What do you think about tunneling ?

i just played against a ttv streamer playing nurse, it was an open map with shack and basemet on the center, i dont kniw the name but a small map, he started chasing a kate, got 1 hook on her, and wheneve lwe saved her he proceeded to only focus her, even with 5 gens up, he killed her and started to tunnel me, hit me as soon as i was saved from hook, and didnt down me because i had basekit BT..

what do you all think about tunneling ? have you been tunneled before ?



  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    So should survivors have to do gens? Why do gens when you can just loop the killer all day not our fault the killer is bad right

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    The advantage of tunneling is that it reduces the number of people needed to repair generators, which is absolutely necessary for escapes. That's right.

    Since it would be advantageous to do so, tunneling is done. I am not happy that when tunnelled, escape becomes much more difficult, but I understand the killer and can accept it. Killer cannot win without killing me... Joke.

    If not tunneling gives you an advantage, choose that option. I looked for such an option and could not find it.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    tunneling is a necessary evil sadly... you can easily avoid to use that strategy in low mmr, but once the skill bar will raise up, it will become a common thimg to do if you don't want to loose badly (it's boring but effective... just like holding m1 on generators)

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78
    edited October 2022

    Absolutely true.... Its a tool in the toolbox for the right situations.

    an example I mentioned in another post, if a surviver is flashlighting me, I'm going to remove that player as quickly as i can to eliminate the threat of losing hooks and making my play less efficient.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    What do I think about tunneling?

    Its a terrible playstyle that did nothing but ruin the survivor experience. Tunneling is one of the main reasons all of my friends quit the game and has pushed me away from it several times.

    Have I ever been tunneled?

    Yes... thousands of times.

    Its not good for this game at all.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I think in the current state of the game tunneling a survivor out of the game is necessitated against high level survivors or decent swf. I think getting mad at killers who tunnel is absurd. The way to approach this is to nudge the balance in a way where killers no longer have to tunnel to secure a win, without making them op. And then slowly add in more basekit and perk anti tunneling buffs.

    Most people agree, killers need a survivor out fast. That said tunneling isn't fun to deal with. The solution is make killer playstyles that are fun to play against more viable, then nerf the unfun play styles into the ground. That's the best way to keep everyone happy. It's not as simple as "killers should just not tunnel" or "we need more anti tunneling mechanics".

    What they really need to do is buff a lot of the perks that discourage tunneling and encourage 1/2 hooking everyone. Like dying light, furtive chase, grim embrace (devour hope and no way out do this but they're probably fine as is tbh). I also think nerfing really good perks to encourage 1 or 2 hooking every survivor to get value is a good call too. I think you should have to earn NOED somehow. Maybe only people who have been hooked at least once are exposed, and you need at least 4 total hooks for NOED to activate.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Ditto, I basically said this verbatim in the first part of this message:

    Tunneling either has to simply continue to exist, and maybe hopefully BHVR can gently "explain" via public channels and maybe tips and stuff in game that it is necessitated to get these survivors to shut it. OR there needs to be major changes to the game so winning without tunneling at high MMR is actually possible, and then greater anti tunneling can be added in. The latter I think would be better for everyone's "net fun" but the former really wouldn't bother me. I find camping a bigger issue frankly. Specifically facecamping midmatch, not endgame camping or generous wide proxy camping. You at least get to actually press buttons and play the game if you get tunneled out.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited October 2022

    The main problem with tunneling is solo queue. There's no communication and unlike SWF, the game picks your teammates.

    Ignoring these issues, if we want to alleviate tunneling and I say alleviate because you can never truly get rid of tunneling. Killers can still do it regardless of how many restrictions are put into place. We need to reward killers more for going out of their way to hook each survivor 2 times each. Currently, if you see a survivor on death hook, then one who's fresh, never touched a hook, the killer who make a fool of themselves not to get rid of the person who's on death hook.

    I'm not great with suggesting balance changes, but if I had to make one, I'd make a few changes:

    ▪︎For each survivor hooked, all injured survivors gain a 2% repair speed penalty. An additional 4% repair speed penalty is added when all survivors have been hook once and twice.

    ▪︎Killer gains a 7% haste effect when in a chase while another survivor is hooked.

