Is freddy putting snares through walls intended?

Hey guys i got a question :), Freddy can now put his snares through walls and i was wondering if that's intended. I think it makes Freddy a little bit stronger and much more interesting to play now, If its a bug could you guys consider making it a permanent feature for him :)?
If it is not listed as a change in the patch notes always assume it is a bug. this is most likely a bug.
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I doubt it's intended, but I also see no reason to change it. Freddy is already in a bad spot and this ability makes him slightly better at tiles. It's also a small thing that raises his skill cap abit, because let's be honest freddy doesn't really require much skill to use effectively.
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This does not raise his skill cap at all. The dirt in my belly button can play Freddy without problem and a Bug does not change this.
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Don't you mean can beat him....I only got beat once by Freddy and it's because he hid the fact he had devoured hope and no one took him seriously.
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No, Freddy is basically Skill Floor = Skill Ceiling. There is no depth in his gameplay at all. SInce the rework he is the most dull and most boring Killer in the game.
The only reason he was popular after the Rework was because he is so easy to play and his Slowdown was really strong + he ignored BT.
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If its a bug, this needs to be one of those times where they keep a bug as a feature
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Something similar happens with Pyramid Head's Trail of Torment. If you run it along a wall in some areas (particularly in Gideon's) it's invisible on the other side of the wall but will still hit survivors. You can trap gens and common walkways with no visual indicator.
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I've started to seeing Freddy cause of this change, let it be, I've forgot that he existed
The second one rare killer is Hag
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I don't know what goes on with snares anymore. I can't even place them in front of me half the time.
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that explains the dance that some freddys perform
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so is every m1 killer would be considered braindead easy to play with that logic. I guess that means the killer should be weak because of how easy they are to play. let us ignore entire survivor gameplay of m1 generator's and escaping.
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I think it makes Freddy more interesting to play against. I hope it becomes a feature, because current Freddy really fits the theme of the character by making me fall asleep IRL.
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It's been in the game for a long while now but then again the Oni bug has also been in the game for almost a year before they finally fixed it. You just never know for sure with this company. Let's hope they left it as it is.
Twins and Hag are both rarer. He's 3rd or 4th rarest.
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Yes, we ignore the Survivor-Gameplay for this thread because this would be whataboutism.
Every M1-Killer has more depth than Freddy. Even the more simple ones.
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i think a lot of killer in dbd fall into their skill-floor = skill-ceiling. not just freddy. I would consider like 80% of the killer to be "easy" and the rest of the killer to be intermediate difficult. I think dbd has like maybe 5 or 6 killer that you could consider to be mechanically complex which I would list them as Nurse, Blight, Oni(same as blight), Trickster, Deathslinger and Pinhead. that is just my opinion though. I do not think freddy is that much different then most of other killers, the skills for freddy overlap with like 80% of the cast. Its just that he got rewarded for basic m1 gameplay compare the other killers.
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So Trapper and Pig have more dephts in pressing Right-Mouse to install a RBT or placing a Trap in a Pallet? Wow. As Freddy-Main, I will agree that he is not hard, but especially with Fake-Teleports (for Dead Man Switch for example) and Snares, you need to know what u are doing to get value out of it. You have to predict the Movements to place the snares at the right places to get a hit. For the Teleports, u need game-sense to predict on which one the survivors probably work on. Compared to guys like Blight or Cenobite, its easy, of course, but to literally say "so easy, everybody can play him good", I have to disagree.
I will not compare this with Survivor-Gameplay... holding a button, time a Spacebar and hold Shift+W for the rest.
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Trapper requires some brain to efficiently use his traps, while Freddy just spams them around a loop to catch up
Pig requires brain to use her dash, that somehow you forgot to mention. Are you one of those pigs that just hold W until you catch up to the survivor?
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Its not just most m1 killers, most killers have braindead designs and dont have much skill cap.
Sad thing is the ones that usually have high skill ceiling usually arent worth putting all that hours to master.
Why bother mastering artist or billy when you can put a few hours into nurse and perform better?
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This is wrong. Spam them around a loop doesnt work, because they dont stack. You need to place them at certain points of the loop. If u place 3 of them, everybody just leaves the loop. And because u only have 5 tokens, u cannot just trap every door, u need to trap the right doors.
Pigs Dash needs brain? Well, start at the pallet, fake left, go right. Sometimes double-fake. Especially on Midwich a good power. On a lot of maps impossible to get value out (i learned Pig by myself and watching CMWinter).
I think this mechanic is a bug, however, its really fun if it works.
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refer to @Aven_Fallen comment with that. X player finds the killer boring/unskillful/insert buzzword. Perhaps someone at bvhr hates x character, who knows really? killer get released as weak. killer maybe play the killer for 1 week, they do not have fun with said killer, they drop the killer and that is all there is to it. They get released as weak so you have no survivor complaints. Sometimes BVHR releases something that is a bit stronger then usual but casual player get destroyed by it. enough complaints build-up and the killer gets a change after 1 year or so. billy, freddy, spirit and slinger were examples of that. killer gameplay by default is braindead(low skill-floor) but their killer power can make them more skill expressive. its just that survivor dislike when killer power has large skill-ceiling.
its kinda like blight with hug tech. the survivor will just say, its just exploit. need fixes, etc. etc.
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Probably a hitbox bug, you start the set a pool action, the game detects the pool hitbox and checks it doesnt colide with any solid object (walls, burning drums, props etc), if it colides it forfeits the placement. I dont play Freddy since I dont own him but from what people say it seems like something made the pool hitboxes bigger or much more strict so they collide in situations where they shouldnt.
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ghostfaces new chase music + new exposed effect were not in the patch notes but its still in the game
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almost certainly a bug. but that also means its probably going to get fixed :(
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No he obviously needs to be nerfed.