters. They're definitely the worst.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,998
    edited October 2022

    no hook whackers?

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Survivors that RAT OUT THEIR TEAM, possibly helps the Killer too - Survivor Role

    I hate these type of teammates so much and I get them quite frequently.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,527
    Flashlight Clickers - Survivor Role

    i don't consider camping and tunneling toxic, since it's a (flawed and boring) game mechanic, i consider toxic things that won't give you any advantage in the game but are done only to mock the other side, for example tbags after stuns, click click and hitting on the hook people more than once or nodding while seeing bleeding someone to death (unless they'll go to the edge of the map where hooks aren't present, just to avoid to being hooked despite they already lost the match)

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    Hackers (Easy win, but I put it on here anyway. It makes sense.) - Obviously both roles, but they mostly play Survivor.

    Hackers and stream snipers are the only toxic ones

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Flashlight Clickers - Survivor Role

    Since i can't choose multiple, the clicky shits get bled out

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,991
    Stream Sniping - Both Roles, I think. Easy to do at the moment if your Killer. I'm not sure how you do it as Survivor, maybe some kind of trick on steam. Maybe hacks.

    Most of what you listed isnt toxic.

  • AtoTimber
    AtoTimber Member Posts: 84
    Sluggers - Killer Role, a lot of mixed reviews on the new Mori update.

    like excluding hackers, people who bleed people out on the ground as a "dominance" thing. It's embarrassing and a waste of 4 minutes for everyone

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,288
    edited October 2022
    Hackers (Easy win, but I put it on here anyway. It makes sense.) - Obviously both roles, but they mostly play Survivor.

    Where on earth is the true answer, people that act like vile goblins in post game chat/private messages sending people slurs, threats and serious harassment?

    Yes, they're worse than cheaters in my opinion (and even cheaters do not in any way deserve this kinda treatment, and that's saying something). But as that option isn't there, I'm picking cheaters.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 686

    Wasn’t listed but players who harass and bully someone in chat/messages.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 647
    Flashlight Clickers - Survivor Role

    Hackers, obviously, but if I'm playing killer, and I'm trying to let everyone live, and you blind me, you're dead