    Not perfect suggestions and some of these may even be horrible, but something like this can encourage killers to go for 8 hooks more often. Then we can start punishing tunneling with basekit changes, which I have no idea on how to at the moment, but current BT is doing a pretty good job at the moment.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    Sometimes I tunnel when I'm clearly losing and I really want to kill one. Happens. I try to limit it tho.

    But most of the time tunneling is because I always end up finding the same survivor or running into them. I mean, I'm not trying to, but what am I supposed to do? Let them go? No.

    At best, if it's been too soon since last hook I'll down them and leave them bleeding while checking for other people.

    There's also a lot of survivors that want to play hero with the extended basekit BT, protecting the unhooker, and, sure, I get it. But if you want to take their hit, I'll make sure to give you the full run.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited October 2022

    Tunneling before a gen even popped is a miserable experience for surv regardless if you are the one tunneled or someone else.

    Really doubt anyone enjoys it if the killer is capable of doing it.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,854

    Nurse is my main killer and I have to say I have zero respect for people who play Nurse and resort to tunnelling, particularly at 5 gens. I have learned to not get so annoyed by it as a survivor and especially when gens are flying and the killer is weak. But I personally will go out of my way to not tunnel someone off hook, as I have at least some empathy and know how horrible that feels.

    But if you clicky clicky or try to BM me, I will make your match short and miserable but people rarely do this when you are decent with Nurse.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I don’t think about what the reasoning is why Killer is doing it.

    I do think about how unbalanced it is the moment. Which is why I (along with others) are persistent in giving feedback to the devs.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    What an incredibly biased opinion with literally no real though put into it. I tunnel very rarely as I don't really care that much, but sometimes I really feel like sweating for that 3-4k in a close game. You think I want to make that person feel bad? No. So many people are incredibly closed minded or have played very few other games in their lives. League" you can be shutdown in lane so completly that you are just waiting to die as you go back to lane now matter your skill level. Apex: you can hotdrop and die right off the bat and just like dbd it's a go next scenario. OW: the enemy team can get a rotation of ults going to the point that it's simply a stomp for most of the match. Are these scenario's unfun? Yes. Can the devs do there best to mitigate it without ruining the balance of the game? Yes.

    What I am saying is that these very uninteractive moments happen in every game and 95% of the time there is no malicious intent behind it, it's just a drive to win. I do think camping and tunneling needs more work in this game, I really do. But your opinion is grossly encompassing and unfair to anybody with a competitive drive.

    And with all of that said I don't tunnel because I like chase more than I like a 4k in this game. Chase is the only fun part about this game imo on both sides. If I happen to find you without finding anyone else you are getting chased, I would prefer you healed but Injured too as I can't just ignore you when I can't find anybody.

    One last thing if I come back to first hook after getting a second hook as blight and see only the unhooked person, that is the healthy survivors fault for hiding not mine. If I see there scratch marks I'll follow but only because I can as blight.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Exactly, it's not really tunnelling if you keep running into the same survivor over and over again. It's just bad luck by that point, it's a part of the game. It's unfortunate, and many killers do try to avoid it, but sadly tunnelling just happens.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Tunnelling isn't so cut and dry. There is actual definition to it than just hitting the person who just got unhooked.

    My own definition of tunnelling is "Specifically targeting a player for a specific reason and ignoring anything else, most likely to be toxic or mean overall".

    An example is going after someone who has ttv in their name since they have ttv in their name. Someone who you believed was toxic i.e. flashlight as pallet or t-bagging.

    Not an example is punishing an unhook if they were unhooked in close proximity to you. Essentially a bad unhook. Or going after someone who has already been hooked instead of someone who hasn't if you can choose between 2 people to chase when neither has been the previous chase.

    Tunnelling or sometimes re-hooking can be done organically and isn't inherently toxic as is.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Tunnelling is fine

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited October 2022

    Tunneling gens and survs is the best strat both sides can do to win as quick as possible. Thanks MMR.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    How is punishing an unsafe unhook better than punishing flashlight? If you have a flashlight and have used it, you are a threat to the killer. Why would the killer want that to continue?

    Do you let the mosquito on your arm continue to suck your blood after you notice it? I bet you swat it which prevents it from ever landing on you again. What if you miss but see it as it floats in front of you? Do you take another shot at it? Stop Tunneling mosquitos!

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2022

    I never intentionally tunnel. Some games though, certain survivors just force it on themselves by continually being caught out. Often times I will just down them and leave them be.

    However, in regards to the practice alone, it's really not any different that what happens in Battle Royale type shooters. If you are playing solo, drop in, and get killed early on, the match is over for you. You leave and queue up for another. If the same scenario happens and you are on a team, you and your team didn't coordinate enough, or you were just outplayed. You are either stuck watching, or hope for a revive. Granted there is no revive mechanic in DbD. You don't see people in those games complaining to the devs that it is unfair that they died early, and the person that killed them should be punished for it. I know these aren't 1:1 comparisons, but the idea is the same.

    As far as DbD, and playing survivor, if you are not comfortable with your looping abilities then run an AT perk. OTR is insanely powerful for what you get. The endurance hit is excellent, and even if you perform an action, you still make no sounds and have no aura for 80 seconds. If you get caught out using this perk, that is on you. I play a fair amount of surv, and at most I only play with another friend, but not all the time. When we do encounter killers who try to tunnel or camp, it never ends well for them. If they are lucky, they end up with a single kill, but often they end up with nothing.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2022

    Tunneling ruins the entire match for not just the targeted player, but for the rest of the players aswell.

    Whoever gets tunneled doesn't get to play the game, and the same applies to the killer; All he or she gets to have is a survivor downed within one hit, unless there are other perks' effects present, which is rarely the case. The rest pf the players do get no interaction whatsoever, but M1 simulator and watching gears of generators moving up and down from being repaired.. That's so much fun..

    You do wanna play the game, have some chases there and there, from time to time watch your character scream in pain (from survivor's POV) and either get sacrificed for the team or escape; Nobody really cares.. As long as the chases were somewhat challenging and there were funny moments from time to time, nor the survivor nor the killer will care about the amount of hooks.

    Those who tunnel do it, because of two reasons; Reason one being, it's oppressive and very effective at dealing with really good survivors, as it reduces the speed the generators can be progressed at and removes one more prey required to be caught. The second reason being, they're ruinin the match. Yup, and they do enjoy every second of it.. Sadists, who do ruin the game to literally every single player.

    The moment you start tunneling, you're selfish or playing in a heavily biased way. There's no AI, each survivor character is controlled by a player, and if you don't care.. Well, then you're being unsportsmanlike, ain't that right?

    I do despise of tunneling, but I will definitely tunnel cheaters and griefers; Those do deserve it the most.. Or the most stubborn ones; For example, I do return after failing to find a survivor, only to find the recently unhooked survivor right on another generator, not even taking the time to heal and not bothering to run away from me.. Yeah, I'll take it and hook the same survivor again, as I don't feel like giving them a free outta jail card just because they've happened to be hooked recently.

    I do only tunnel because the challenges do force me to - Gain X iridescent Emblems, for example.. And I'm never having fun when I'm playing that way.. Never..

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    unhealthy but necessary against competent survivors

    you need a 3v1 asap otherwise the gens get done in 4 mins

    the game needs serious changes to make tunneling not a thing - adding incentives like slower gens, faster pallet breaks, faster movement, just something gamechanging enough that killers would rather have that than a 3v1, and if they wanted to remove tunneling (an idea ive heard is an 8 hook pool between survivors, when its dry then survivors die when put on hook) then killers would need many more buffs to be able to stall the game long enough to go for hooks

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    If a player feels that they have to tunnel to win, then they are probably playing out of their MMR skill level. But winning through tunneling will only lock them into higher and higher MMR sweatfests, where they will once again think they have to tunnel to win. If people could just chill out a bit and not be afraid to lose or draw a match the game would be in a much better place.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Calling Tunneling a Skill issue is a terrible reason to hate Tunneling

    Tunneling saw a massive shift (from "low skill" to "high skill") due to BHVR saying that Kills/ Escapes mattered more then anything else for MMR

    Going for 12 hooks evenly is what Survivors want right... then think about some of your matches did you thank the Killer for trying, did you T-Bag the Killer in (or around) the Exit Gates... I didn't ask if your teammates did I'm asking if you did... did you slow down on Gens to allow the Killer time to 2 Hook everyone before the final Gen is popped

    Also comparing Hooks to Gens doesn't work... 5 Gens to 12 Hooks =/=

    A 30 second chase is 90 seconds for the other Survivors to do Gens, Cleanse (Boon) Totems, Heal

    A 30 second chase with another Survivor on a hook is 60 seconds for the other Survivors to do Gens, get the save, Heal

    I tunnel hook stages not kills... weird but that's how I play

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    Some i agree with and some I don't.

    I don't think tunneling ruins the match for anyone. It makes people mad that they weren't good enough to escape the killer and they were the first one out due to bad luck and lack of skill.

    As soon as the match is over, you're free to start a new one and play more. Just don't carry your frustration from the first match to the next one.

    The person tunneled does get to play the game. You could say they get to play the game the most during their time being chased. If they have a lower skill level, the chases are quick and that's not the killers fault.

    The reasons for tunneling you mentioned are accurate, but the number of killers doing it to make people angry is few and far between. Just because you feel the killer is doing it for this reason doesn't make it true. Its impossible to differentiate between them without an outright admission. Either way its a valid strategy that the killer has in order to make the best and most efficient play under the circumstances.

    PvP play in general is selfish. Two players on opposite sides should always play with winning in mind. if you are not being selfish, you're throwing the match as a killer. Survivors need to be selfish with the killer(and they always are) but selfless with their teammates at times. Efficiency and intentional moves are key to winning any PvP game. Why would the killer be intentionally SELFLESS to the opposing team when it is the least efficient move and causes the killer to lose?

    I would say that you are being unsportsmanlike when the killer and survivors farm BP in a game. The match is essentially not being played in a competitive nature. No sport. I would say its unsportsmanlike to talk trash in chat or teabag at the exit gates/pallets. Being a sore winner is not better than being a sore loser. This includes killers rubbing in a win during end game chat as well.

    You're making reasons as to why you tunnel....but it doesn't matter. Any reason is valid as it is the killers decision to do so and the survivors don't get to make the killers plan. Thats part of the fun for me as a survivor is no knowing who the killer is at first, then not knowing how they play the game and being unable to predict the killers moves.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Tunneling is a strange situation if you play both sides. Because sometimes it is the choice of the killer but other times its actually the survivors who initiate and cause the tunnel. For example if Dwight gets hooked and Meg unhooks Dwight while the Killer is still very close by, but doesn't try to take the chase, Meg is choosing to get Dwight tunnelled. However if Meg is body blocking, protecting and trying to force a chase on her and being ignored by the killer, the killer is choosing to tunnel Dwight. Its obviously less cut and dry than this but it is important to recognize that survivors have impact on the killers decisions. If the killer seems to be taking out a specific survivor, the other survivors can influence their decision. Killers sometimes bait the "tunnel" to get someone else into a chase because the unhooker ran out farther than the unhookee. If you end up using endurance to protect the unhooker, body blocking the killer, the killer didnt tunnel you, you tunnelled yourself.

    Basically I do think that tunnelling is an unfun situation for the survivors to be in, however they do have more control over it than most care to believe.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    But which decision should be more worth it for killer. That should be going after unhooker. So Ds should be basekit with 3,5s stun.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Tunneling is just simply going after same survivor once he is unhooked.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    The best decision depends on a lot of circumstances.

    -How many gens are done

    -how skilled are the survivors(what youv'e witnessed so far)

    -****Do any survivors have items that are hampering your ability to efficiently kill all 4 survivors?*

    -Is the unhookee or unhooked the closest and most efficient target to go after?

    -What map are you on?

    -did any survivor bring items that stretch the distance between hooks? Gotta make hooks you get count more now!

    the list goes on and on. All together they give the killer the ability to make a decision on who they want to go after.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I don't think tunneling is bad thing when you struggle as killer but don't do it at 4-5 gens. I personally do more mini tunnel I go after same survivor can hook them twice in a row but not third time or sometimea when someone on death hook I might decide to take him out now but I have multiple hooks and other survivor on death hook as well so bit of tunneling maybe.

    But personally worst thing for me about tunneling is when you loop killer very long and he just wants you. Your team fails and come to try stupid bodyblocks or something and they all go down when last gen in is 90% completed... when they could easily finished it and get all out and maybe even get me out. Also when there is multiple cakes in game no-one enjoys if killer super tunnels I can say it's always blight and nurse other killers actually play more fair...

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I don't think, you can really apply the statement or argument about skill, if the survivor has no time to run and make it to a safe spot before the killer hits the same survivor again, refusing to hit the rescuer instead. This isn't about luck or skill anymore, but about your gameplay. You can't possibly claim that it takes skill to hit a survivor once if there's no obstacle in your way. I'd have accepted it, if you'd have presented in a better way - It takes skill to predict the survivor's movement and end chases quicker when you can't see or hear the survivor.. But this? This isn't about skill whatsoever.

    The way I see it, most players do carry the frustration over, which is .. I don't know, I don't understand it myself. If I get frustrated, I do play the match to its end and then take a break until I feel better or play something else.

    The tunneled person gets to play only like.. ~33% of the game, probably even less, as ~50% of the game is playing as a killer, then there're interaction between repairing generators and timing your skill checks, as well as cleansing and blessing the totems.. Healing and unhooking the survivors.. So, getting chased is only like ~15% of the game. That's like being forced to stay iddle or something.. And, no, I wouldn't say that they get to play the game the most, especially if the killer literally camps the hook, refuses to create longer distance than ~10 meters from the hook, and then runs after the unhooked survivor right-away and refusing to hit the healthy survivor, who's attempting to body block the killer and saving the unhooked survivor. This is absolutely the killer's fault for choosing the way the killer plays; You've mentioned that the killer gets to choose how they play, and if that's the case, then how come their gameplay isn't „their fault“, as in based on their decisions? That's one huge contradiciton, unless you've meant to present yourself in a different way and haven't.

    There're are no other reasons beside turning the match into your favor or to ruin the match to the tunneled player. What I don't understand is that you haven't mentioned any other reason, yet, you've disagreed with me and claimed that there are other reasons? If so, please, do mention them in your next response.

    Mmm, yes, pretty much. That's just the way PvP works. I'm not gonna argue here.

    That was quite of an exaggeration of mine, I can admit that.. But it is somewhat unsportsmanlike, dependable on the situation and reason for tunneling. If you do tunnel because ruining the matches does satisfy you, then it's clearly unsportsmanlike, just like it is unsportsmanlike to tunnel because the survivor is playing with character X instead of character Y; Such gameplay is marked as a bannable offense, I might add, but it's almost impossible to tell the reasonings as to why the killer targets the specific survivor; Sure, the reasons do eliminate each other in different case scenarios, but you'll always have to pick one or multiple possibilities, and in case of multiple possibilities, you'd never know which ones' taking the priority. For example, tunneling at five generators while having the majority of generators affected by white aura due to Surveillance's effect is unreasonable and done only to ruin the match to the player or to get the challenge done. You do tunnel, because the requirement is to win or perform better in the match, and your odds of performing better are greatly increasing with lower amount of survivors in the realm, afterall. But, it's absolutely reasonable to tunnel when three generators are done, and you've only hooked all survivors once.. That's absolutely understandable, and even if you tunnel that one survivor, it will very likely result in three or two escapes at max.

    No, not every reason is valid, because different reasons do apply under different circumstances. Like I've mentioned in this response, tunneling while the survivors are struggling to get even one generator done is absolutely unreasonable. You're putting them under so much pressure that they can't even recover, yet, you're going to put them even under more pressure? That's just unreasonable and overdoing it when it's not even close to necessary.. That's just being the party breaker.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    If i only have to hit the unhooked survivor right off the hook once, then your team didn't bring the right perks. That's the survivors decision. You seem to be attempting to blame the killer for bad decisions on the survivors part.

    It takes skill to know when tunneling is better than not tunneling. Just like when camping is better than not camping. They all have their uses. If a killer uses them wrong, survivors can make a decision that punishes the killers misstep.

    When i was a kid, I would carry that frustration over. Now i play so I can have fun...win or lose I say "GG" and move on to the next game as if its my first of the day. If a player cant handle their frustration, there are options....therapy, choosing other sources of fun that don't cause them mental suffering. ect..

    You keep saying its the killers "fault" but that is inaccurate. That is the killers decision. Fault is being responsible for an accident or misfortune, an error, mistake ect.. If the killer wins and tunneling worked, it wasn't a fault. Killers don't need to care about survivors feelings or gameplay. We need to kill all 4 survivors at the end of the game. You don't have a choice in the matter as a survivor. You have options for yourself but if you choose wrong, you'll be back here on the forum complaining more.

    I disagree with tunneling at 5 gens being wrong. If I chase a survivor at 5 gens and a flashlight starts hitting me, I'm going to remove that player from the game as quickly as possible. That flashlight is going to go away. if that means camping and tunneling at 5 gens....not a problem. There are reasons at 5 gens to do so.

    As a killer, I do not want to let up once I've created an advantage. I want to continue exactly what is working against that team. Each survivor team is different so what works against them are going to be different. I may camp and tunnel immediately if its an organized SWF. If its a casual team, Ill play more casual. The point needs to be driven home that survivors can massively influence the game with their own playing, but they have no say in the killers decisions.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427
    edited October 2022

    What even is there to think about tunnelling? It's one of the many reasons I stay away from survivor. Those who say it's fine don't know what it's like. If survivors bring BS items and "genrush", at least i GET to play the game.

  • johnlikesguns2
    johnlikesguns2 Member Posts: 82

    It's funny how entitled survivor mains want everything on their side. Before they try to do something about tunneling again they are going to have to do something about hyperfocus, toolboxes and proves. Plus all the sweat perks like CoH, lithes etc. You say it's not fun being tunneled, but is it fun for the killer in anyway with survivors constant healing? Popping gens so fast the killer can barely do anything? That's not fun, it's just frustrating. So yeah, try to fix tunneling or punish those who do it. But along with that, fix the survivor mode that should have been fixed quite some time ago.

  • johnlikesguns2
    johnlikesguns2 Member Posts: 82

    It's a common strategy. It works pretty well for killers and that's it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436
    edited October 2022

    Tunneling is a strategy picked by the Killer that the Survivors can counter but both the strategy and counter strategy have disparate skill floors (I'm not discussing camping here, only tunneling).

    The counters are taking hits for the tunneled person, if necessary taking a down, and waiting a bit before unhooking.

    As an example, if I see someone getting tunneled, if possible I body block the Killer and will go to the lengths of blocking a doorway so the Killer has to target me.

    I also don't unhook immediately. I get gen progress first so a Killer who is waiting to tunnel someone has to lose some precious time of us advancing our objective and them not advancing theirs.

    Games where people do take hits and trade hook states have a better outcome than those where survivors let their team fend for themselves. If the Killer gets a survivor out before 3 gens are done you'll probably also die. It also doesn't matter if you haven't been hooked before or if you're on death hook if you're the last survivor left; the next hook kills you.

    Helping your teammates survive until endgame helps you survive overall. There's problems, of course, with solo queue coordination but that's more reflective of how solo needs more information to reduce the delta between SWF and solo than the balance of tunneling overall.

    Personally, I would still like to see the DS nerf reverted and possibly working on both hook states as well as incentives such as basekit BBQ and Chili for Killers or a quasi Dying Light that encourage spreading hooks around more since the skill floor for tunnelling is a lot lower than the skill floor to counter tunneling though. It would be better to have both an incentive and disincentive working together to make tunneling less appealing.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    When I tunnel, its because I need pressure quickly due to a misplay or if the survs have really good gen pressure. Tunneling isn't about making someone wanna quit the game, its a strategy to win, and can be punished by competent survivors. I understand frustration with the mechanic, but to claim it is done solely to remove others enjoyment just demonstrates nescience on your behalf. Unless BHVR wants to add 40 seconds to generators, they will not and should not punish tunneling via banning or penalties.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'll say what I always say, bare in mind I mained killer on release but I'm more a survivor main now.

    So yes it can suck at times, especially when it's a killer like nurse but at the end of the dayit's apart of the game and a killer is gonna play how they see fit no different to survivors.

    You cant blame a killer for going after a weak link over and over, nor for playing in a way that may turn the tide and get them a W.

    I get tunneled alot, it's not the actual tunnel that bothers me but more my team rushing to save me so I can be tunneled out sooner or seeing my team not push gens as fast as possible while I'm being tunneled out. It's more annoying see your team throw an easy W while you're being the tunnel sacrifice... like dont let my death be in vein yano